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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих : OzLand 1

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"Удивительная страна Оз" по частотному методу

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С сегодняшнего выпуска начинаю публикацию адаптированной мной по частотному методу книги Фрэнка Баума "The Marvelous Land of Oz".

Это вторая книга из серии книг о стране Оз.

Вкратце напомню суть метода: в оригинальном тексте даются подсказки в виде транскрипционной записи и перевода слов, которые не вошли в 1000 отобранных мной слов.

Эти 1000 слов состоят из около 500 слов, которые чаще всего встречались в первой книге "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" и из 500 слов, которые чаще всего встречаются в тексте второй книги "The Marvelous Land of Oz".

Первые пятьсот слов вы можете выучить с помощью "Сказочного курса обучения чтению", а для вторых пятисот слов я готовлю словарики, которые можно будет освоить с помощью тренажера Open Book.

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Приятного вам чтения.

The Marvelous Land of Ozt

by L. Frank Baum

Author's Note

AFTER the publication ["pAblI'keISqn] (публикации) of "The Wonderful Wizard of OZ" I began to receive letters from children ['CIldrqn] (детей), telling ['telIN] (говорящие) me of their pleasure ['pleZq] (удовольствие) in reading ['rJdIN] (чтения) the story and asking [RskIN] (просящие) me to "write [raIt] (написать) something more" about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. At first I considered these little letters, frank (искренние) and earnest ['E:nIst] (серьезные) though [Dqu] (хотя) they were, in the light of pretty compliments ['kPmplImqnts]; but the letters continued to come during succeeding [sqk'sJdIN] (следующие) months [mAnTs] (месяцы), and even years.

Finally I promised ['prPmIst] (обещал) one little girl, who made a long journey to see me and prefer her request [rI'kwest] (просьбу), -- and she is a "Dorothy," by the way -- that when a thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) little girls had written ['rItn] (напишут) me a thousand little letters asking [RskIN] (прося) for the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman I would write [raIt] (напишу) the book. Either little Dorothy was a fairy ['feqrI] (фея) in disguise [dIs'gaIz] (переодетая), and waved [weIvd] (взмахнула) her magic wand [wPnd] (палочкой), or the success [sqk'ses] (успех) of the stage [steIG] (театральной) production [prq'dAkSqn] (постановки) of "The Wizard of OZ" made new friends for the story, For the thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) letters reached their destination ["destI'neISqn] (пункт назначения) long since -- and many more followed them.

And now, although pleading ['plJdIN] (признавая себя) guilty ['gIltI] (виновным) to long delay [dI'leI] (задержке), I have kept my promise in this book.


Chicago [SI'kRgqu], June [Gu:n] (июнь), 1904

To those excellent good fellows ['felq(u)z] (товарищам) and comedians [kq'mJdiqnz] (комикам) David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations (воплощение) of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands ['Tauz(q)ndz] (тысячи) of children ['CIldrqn] (детей) throughout [TrH'aut] (по всему) the land, this book is gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью) dedicated ['dedIkeItId] (посвящается) by THE AUTHOR ['LTq] (автором)

Chapter 1. Tip Manufactures ["mxnju'fxkCqz] (изготовляет) a Pumpkinhead

In the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the North of the Land of Oz, lived a youth [ju:T] (юноша) called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole [hqul] (полное) name was Tippetarius ; but no one was expected [Ik'spektId] (никто бы не стал) to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well.

This boy remembered [rI'membqd] (помнил) nothing of his parents ['peqrqnts] (родителях), for he had been brought when quite young to be reared ['rIqd] (на воспитание) by the old woman known [nqun] (известной) as Mombi, whose reputation ["repjV'teISn] (репутация), I am sorry ['sPrI] (жаль) to say, was none of the best. For the Gillikin people had reason to suspect her of indulging [In'dAlGIN] (занятиях) in magical arts [Rts] (искусствами), and therefore hesitated ['hezIteItId] (с неохотой) to associate [q'squSIIt] (общались) with her.

Mombi was not exactly a Witch, because the Good Witch who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had forbidden [fq'bIdn] (запретила) any other Witch to exist [Ig'zIst] (существовать) in her dominions [dq'mInjqnz] (владениях). So Tip's guardian (опекунша), however much she might aspire [qs'paIq] (стремиться) to working ['wE:kIN] (занятиям) magic, realized ['rIqlaIzd] (отдавала себе отчет в том, что) it was unlawful ['An'lLful] (противозаконно) to be more than a Sorceress, or at most a Wizardess ['wIzqdqs] (волшебницей).

Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil [bOIl] (сварить) her pot [pPt] (котел). He also worked [wE:kt] (работал) in the corn -fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), hoeing ['hquIN] (тяпая) and husking ['hAskIN] (очищая от шелухи) ; and he fed [fed] (кормил) the pigs [pIgz] (свиней) and milked ['mIlkt] (доил) the four-horned [hLnd] (рогую) cow [kau] (корову) that was Mombi's especial [I'speS(q)l] (особая) pride.

