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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 304 от 2010-03-03
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Скриптом создается письмо в формате MIME, надо прикрепить файлы как обычные атачметы. Подскажите как это сделать.
Добавление еще одного поля Body_1 не подходит, т.к. в этом случае почтовики типа mail.ru не показывают файлы вложенные в это поле.
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Tips. Советы

It's easy to add your signature to e-mails, but what if you use different signatures for different types of e-mails? For example, you may have different signatures for internal and external communicat
Stuart McIntyre says you need to know about L048384 (UID related) and L046073 (ATOM API problem). He's posted descriptions of the problems and links to the patches.

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If you're familiar with Apple's 3D viewer, you'll recognize these effects. Niklas Heidloff has posted a demo of Hiroyuki Okamoto's 3D History Thumbnail Views for Lotus Notes.

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Erik Brooks is not happy. His site recently moved to 8.5.1, which is great, but... It seems there are a lot of old apps, going back to Domino 4.something, that have stopped working. He's posted some of the "suspect" code.

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Download the new "5 perspectives for Domino.doc migration" whitepaper, register for the webinar, or benchmark yourself against other Domino.doc users to find out what's right for you.

Find out the right direction for you.

This is a new article on the Lotus Expeditor Wiki, covering how to get started using Expeditor Toolkit for application development in Notes 8.5.1. There's a link to another article on using Expeditor Toolkit 6.2 with Notes 8.5.

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Paul Mooney has posted information on a Domino workshop planned for April 22, in London. This is aimed at people who are already experienced admins.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Gabriella Davis did a Sametime installation last week and ran into some problems understanding what was meant in parts of the documentation. She spent a lot of time with IBM support getting usable definitions, which she's posted to help you keep your installation running smoothly.

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This Notes and Domino Wiki provides a variety of settings you can check when your client starts complaining it can't find your server. The final entry is "sending information to your support desk", to which I might add "call to make sure the server is on-line."

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There's a bug when sending and retrieving HTML email from Domino that has been plaguing me for years now. Now I've finally decided to take the time to investigate fully and find a fix.

First, imagine the code below:

While i<100  j = 0 html ="" While j<i html = html + "split string " j=j+1  Wend Set mail = New Email() mail.Subject = "Test " + CStr(i) mail.HTML = html mail.Send("jake howlett")  i=i+5

What this does is send me 20 test emails. Each email is increasingly longer than the one before it and they all just repeat the words "split string" over and over.

The code to send the email is based on my Email class. All it does is create a multi-part MIME message. Nothing out of the ordinary. If you're using the MIME classes to send emails then this probably applies to you.

At some point in the loop the length of the message will get to such a size that something very worrying happens, as you can see below:


Notice the missing p?!

The Problem

From my investigations I've concluded the following:

If you use a 3rd party mail client (like Thunderbird) to download a multi-part HTML email from a mail file on a Domino server using POP3 then the POP3 server will remove the 655th character and put a line break in its place.

Looking at the very same email in the original mail file - using the Notes client - there's no missing character.

What I've also noticed is that it only removes the first 655th char. Not every subsequent 655th char in the whole string.

Obviously this can be very, very bad. At it's least worst, like in this example, it just looks like a typo. However, I've had numerous bug reports because it's broken the string inside an HTML tag, resulting in un-clickable links or -worse still - emails that just show raw HTML.

The problem seems only to occur when sending emails where the HTML content is made up of one very long string. I guess using very long strings is generally a bad idea in any case, but there's nothing actually wrong with it, and nothing half as wrong as the server removing characters.

The Solution

What we need to do is avoid very long lines of HTML code in the email. The obvious solution is to add line breaks in the HTML as you build it in your code.

Unfortunately, in my case, I have way too many instances of code sending HTML email to make it practical to go and add new line breaks in to each email. Instead, what I did was put a fail-safe in to the Email class which sends the email. At the point it adds the HTML to the email it adds a new line at every point an HTML tag is closed, like so:

Call stream.WriteText(Replace(Me.str_HTMLPart, ">", ">"+Chr(10)))

There's still a slight chance that there could be a long string that avoids this rule, but it's unlikely enough for me to feel happy this has resolved the issue for now.


So, you've been warned. If you're sending HTML emails to a Domino server, make sure you split the HTML string down in to sizeable chunks so that users who access their email via POP3 don't see broken HTML.

It all leaves me wondering why on earth the POP3 server would replace the 655th character in the first place. Assuming it does of course. My investigation wasn't exactly extensive but, from what I can tell, it definitely looks like it does. Why though? What's significant about 655? It's not like it's a base 2 number or anything.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Kendra Bowker
Tags: statistics
Each idea on an ideaspace shows the net promotions for the idea (promotions minus demotions).  It would be great to have the total net promotions for an ideaspace available as a statistic. Currently there's a total votes statistic only.

Author: Michele McConomy
Tags: tags status
Tags on the side bar should be enabled (or at least have as an option) to include all ideas within the repository - and not automatically be filtered by status.  In order to show full ideation and inspire more ideas, it is important to have it be comprehensive, even with those ideas that have been completed and rejected. 

We've updated the mobile web site with the ability to navigate to more blog entries than just the last 10 via a 'more' button. You can download the code here and go to the project to post defects and requests. For both view paging and to open ...
Author: Adam Gartenberg
Tags: calendar
I would like to be able to add a public comment to my calendar entries, so that people trying to schedule a meeting with me could hover over my availability to see additional details, rather than just whether I am available/unavailable (but less than if I shared the full calendar details).
For example, there are times where my calendar will look completely blocked for 3 days straight because I'm attending a conference (but may be able to squeeze in important meetings around sessions or in the mornings/evenings), while other times it will be completely blocked for 3 days straight because I'm on vacation (in which case I'd like other people to know that they need to wait for me to get back or contact my backup for urgent meetings).

Author: Randy Smith
Tags: Sections Twisties
In the Notes 8.x Standard client, the twistie icons for section titles are almost invisible for certain section border styles (Gradient, Tab Diagonal, etc.). 
In the Notes 6.5 client, the twisties were displayed to the left of the section title with the same color as the border color for the default style.  For the Gradient and Tab Diagonal styles (see attached screenshot), the twisties were displayed with the same color as the section title text, contrasted by the border color as the background.
In the Notes 8.x Standard client, the twisties are displayed in the same manner as Notes 6.5 for the default border style (displayed to the left of the section title with the same color as the border color).  However, for the Gradient and Tab Diagonal styles (see attached screenshot), the twisties are displayed with the same color as the border color (not the text color, an in Notes 6.5).  This makes the twistie icon invisible, with the the exception of a thin shadow line for 3D rendering.

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Статьи и Документация

- In Notes 8 go to the calendar view -Notice that under the views menu there is no two week view
This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of how to administer IBM Lotus Domino, explaining the fundamental components and terminology so that new administrators can feel familiar with the product. Specifically, we explain key features and functionalities such as the Notes.ini file, the Data Directory, IDs, server commands and documents, and server activities. Also included are discussions of server maintenance and NSDs.
Get started using IBM® Lotus® Expeditor Toolkit for development of applications for IBM Lotus Notes® 8.5.1. Learn which installation options to select, how to configure the toolkit, how to include the Notes.jar, and how to launch a sample application on your target environment. ...
Pierre Carlson has posted another excellent article in the [[http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lewiki.nsf|Lotus Expeditor wiki]] about creating application plug-ins for Notes clients. The article, ...
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