Embed this LotusScript in a button or in the postopen sub of a database script. With it, users can clear their local caches without deleting their cache.ndk files. Here is the code : ************************** Dim WorkSpace As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim DbCache As NotesDatabase Dim AllDocs As NotesDocumentCollection Dim Doc, nextDoc As NotesDocument Dim i As Integer On erreur Goto ErrorHandling Set DbCache = New NotesDatabase ("", "cache.ndk") Set AllDocs = DbCache.AllDocuments If AllDocs.Count > 0 Then Print "deleting documents from cache.ndk ..." Set Doc = AllDocs.GetFirstDocument While Not ( Doc Is Nothing ) i = i + 1 Set NextDoc = AllDocs.GetNextDocument ( Doc ) Print "deleting documents from cache (" & Cstr (i) & "/" & Cstr ( AllDocs.Count ) & ")" Call Doc.RemovePermanently ( True ) Set Doc = NextDoc Wend End If Print "Compacting cache.ndk" Call DbCache.Compact Exit Sub ErrorHandling : Resume Call WorkSpace.Prompt (1, "Cache.ndk Optimization", "An error has occured." ) ************************** Pascal LUCAS. http://www.upteamind.fr
"load compact -c -i" ignores all errors without warning causing database corruption in Lotus Domino 8.0.2
Abstract Running the "compact -c" command on IBM Lotus Domino Server version 8.0.2 encounters problems causing database corruption. This issue occurs only in version 8.0.2.
Content Running the "compact -c" command on IBM Lotus Domino Server version 8.0.2 encounters problems causing database corruption. This issue occurs only in version 8.0.2. "load compact -c":
Stops with error 02:0A and does not commence compacting until a certain size of the TMP file is reached.
"load compact -c -i":
Ignores all errors without warning and causes database corruption, resulting in the loss of data.
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# WTUZ7EEL85 and has been fixed in Lotus Domino 8.0.3.
If you have Lotus Domino 8.0.2, contact IBM Support to acquire the available hot fix.
Собственно я всегда всех предупреждаю, не использовать эту команду везде и реглярно, можа теперь кто передумает
Расскажи как ты пытаешься выпустить новый интернет сертификат для сервера?
Почему я это спрашиваю - при правильных действиях такого сообщения не должно выдаваться.
Расскажи как ты пытаешься выпустить новый интернет сертификат для сервера?
Почему я это спрашиваю - при правильных действиях такого сообщения не должно выдаваться.
Скажите, пожалуйста, в чем может быть причина, когда письмо не уходит на другой сервер, а сваливается в mail.box и некоторое время висит там, а потом все-таки уходит? В чем может быть проблема и как настроить роутер на быструю доставку почты? Спасибо!
One of the things holding me back from making DEXT available (apart form lack of time) was knowing the best way to deploy it. Because of the mix of JavaScript libraries in use (Prototype, DOJO, Mootools and jQuery) I had put all the files in a DB called toolkits.nsf which I bundled in to the download.
The trouble is that it made the additional database ~120MB and the Zipped download 25MB. Not that that's much by today's standards, but it made uploading new releases a bit of a pain for me.
To get round this I've opted to load all the various JavaScript libraries from Google's Ajax API "CDN". If you look again at the source code for a demo form on the app you'll see the libraries loaded like so:
Note the lack of "http:" from the URL. This allows you to switch to and from using SSL without worrying about "mixed content".
You can read mode about the benefits of using a third-party CDN in this write-up.
While I have my reservations about doing it this way I just think it makes the most sense. It's just a shame there's no hosted version of Ext. Apparently there never will be as Google don't want to host anything with less than a completely open licence.
My "codestore time" for today has been spent moving to this new way of doing things, so you'll have to wait another day for the download. I still need to work out how to provide it without the 1,000s of demo documents currently in it but with enough to make the demos work.
Error messages can be the bane of most Lotus Notes/Domino administrators' existence. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic -- with their accompanying answers from our panel of Lotus Notes/Domino experts and peers participating on ITKnowledgeExchange. From errors messages encountered when accessing Lotus Notes databases, to Lotus Notes 8 migration problems, to BlackBerry synchronization issues with Lotus Notes, we've got the answers.
For once I can deliver a promise to you. The Sandbox now has a new version of DEXT for downloading.
As a recap and for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's what DEXT is. It's all the (useful) demos I've made available as individual NSFs for download over the years. There were so many it was getting a mess. From now on I will add new demos to DEXT and release a new copy each time I do or as and when I make any improvements to the existing app.