But you must not suppose he worked [wE:kt] (работал) all the time, for he felt that would be bad [bxd] (плохо) for him. When sent to the forest Tip often climbed trees for birds' eggs [egz] (яйцами) or amused [q'mjHzd] (забавлял) himself chasing ['CeIsIN] (гоняясь за) the fleet [fli:t] (шустрыми) white rabbits ['rxbIts] (кроликами) or fishing ['fISIN] (ловя рыбу) in the brooks [bruks] (ручьях) with bent pins [pInz] (). Then he would hastily ['heIstili] (торопливо) gather ['gxDq] (собирал) his armful ['Rmful] (охапку) of wood and carry it home. And when he was supposed [sq'pquzd] (должен был) to be working ['wE:kIN] (работать) in the corn-fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), and the tall stalks [stLks] (стебли) hid [hId] (скрывали) him from Mombi's view, Tip would often dig [dIg] (рыл) in the gopher ['gqufq] (сусликовые) holes [hqulz] (норы), or if the mood [mHd] (настроение) seized [sJzd] (охватывало) him -- lie [laI] (ложился) upon his back between the rows [rquz] (рядами) of corn [kLn] (кукурузы) and take a nap [nxp] (дремал). So, by taking care not to exhaust [Ig'zLst] (истощить) his strength [streNT] (силу), he grew as strong and rugged ['rAgId] (крепкий) as a boy may be.

Mombi's curious magic often frightened her neighbors ['neIbqz] (соседей), and they treated ['trJtId] (обращались с ней) her shyly ['SaIlI] (осторожно), yet respectfully [rIs'pektfulI] (уважительно), because of her weird [wIqd] (сверхъестественных) powers ['pauqz] (сил). But Tip frankly ['frxNkli] (открыто) hated ['heItId] (ненавидел) her, and took no pains [peInz] (нисколько не заботился) to hide [haId] (скрывать) his feelings ['fJlINz] (чувства). Indeed, he sometimes showed [Squd] (выказывал) less respect [rI'spekt] (уважения) for the old woman than he should have done, considering [kqn'sIdqrIN] (принимая во внимание тот факт, что) she was his guardian.

There were pumpkins in Mombi's corn-fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), lying golden red among the rows [rquz] (рядов) of green stalks [stLks] (стеблей); and these had been planted ['plRntId] (посажены) and carefully tended ['tendId] (о них заботились) that the four-horned [hLnd] (рогая) cow [kau] (корова) might eat of them in the winter ['wIntq] (зимнее) time. But one day, after the corn [kLn] (кукуруза) had all been cut and stacked [stxkt] (убрана), and Tip was carrying ['kxrIIN] (нес) the pumpkins to the stable ['steIbl] (хлеб), he took a notion ['nquS(q)n] (пришла в голову мысль) to make a "Jack Lantern ['lxntqn] (фонарь) " and try to give the old woman a fright [fraIt] (испуг) with it.

So he selected a fine, big pumpkin -- one with a lustrous ['lAstrqs] (ярким), orange ['PrInG] (оранжево)-red color -- and began carving ['kRvIN] (вырезать) it. With the point [pOInt] (кончиком) of his knife he made two round eyes, a three-cornered ['kLnqd] (углами) nose, and a mouth shaped [SeIpt] (в форме) like a new moon [mHn] (месяца). The face, when completed [kqm'pli:tId] (закончено), could not have been considered strictly ['strIktlI] (в полном смысле) beautiful; but it wore a smile so big and broad [brLd] (широкую), and was so Jolly ['GPlI] (веселое) in expression, that even Tip laughed [lRft] (засмеялся) as he looked admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (с восхищением) at his work.

The child had no playmates ['pleImeIts] (друзей), so he did not know that boys [bOIz] (мальчишки) often dig [dIg] out (вырезают) the inside [In'saId] (внутреннюю часть) of a "pumpkin-jack," and in the space [speIs] (место) thus made put a lighted ['laItId] (зажженную) candle ['kxndl] (свечку) to render ['rendq] (сделать) the face more startling ['stRtlIN] (страшным); but he conceived [kqn'sJvd] (придумл) an idea of his own that promised ['prPmIst] (обещала) to be quite as effective [I'fektIv] (эффективной). He decided to manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] (изготовить) the form of a man, who would wear this pumpkin head, and to stand it in a place where old Mombi would meet it face to face.

"And then," said Tip to himself, with a laugh [lRf] (смехом), "she'll squeal [skwi:l] (завизжит) louder [laudq] (громче) than the brown [braun] (бурая) pig [pIg] (свинья) does when I pull [pul] (дергаю) her tail, and shiver ['SIvq] (затрясется) with fright [fraIt] (страха) worse [wE:s] (сильнее) than I did last year when I had the ague ['eIgju:] (лихорадка)!"

He had plenty ['plentI] (уйма) of time to accomplish [q'kPmplIS] (завершить) this task [tQ:sk] (задачу), for Mombi had gone to a village ['vIlIG] (деревню) -- to buy [baI] (купить) groceries ['grquseriz] (продукты), she said -- and it was a journey of at least two days.

