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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих : OzLand 2

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Английский для начинающих и продолжающих

The Marvelous Land of Ozt

by L. Frank Baum

Chapter 2. The Marvelous Powder of Life

After considering [kqn'sIdqrIN] (обдумав) the matter carefully, Tip decided that the best place to locate [lqu'keIt] (установить) Jack would be at the bend in the road, a little way from the house. So he started to carry his man there, but found him heavy and rather awkward (неудобный) to handle ['hxndl] (управляться с) . After dragging ['drxgIN] (протащив) the creature a short distance Tip stood him on his feet, and by first bending [bendIN] (согнув) the joints of one leg, and then those of the other, at the same time pushing ['puSIN] (толкая) from behind, the boy managed to induce [In'djHs] (заставить) Jack to walk to the bend in the road. It was not accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (совершено) without a few tumbles ['tAmb(q)lz] (падений) , and Tip really worked [wE:kt] (работал) harder ['hQ:dq] (усерднее) than he ever had in the fields [fJldz] (полях) or forest; but a love of mischief ['mIsCIf] (озорству) urged [E:Gd] (подгоняла) him on, and it pleased him to test the cleverness ['klevqnIs] (искуссность) of his workmanship ['wE:kmqnSIp] (работы) .

"Jack's all right, and works [wE:ks] (работает) fine!" he said to himself, panting ['pxntIN] (тяжело дыша) with the unusual exertion [Ig'zE:Sqn] (напряжения) . But just then he discovered the man's left arm had fallen ['fLlqn] off (отвалилась) in the journey so he went back to find it, and afterward, by whittling ['wItlIN] (выстрогав) a new and stouter ['stautq] (более прочный) pin [pIn] (штырь) for the shoulder-joint [ 'Squldq-GOInt] ( плечевого сустава) , he repaired [rI'peqd] (отремонтировал) the injury ['InGqrI] (повреждение) so successfully [sqk'sesfqli] (удачно) that the arm was stronger ['strPNq] (сильнее) than before. Tip also noticed that Jack's pumpkin head had twisted ['twIstId] (повернулась) around until it faced [feIst] (оказалась со стороны) his back; but this was easily remedied ['remIdId] (поправлено) . When, at last, the man was set up facing ['feIsIN] (лицом к) the turn in the path [pRT] (тропинке) where old Mombi was to appear [q'pIq] (появиться), he looked natural ['nxCrql] (естественным) enough to be a fair [feq] (неплохой) imitation ["ImI'teISqn] (имитацией) of a Gillikin farmer, -- and unnatural [An'nxCrql] (неестественным) enough to startle ['stRtl] (напугать) anyone that came on him unawares ['Anq'weqz] (случайно, неожиданно) .

As it was yet too early ['E:li] (рано) in the day to expect [Ik'spekt] (ожидать) the old woman to return home, Tip went down into the valley ['vxlI] (долину) below the farm-house and began to gather ['gxDq] (собирать) nuts [nAts] (орехи) from the trees that grew there.

However, old Mombi returned earlier ['E:lIq] (раньше) than usual ['jHZuql] (обычно) . She had met a crooked [krukt] (горбатого) wizard who resided [rI'zaIdId] (жил) in a lonely ['lqunli] (отдаленной) cave [keIv] (пещере) in the mountains ['mauntInz] (горах) , and had traded ['treIdId] (обменялась) several important [Im'pLtqnt] (важными) secrets ['sJkrIts] of magic with him. Having in this way secured [sI'kjuqd] (завладев) three new recipes ['resIpIz] (рецептами) , four magical powders ['paudqz] (порошками) and a selection [sI'lekSqn] (набором) of herbs [hE:bz] (трав) of wonderful power ['pauq] (силы) and potency ['pqutqnsI] (мощи) , she hobbled ['hPb(q)ld] (ковыляла) home as fast as she could, in order to test her new sorceries ['sLsqriz] (чары).

So intent [In'tent] (занята мыслями) was Mombi on the treasures ['treZqz] (сокровищах) she had gained [geInd] (заполучила) that when she turned the bend in the road and caught a glimpse [glImps] (взгляд мельком) of the man, she merely nodded ['nPdId] (кивнула) and said:

"Good evening ['JvnIN] (вечер) , sir [sE:] (сэр) ."

