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Продвинутый English Advanced English Newsletter #169

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #170
Электронные записки для изучающих английский язык
Dear subscribers!

It's been a while since we've talked, but I have not not come empty-handed. Recently I discovered an excellent website for those learning English as a second language at some advanced level and I picked up three topics that might be of particular interest to many.

  1. 1. Three adverbs that often cause difficulty are 'still', 'yet', and 'already'. A good place to start your review is this page that explains everything neatly through examples. Note how 'still' can be related to 'vse ravno' and 'vse eschyo' in Russian. Also note the position of 'still' with negative verbs. As to 'yet', use it when you talk about an action that is expected in the future. For example, instead of saying something ugly like 'have we already come'? just ask 'Are we there yet?' In my experience, the confusion between 'yet' and 'already' is perhaps the one that happens most frequently. Note how 'yet' can be used with the same meaning as when using 'still' i.e. 'vse eschyo'. Unlike 'yet', 'already' is used to refer to an action that happened sooner than expected. A good example is 'I already know what I'm going to buy you for your birthday'.
  2. 2. A much easier topic, in my view, is on the correct use of so and such. I would refer you to this page of the same website, for it does an excellent job of summarising the major points. Perhaps the use of 'such-and-such' would be new to many of you but the rest shuld not be difficult I think.
  3. 3. The usage of 'like' vs. 'as' and the past subjuntive after 'as if' is another topic worthy of reviwing. Here is the page to start with.
It's often a good learning practice to come up with your own summaries of various topics you feel you need to learn more about. Thare are many other quality on-line resources that can be useful, and they will be different depending on your current level of knowledge and understanding. It is useful to combine the material from different sources and structure it in the way that helps you understand the material best. There will be a point in time when you start to feel you have exhausted the topic and there is little new you can find about it. Leave it there. Then, at a yet later time, after many revisits to your notes and the write-up on the topic, you will see how your own stuff is the best. Best regards,
Andrey Kostenko
Автор рассылки: Andrey Kostenko  (c) 2001-2017  

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