So he took his axe to the forest, and selected some stout [staut] (крепкие), straight saplings ['sxplINz] (молодые деревца), which he cut down and trimmed [trImd] (обрезал) of all their twigs [twIgz] (ветки) and leaves. From these he would make the arms, and legs, and feet of his man. For the body he stripped [strIpt] (содрал) a sheet [Si:t] (слой) of thick [TIk] (толстой) bark (коры) from around a big tree, and with much labor ['leIbq] (трудом) fashioned ['fxS(q)nd] (придал ей форму) it into a cylinder ['sIlIndq] of about the right size, pinning ['pInIN] (приколов) the edges ['eGIz] (края) together with wooden pegs [pegz] (колышками). Then, whistling ['wIslIN] (насвистывая) happily ['hxpIlI] (со счастливым видом) as he worked [wE:kt] (работал), he carefully jointed ['GOIntId] (соединил) the limbs [lImz] (конечности) and fastened them to the body with pegs [pegz] (колышками) whittled ['wItld] (которым придал) into shape [SeIp] (форму) with his knife.

By the time this feat [fJt] (подвиг) had been accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (совершен) it began to grow [grqu] (становиться) dark, and Tip remembered [rI'membqd] (вспомнил, что) he must milk [mIlk] (подоить) the cow [kau] (корову) and feed [fi:d] (накормить) the pigs [pIgz] (свиней). So he picked [pIkt] up (поднял) his wooden man and carried it back to the house with him.

During the evening ['JvnIN] (вечера), by the light of the fire in the kitchen ['kICIn] (кухне), Tip carefully rounded ['raundId] (округлил) all the edges ['eGiz] (края) of the joints and smoothed [smHDd] (отшлифовал) the rough [rAf] (неровные) places ['pleIsIz] (места) in a neat [nJt] (ловко) and workmanlike ['wE:kmqnlaIk] (искусно) manner. Then he stood the figure ['fIgq] (фигуру) up against the wall and admired [qd'maIqd] (стал любоваться) it. It seemed remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (удивительно) tall, even for a full-grown man; but that was a good point [pOInt] (вещь) in a small boy's eyes, and Tip did not object [qb'Gekt] (не возражал) at all to the size of his creation [kri:'eISqn] (создания).

Next morning, when he looked at his work again, Tip saw he had forgotten [fq'gPtn] (забыл) to give the dummy ['dAmI] (чучелу) a neck, by means of which he might fasten ['fRsn] (прикрепить) the pumpkinhead to the body. So he went again to the forest, which was not far away, and chopped [CPpt] (срубил) from a tree several pieces of wood with which to complete his work. When he returned he fastened a cross-piece to the upper ['Apq] (верхнему) end of the body, making a hole through the center to hold upright the neck. The bit [bIt] (кусок) of wood which formed [fLmd] (образовывал) this neck was also sharpened ['SRp(q)nd] (заточен) at the upper ['Apq] (верхнем) end, and when all was ready Tip put on the pumpkin head, pressing ['presIN] (насаживая) it well down onto ['Pntu] (на) the neck, and found that it fitted very well. The head could be turned to one side or the other, as he pleased, and the hinges ['hInGIz] (шарниры) of the arms and legs allowed [q'laud] (позволяли) him to place the dummy ['dAmI] (чучело) in any position he desired [dI'zaIqd] (желал).

"Now, that," declared Tip, proudly [praudli] (с гордостью), "is really a very fine man, and it ought to frighten [fraItn] (напугать) several screeches ['skrJCIz] (визгов) out of old Mombi! But it would be much more lifelike ['laIflaIk] (правдоподобным) if it were properly ['prPpqlI] (как следует) dressed."

To find clothing seemed no easy task [tQ:sk] (задача); but Tip boldly ['bquldli] (храбро) ransacked ['rxnsxkt] (обшарил) the great chest [Cest] (сундук) in which Mombi kept all her keepsakes ['kJpseIks] (подарки) and treasures ['treZqz] (сокровища), and at the very bottom he discovered some purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюки), a red shirt [SE:t] (рубашку) and a pink [pINk] (розовую) vest [vest] (куртку) which was dotted ['dPtId] (усыпана) with white spots [spPts] (пятнышками). These he carried away to his man and succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (смог), although the garments ['gRmqnts] (одежда) did not fit very well, in dressing ['dresIN] (одеть) the creature in a jaunty ['GLntI] () fashion ['fxS(q)n] (). Some knit [nIt] (вязаные) stockings ['stPkINz] (чулки) belonging [bI'lPNIN] (принадлежащие) to Mombi and a much worn [wLn] (изношенная) pair [peq] (пара) of his own shoes completed [kqm'pli:tId] (завершили) the man's apparel [q'pxrql] (наряд), and Tip was so delighted that he danced ['dRnst] (танцевал) up and down and laughed [lRft] (смеялся) aloud [q'laud] (громко) in boyish ['bOIIS] (мальчишеским) ecstacy ['ekstqsi] (восторгом).

"I must give him a name!" he cried. "So good a man as this must surely have a name. I believe," he added, after a moment's thought, "I will name the fellow ['felqu] (приятеля) 'Jack Pumpkinhead!'"



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