But, a moment after, noting ['nqutIN] (заметив) that the person did not move [mHv] (двигался) or reply, she cast a shrewd [SrHd] (сообразительный) glance [glRns] (взгляд) into his face and discovered his pumpkin head elaborately [I'lxbqrqtli] (тщательно) carved by Tip's jack-knife.

"Heh!" ejaculated [I'GxkjuleItId] (воскликнула) Mombi, giving ['gIvIN] (издав) a sort of grunt [grAnt] (ворчание); "that rascally ['rRskqlI] (негодный) boy has been playing ['pleIIN] (играет) tricks [trIks] (шутки) again! Very good! ve -- ry good! I'll beat [bJt] (изобью) him black-and-blue for trying to scare [skeq] (напугать) me in this fashion ['fxS(q)n] (образом)!"

Angrily ['xNgrIli] (со злостью) she raised [reIzd] (подняла) her stick to smash [smxS] (ударить) in the grinning ['grInIN] (ухмыляющуюся) pumpkin head of the dummy ['dAmI] (чучела) ; but a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапная) thought made her pause, the uplifted [Ap'lIftId] (поднятая) stick left motionless [mquS(q)nlqs] (неподвижно) in the air.

"Why, here is a good chance [CRns] (шанс) to try my new powder!" said she, eagerly ['Jgqli] (воодушевленно). "And then I can tell whether that crooked [krukt] (горбатый) wizard has fairly traded ['treIdId] (обменялся) secrets ['sJkrIts], or whether he has fooled [fHld] (одурачил) me as wickedly ['wIkIdli] (гнусно) as I fooled [fHld] (одурачила) him."

So she set down her basket and began fumbling ['fAmblIN] (рыться) in it for one of the precious powders ['paudqz] (порошка) she had obtained [qb'teInd] (добыла).

While Mombi was thus occupied ['PkjupaId] (занята) Tip strolled [strquld] (пошел) back, with his pockets ['pPkIts] (карманами) full [ful] (полными) of nuts [nAts] (орехов) , and discovered the old woman standing beside his man and apparently [q'pxrqntli] (по всей видимости) not the least bit [bIt] (ни капельки не) frightened by it.

At first he was generally ['GenqrqlI] (в целом) disappointed ["dIsq'pOIntId] (разочарован); but the next moment he became curious to know what Mombi was going to do. So he hid [hId] (спрятался) behind a hedge [heG] (изгородью), where he could see without being seen, and prepared [prI'peqd] (приготовился) to watch [wPC] (наблюдать).

After some search the woman drew from her basket an old pepper-box, upon the faded ['feIdId] (выцветшей) label ['leIbl] (этикетке) of which the wizard had written ['rItn] (написал) with a lead-pencil [led'pensl] (графитовым карандашом):

"Powder of Life."

"Ah -- here it is!" she cried, joyfully ['GOIf(q)li] (радостно). "And now let us see if it is potent ['pqutqnt] (имеет силу). The stingy ['stInGI] (скупой) wizard didn't give me much of it, but I guess [ges] (думаю) there's enough for two or three doses ['dqusIz] (доз) ."

Tip was much surprised when he overheard ["quvq'hE:d] (услышал) this speech. Then he saw old Mombi raise [reIz] (подняла) her arm and sprinkle ['sprINkl] (посыпала) the powder from the box over the pumpkin head of his man Jack. She did this in the same way one would pepper a baked [beIkt] (печеную) potato [pq'teItqu] (картошку) , and the powder sifted ['sIftId] (посыпалась) down from Jack's head and scattered ['skxtqd] (рассыпалась) over the red shirt [SE:t] (рубашке) and pink [pINk] (розовому) waistcoat ['weIskqut] (жилету) and purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюкам) Tip had dressed him in, and a portion ['pLS(q)n] (часть) even fell upon the patched [pxtSt] (латаные) and worn [wLn] (поношенные) shoes.

