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Английский с Лингвоманом

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Английский язык. Пополняем словарный запас.

Английский язык. Пополняем словарный запас
Узнайте, как запомнить МНОГО английских слов

Бесплатные материалы для изучения английского
Vocabilis - учите английские слова

Испытай свой словарный запас на прочность!


Задание 1. Соедините слова из группы А) со словами из группы В) так, чтобы получилось новое слово.

Например: good-looking

A) good, easy, ten, brand, part, first, well, north, short, badly, left, second

B) new, written, looking, hand, going, time, known, class, sleeved, handed, east, pound

Задание 2. Вместо пропусков вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова, данные в фигурных скобках.

a) They were both wearing short-… shirts.

b) We stayed in a five-… hotel.

c) There is a shop in London which sells things for left-… people.

d) He’s just bought a brand-… car.

e) The airport is about ten miles south-… of the city center.

f) One girl was very badly-…; she kept shouting during lunch and then threw food all over the floor.

g) She’s just got a part-… job; she works three hours a day.

h) It was a very badly-… article: I noticed lots of spelling mistakes.

i) They are very well-…, so they can afford to go to expensive restaurants.

j) It’s a twenty-… walk to the house, but it takes much less than that in the car.

k) She’s got a little stall in the market where she sells second-… things.

l) She was dancing with a very good-… young man.

m) I was astonished when when the man at the next table gave the waiter a ten-… note as a tip.

n) Have you ever met a well-… actor?

o) I had a nice time with my cousin – he’s good company and very easy-… .

{time, pound, handed, new, known, looking, behaved, star, off, sleeved, going, hand, west, written, minute}

Задание 3. Подберите антонимы (противоположные по смыслу выражения).

a) strong coffee – …
b) dry wine – …
c) a loud voice – …
d) wet weather – …
e) a strong accent – …
f) get on a bus – …
g) tell the truth – …
h) get in the car – …
i) catch the bus – …

Задание 4. У следующих предложений вторые части перепутаны между собой. Приведите в правильный вид.

a) I used to be medium but I need a large size now [the vast majority are small, medium or large.]

b) Fortunately the shop I go to has a wide range of shirts and jumpers [because I've put on weight.]

c) I’ve also got very broad shoulders [to choose from.]

d) A few men can’t find clothes to fit them, but [but my waist is quite small.]


 Автор выпуска Алексей Ермаков

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