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Английский язык. Пополняем словарный запас. #83 :: A Scandal in Bohemia (12)

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Английский язык. Пополняем словарный запас.

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A Scandal in Bohemia (12) [T]

It was a quarter ['kwLtq] (четверть) past [pQ:st] (после) six [sIks] when we left Baker ['beIkq] Street, and it still wanted ten [ten] minutes to the hour when we found ourselves [auq'selvz] (оказались) in Serpentine ['sE:pqntaIn] Avenue ['xvqnjH]. It was already dusk [dAsk] (сумерки), and the lamps [lxmps] were just being lighted ['laItId] (зажигались : light - зажигать) as we paced [peIst] (расхаживали) up and down in front of Briony Lodge [lPG], waiting for the coming of its occupant ['Pkjupqnt] (жилец). The house was just such as I had pictured ['pIkCqd] (представлял (себе) : picture - представлять (себе)) it from Sherlock ['SE:lqk] Holmes's succinct [sqk'sINkt] (краткое) description [dI'skrIpS(q)n] (описание), but the locality [lqu'kxlIti] (местность, район) appeared to be less private than I expected. On the contrary ['kPntrqri] (напротив), for a small street in a quiet [kwaIqt] (тихий) neighborhood ['neIbqhud] (округа, район), it was remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (необыкновенно) animated ['xnImeItId] (оживленный). There was a group of shabbily ['SxbIli] dressed [drest] men (оборванцы : shabby - потертый, поношенный; dressed - одетые) smoking ['smqukIN] (курящие) and laughing ['lRfIN] (смеющиеся) in a corner ['kLnq] (угол), a scissors ['sIzqz] (ножницы)-grinder ['graIndq] (точильщик) with his wheel [wJl] (колесо), two [tH] guardsmen ['gRdzmqn] (гвардейцы) who were flirting ['flE:tIN] (флиртовали) with a nurse ['nE:s] (нянька)-girl, and several well-dressed [drest] (одетые) young men who were lounging ['launGIN] (лениво прохаживались) up and down with cigars [sI'gRz] in their mouths [mauDz] (рты).

"You see," remarked [rI'mRkt] (заметил) Holmes [hqumz], as we paced [peIst] (шагали) to and fro ['frqu] (взад и вперед) in front of the house, "this marriage ['mxrIdZ] (свадьба) rather simplifies ['sImplIfaIz] (упрощает) matters. The photograph ['fqutqgrRf] becomes a double [dAb(q)l]-edged [eGd] (обоюдоострое) weapon ['wepqn] (оружие) now. The chances are that she would be as averse [q'vE:s] (нерасположенная) to its being seen by Mr ['mIstq]. Godfrey Norton , as our client is to its coming to the eyes of his princess [prIn'ses]. Now the question is, Where are we to find the photograph ['fqutqgrRf]?"

"Where, indeed?"

"It is most unlikely [An'laIkli] (маловероятно) that she carries it about with her. It is cabinet ['kxbInqt] (кабинетный) size. Too large for easy concealment [kqn'sJlmqnt] (сокрытие) about a woman's dress [dres] (платье). She knows that the King is capable ['keIpqb(q)l] (способен) of having her waylaid [weI'leId] (заманить ее в ловушку) and searched [sE:tSt] ((having her) ~ - обыскать). Two [tH] attempts of the sort have already been made. We may take it, then, that she does not carry it about with her."

"Where, then?"

"Her banker ['bxNkq] (банкир) or her lawyer ['lLjq] (адвокат). There is that double [dAb(q)l] (двойная) possibility ["posq'bIlIti] (возможность). But I am inclined [In'klaInd] (склонен) to think neither ['naIDq] (ни то, ни другое). Women are naturally ['nxtSr(q)lI] (по природе) secretive ['sJkrItIv] (скрытные), and they like to do their own secreting ['sJkrItIN] (окружать себя секретами). Why should she hand it over to anyone else? She could trust [trAst] (доверять) her own guardianship ['gRdiqnSIp] (опека, опекунство, попечительство), but she could not tell what indirect [In'dIrekt] (непрямое) or political influence ['Influqns] (влияние) might be brought to bear upon a business man. Besides [bI'saIdz] (кроме того), remember that she had resolved [rI'zPlvd] (приняла решение) to use it within a few days. It must be where she can lay [leI] (наложить) her hands upon it. It must be in her own house."

"But it has twice [twaIs] (дважды) been burgled ['bE:gld] (обыскан)."

"Pshaw ! They did not know how to look."

"But how will you look?"

"I will not look."

"What then?"

"I will get her to show me."

"But she will refuse."

"She will not be able to. But I hear the rumble ['rAmbl] (стук, грохот) of wheels [wJlz] (колеса). It is her carriage ['kxrIG] (карета). Now carry out my orders to the letter."

To be continued...


С наилучшими пожеланиями,

Алексей Винидиктов.

Программу с автоматической установкой шрифта PhoneticTM для отображения транскрипции можно скачать отсюда: www.vinidiktov.ru/d/fonts/phontm-setup.exe

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