Then, putting ['putIN] (кладя) the pepper-box back into the basket, Mombi lifted her left hand, with its little finger ['fINgq] (пальцем) pointed upward, and said:


Then she lifted her right hand, with the thumb [TAm] (большим пальцем) pointed upward, and said:


Then she lifted both hands, with all the fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами) and thumbs [TAmz] (большими пальцами) spread [spred] out (растопыренными), and cried:


Jack Pumpkinhead stepped back a pace [peIs] (шаг), at this, and said in a reproachful [rI'prquCf(q)l] (укоризненным) voice:

"Don't yell [jel] (кричите) like that! Do you think I'm deaf [def] (глухой) ?"

Old Mombi danced ['dRnst] (затанцевала) around him, frantic ['frxntIk] (в возбуждении) with delight [dI'laIt] (удовольствия).

"He lives!" she screamed [skrJmd] (закричала) : "He lives! he lives!"

Then she threw [TrH] (подбросила) her stick into the air and caught it as it came down; and she hugged [hAgd] (обняла) herself with both arms, and tried to do a step [step] (па) of a jig [GIg] (джиги); and all the time she repeated [rI'pJtId] (повторяла) , rapturously ['rxpCqrqsli] (восторженно) :

"He lives! -- he lives! -- he lives!"

Now you may well suppose that Tip observed [qb'zE:vd] (наблюдал за) all this with amazement.

At first he was so frightened and horrified ['hPrIfaId] (шокирован) that he wanted ['wPntId] (хотел) to run away, but his legs trembled ['tremb(q)ld] (дрожали) and shook so badly that he couldn't. Then it struck [strAk] (внезапно показалось) him as a very funny ['fAnI] (забавная) thing for Jack to come to life, especially as the expression on his pumpkin face was so droll [drqul] (чуднАя) and comical ['kPmIk(q)l] (комичная) it excited [Ik'saItId] (возбуждала) laughter ['lRftq] (смех) on the instant. So, recovering [rI'kAvqrIN] (оправившись) from his first fear, Tip began to laugh [lRf] (смеяться); and the merry [merI] (веселый) peals [pJlz] (смех) reached old Mombi's ears and made her hobble ['hPbl] (ковылять) quickly to the hedge [heG] (изгороди), where she seized [sJzd] (схватила) Tip's collar ['kPlq] (воротник) and dragged [drxgd] (потащила) him back to where she had left her basket and the pumpkinheaded ['pAmpkIn'hedId] (с головой из тыквы) man.

"You naughty ['nLtI] (дрянной), sneaking ['snJkIN] (подлый), wicked boy!" she exclaimed, furiously ['fju(q)riqsli] (в ярости):" I'll teach [ti:C] (научу) you to spy [spaI] out (выведывать) my secrets ['sJkrIts] and to make fun [fAn] (смеяться) of me!"

"I wasn't making fun [fAn] (не смеялся) of you," protested Tip. "I was laughing at old Pumpkinhead! Look at him! Isn't he a picture ['pIkCq] (красавец), though [Dqu] (все-таки)?"

"I hope you are not reflecting [rI'flektIN] (не размышляете) on my personal ['pE:snl] (личном) appearance," said Jack; and it was so funny ['fAnI] (забавно) to hear [hIq(r)] (слышать) his grave [greIv] (серьезный) voice, while his face continued to wear its jolly ['GPlI] (веселую) smile, that Tip again burst [bE:st] (разразился) into a peal [pJl] of laughter ['lRftq] (смехом) .

Even Mombi was not without a curious interest in the man her magic had brought to life; for, after staring ['steqrIN] (посмотрев) at him intently [In'tentli] (пристально) , she presently asked:

"What do you know?"

"Well, that is hard to tell," replied Jack. "For although I feel [fJl] (чувствую) that I know a tremendous [trI'mendqs] (очень) lot [lPt] (много) , I am not yet aware [q'weq] (знаю) how much there is in the world to find out about. It will take me a little time to discover whether I am very wise or very foolish ['fHlIS] (глупый) ."

"To be sure," said Mombi, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво) .

"But what are you going to do with him, now he is alive?" asked Tip, wondering.

