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...once again... ...еще раз...

Форум  " sml-dev":

Оnce again . Do you like it or not, current XML and XML-related sowtware is forcing <?xml header in XML documents. ... ( дальше )

Форум  " Why Breed? Reasons to create new humans freely considered here.":

Now, after a repression of half a century due to Christian and Islamic, Fascist and Communist hierarchies and a mass murder of half a billion babies starved t o death, 10 million women killed by illegal abortion, 200 million young men killed by territorial wars and other incalculable multitudes killed by poverty, mass unemployment and genocides, the issue of overpopulation is once again imposing its overwhelming profile to the international community, because neither brilliant economists nor fascinating ideologists can explain one single plain fact - i.e. the only Third World countries which have... ( дальше )

Форум  " Reputation":

...once again you and I may have a much different opinion on who's making good music... ( дальше )

Форум  " Genetic Programming":

I once again publicly challenge Ferreira to respond to this simple argument, as doing so would not require waiting for additional studies to be performed, etc... ( дальше )

Рассылку ведет Анна Фарг


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