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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English Advanced English Newsletter #155

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #155
Электронные записки для изучающих английский язык
Dear subscribers!

This week we are continuing our exploration of British English slang. It has taken several weeks and many a late night, but now the English in Russia A-Z of slang is finally online!

This comprehensive dictionary includes: slang terms, definitions and examples. It primarily focuses on British English slang, although several popular American borrowings have also been listed. We plan to explore American slang separately later on.

Slang is a particularly interesting area of any language in terms of lexical change and creativity in word formation. However, it also deals with taboo subjects, such as: sex, drugs, body parts and bad language. Therefore, if you are easily offended, please look away now! To read on, click here: A-Z of British English Slang!

Feel free to send us your comments by email.


Andrey Kostenko & Alex Jude

Автор рассылки: Andrey Kostenko  (c) 2001-2012 

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