"I must think it over," answered Mombi. "But we must get home at once, for it is growing ['grquIN] (становится) dark. Help the Pumpkinhead to walk."

"Never mind me," said Jack; "I can walk as well as you can. Haven't I got legs and feet, and aren't they jointed ['GOIntId] (скреплены суставами)?"

"Are they?" asked the woman, turning to Tip.

"Of course they are; I made 'em myself," returned the boy, with pride.

So they started for the house, but when they reached the farm [fRm] (фермерский) yard [jQ:d] (двор) old Mombi led the pumpkin man to the cow [kau] (коровий) stable ['steIbl] (хлев) and shut him up in an empty ['emptI] (пустом) stall [stLl] (стойле) , fastening [fRsnIN] (заперев) the door securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно) on the outside.

"I've got to attend [q'tend] (заняться) to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip.

Hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышав) this, the boy became uneasy; for he knew Mombi had a bad [bxd] (плохое) and revengeful [rI'venGful] (мстительное) heart, and would not hesitate ['hezIteIt] (не колеблясь) to do any evil ['Jv(q)l] (злую) thing.

They entered ['entqd] (вошли в) the house. It was a round, domeshaped ['dqum'SeIpt] (куполообразная) structure ['strAkCq] (постройка), as are nearly ['nIqli] (почти) all the farm [fRm] (фермерские) houses in the Land of Oz.

Mombi bade [beId] (попросила) the boy light a candle ['kxndl] (свечу), while she put her basket in a cupboard ['kAbqd] (шкаф) and hung her cloak ['klquk] (плащ) on a peg [peg] (вешалку) . Tip obeyed [qu'beId] (повиновался) quickly, for he was afraid of her.

After the candle ['kxndl] (свеча) had been lighted ['laItId] (зажжена) Mombi ordered ['Ldqd] (приказала) him to build [bIld] (приготовить) a fire in the hearth [hRT] (очаге) , and while Tip was thus engaged [In'geIGd] (занят) the old woman ate [et ] (ела) her supper ['sApq] (ужин) . When the flames [fleImz] (пламя) began to crackle ['krxkl] (потрескивать) the boy came to her and asked a share [Seq] (долю) of the bread [bred] (хлеба) and cheese [Ci:z] (сыра) ; but Mombi refused [rI'fjHzd] (отказала) him.

"I'm hungry!" said Tip, in a sulky ['sAlkI] (хмурым) tone.

"You won't be hungry long," replied Mombi, with a grim [grIm] (зловещим) look.

The boy didn't like this speech, for it sounded ['saundId] (звучал) like a threat [Tret] (угроза) ; but he happened to remember he had nuts [nAts] (орехи) in his pocket, so he cracked [krxkt] (разбил) some of those and ate [et ] (съел) them while the woman rose, shook the crumbs [krAms] (крошки) from her apron ['eIprqn] (передника) , and hung above the fire a small black [blxk] (черный) kettle.

Then she measured ['meZqd] (отмерила) out equal ['i:kwql] (равные) parts [pRts] (части) of milk [mIlk] (молока) and vinegar ['vInIgq] (уксуса) and poured [pLd] (налила) them into the kettle. Next she produced [prq'djHst] (достала) several packets ['pxkIts] (пачек) of herbs [hE:bz] (трав) and powders ['paudqz] (порошков) and began adding ['xdIN] (добавлять) a portion ['pLS(q)n] (часть) of each to the contents ['kPntents] (содержимое) of the kettle. Occasionally [q'keIZqnli] (время от времени) she would draw [drL] (подходила) near the candle ['kxndl] (свече) and read from a yellow paper ['peIpq] (бумажки) the recipe ['resIpI] (рецепт) of the mess [mes] (варева) she was concocting [kqn'kPktIN] (готовила).

As Tip watched [wPCt] (наблюдал за) her his uneasiness [An'JzInIs] (беспокойство) increased [In'krJst] (нарастало) .

"What is that for?" he asked.

"For you," returned Mombi, briefly ['brJfli] (кратко) .