And it does need improvements. So far it is just most of the demos quickly ported over from their own DBs. The whole thing need tying together a little better and I don't doubt there are bugs that you'll uncover.
Hopefully, having all the tips, tricks and working demos in one place will be of benefit for all us. Myself included. I often find myself in the middle of a new project and needing to solve a problem. Thinking "I did this somewhere before", I go off to find out where and trying to track down the demo NSF in question. It can take ages and sometimes I even give up looking.
Now that it's all in one place I don't have to look far for the code I know I've written before. Nor do you.
Another plus to the all-in-one solution is that I can add little tricks and techniques to it which wouldn't normally warrant their own demo database. DEXT is already much more than just the demos you'll see linked to from the homepage. It's also littered with other useful concepts - such as the WebSession class and library-based daily agents that update date-based views etc etc.
Anyway, let me know what you think about it. Good or bad. I'll be adding a "forum" to it at some point. In the mean time post any comments, bug reports etc here. Remember, the level of feedback I receive is my only indication of how much interest there is in it. I don't want to waste my precious spare time on something you don't want!
If I have a multiday gig like Lotusphere, lets say starts 1st Jan and goes on till 4 th Jan, the I shld be able just click on 9am on the 1st in a week or month view and drag till the 4th and it should pop up a calandar entry box to fill in the details for this entry.
The other thing wld be I have an entry on the 9th and now its going to spill over to the 10th and 11th , then I shld be able to click and drag the entry to cover the 10th and the 11th. Since the details are already there for the entry of the 9th, it will NOT pop up the calendar entry box for the details as in the previous example
A lot of clients especially those that get migrated from MS Ex to Domino as asking for this
If I have a multiday gig like Lotusphere, lets say starts 1st Jan and goes on till 4 th Jan, the I shld be able just click on 9am on the 1st in a week or month view and drag till the 4th and it should pop up a calandar entry box to fill in the details for this entry.
The other thing wld be I have an entry on the 9th and now its going to spill over to the 10th and 11th , then I shld be able to click and drag the entry to cover the 10th and the 11th. Since the details are already there for the entry of the 9th, it will NOT pop up the calendar entry box for the details as in the previous example
A lot of clients especially those that get migrated from MS Ex to Domino as asking for this
When you book a meeting room, be able to check an option for tea, coffee, ... with notification to the right person. Avoids putting comments, sending a second mail, .... you know the issues ;-)
When you register users, have an option to create an archive DB linked to the mailfile.
I'm in the middle of a migration of 500 users from Exchange. I can register the users via a text file but not create an archive DB for each one of them. This archive will in this case be used as target for their migrated Outlook data. Even with scripting this is difficult because you need to handle the archive profile etc...
I have tested an IBM idea : send a mail to all of those users, create an archiving policy to archive documents not modified in 1 day, launch a compact -a the next day .... very long and it doesn't work ! You have to open the mailfile and open the archive settings before it applies. Unacceptable, no?
Every person record in the Domino Directory states the email data for any given user. The information about the blog or the personal sharing space is missing. I would want to have additional fields for:
- The Blog (similar to eMail: specify the blog type and eventually create it)
- The Quickr Share space (and eventually create it)
For Groups: [x] Group is a community, [x] Groupblog (and create/manage ACL it if that blog lives in Domino)
It'll be useful to be able to change the "view type" (shared, contains documents not in any folder, private...) of existing views, so to folder.
Below is the scenario which triggered this thought:
I'm customizing my mail. The "Mail Threads" view can help to organize the fast growing mail and let me see the context. But it's not like the Inbox, which I can move a mail to other folders. I want to change the view to exclude documents in other folder.
I think other type transfer will be usful too.
I can compare the flags of different type of views and write some script to manage it although.
The Learning Plug-in for IBM® Lotus Notes® is a sidebar plug-in that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM Lotus Notes client, version 8 or higher. This article contain
The Learning Plug-In for IBM® Lotus Notes® is a sidebar plug-in that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM® Lotus Notes® client, version 8 or higher. More learn
In the world of e-forms, IBM® Lotus® Forms and PDF forms are the most two popular products. A Lotus Forms project can be categorized as two distinct tasks: migrating from existing e-forms and creating e-forms from scratch. We have found in our experience with IBM Software Services for Lotus that most forms projects involve migrating from PDF forms to Lotus Forms.
To place the widget on the left hand side of the blog, we'll start by opening the blog database. In the navigator, located on the left hand side, select Advanced. Still in the navigator, in the new