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Today we are going to speak about skills. A skill is the ability to do something well, especially because one has learned how to do it and practised it.

Speaking about one's skills we can say:

-Somebody is skilled at computer software, electronics...

-Someone is skilled in communicating, using PCs, working with large groups.

-Somebody is good with computers, figures, people.

Let's look at words that you can use to describe your skills:

-Self-starters, proactive, self-motivated, or self-driven – means that you are good at working on your own .

-Methodical, systematic and organised – means that you can work in a planned, orderly way.

-Computer-literate – means that you are good with computers.

-Numerate – means that you are good with numbers.

-Talented – means that you are naturally very good at what they do.

-Team players – means that you work well with other people.

We hope this material will be useful for you. Have a good business week!

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