Tip wriggled ['rIg(q)ld] (закрутился) around upon his stool [stHl] (табурете) and stared [steqd] (посмотрел) awhile [q'waIl] (немного) at the kettle, which was beginning [bI'gInIN] (начинал) to bubble ['bAbl] (закипать). Then he would glance [glRns] (поглядывал) at the stern [stE:n] (строгие) and wrinkled [rINk(q)ld] (морщинистые) features ['fi:Cqz] (черты) of the witch and wish he were any place but in that dim [dIm] (тускло освещенной) and smoky ['smqukI] (заполненной дымом) kitchen ['kICIn] (кухне), where even the shadows ['Sxdquz] (тени) cast by the candle ['kxndl] (свечей) upon the wall were enough to give one the horrors ['hPrqz] (кошмары) . So an hour passed away, during which the silence was only broken by the bubbling ['bAblIN] (кипением) of the pot [pPt] (котелка) and the hissing ['hIsIN] (шипением) of the flames [fleImz] (пламени).

Finally, Tip spoke again.

"Have I got to drink [drINk] (выпить) that stuff?" he asked, nodding toward the pot [pPt] (котелка).

"Yes," said Mombi.

"What'll it do to me?" asked Tip.

"If it's properly ['prPpqlI] (правильно) made," replied Mombi, "it will change [CeInG] (превратит) or transform [trxns'fLm] (трансформирует) you into a marble statue."

Tip groaned ['grqund] (простонал), and wiped [waIpt] (вытер) the perspiration ["pE:spq'reISqn] (пот) from his forehead with his sleeve [slJv] (рукавом).

"I don't want to be a marble statue!" he protested.

"That doesn't matter I want you to be one," said the old woman, looking at him severely [sI'vIqli] (строго).

"What use'll I be then?" asked Tip. "There won't be any one to work for you."

"I'll make the Pumpkinhead work for me," said Mombi.

Again Tip groaned ['grqund] (простонал).

"Why don't you change [CeInG] (превратить) me into a goat [gqut] (козла), or a chicken ['CIkIn] (цыпленка)?" he asked, anxiously. "You can't do anything with a marble statue."

"Oh, yes, I can," returned Mombi. "I'm going to plant [plRnt] (посадить) a flower garden ['gRdn] (сад), next Spring [sprIN] (весной), and I'll put you in the middle of it, for an ornament ['Lnqmqnt] (украшения). I wonder I haven't thought of that before; you've been a bother ['bPDq] (источник беспокойства) to me for years."

At this terrible speech Tip felt the beads [bJdz] (капли) of perspiration ["pE:spq'reISqn] (пота) starting ['stRtIN] (начали выступать) all over his body, but he sat still and shivered ['SIvqd] (дрожал) and looked anxiously at the kettle.

"Perhaps it won't work," he mutttered ['mAtqd] (пробормотал), in a voice that sounded ['saundId] (звучал) weak [wJk] (слабо) and discouraged [dIs'kArIGd] (уныло).

"Oh, I think it will," answered Mombi, cheerfully. "I seldom ['seldqm] (редко) make a mistake [mIs'teIk] (ошибку)."

Again there was a period ['pIqrIqd] of silence a silence so long and gloomy ['glu:mI] (мрачная) that when Mombi finally lifted the kettle from the fire it was close to midnight ['mIdnaIt] (полночи).

"You cannot drink [drINk] (пить) it until it has become quite cold [kquld] (холодным)," announced the old witch for in spite [spaIt] (несмотря) of the law [lL] (закон) she had acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (призналась в том, что) practising ['prxktIsIN] (занимается) witchcraft ['wICkrRft] (колдовством) . "We must both go to bed now, and at daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) I will call you and at once complete your transformation into a marble statue."

With this she hobbled ['hPb(q)ld] (заковыляла) into her room, bearing ['beqrIN] (неся) the steaming ['stJmIN] (испускающий пар) kettle with her, and Tip heard her close and lock [lPk] (заперла) the door.

The boy did not go to bed, as he had been commanded to do, but still sat glaring ['gleqrIN] (уставившись) at the embers ['embqz] (угли) of the dying ['daIIN] (угасающего) fire.




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