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Повторение вопросов в Past Simple.

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No20 (21) от 2008-05-10
Подписчиков: 1083 чел.

Проверим  вопросы в Past Simple.
1. How long did you stay there?
2.Did you stay in a hotel?
3. Did you go alone?

4 How did you travel?
5. Was the weather fine?
6. What did you do in the evenings?
7.Did you  meet any interesting people?

 Напомню, что Past Simple   употребляется  в тех случаях, когда мы указываем время совершения  действия. Yesterday, last week ( month, year), when  I was a boy...., in 1989 and so on.
Остальные случаи употребления Past Simple рассмотрим позже. После того, как повторим Present Perfect.
А пока разбираем домашнее задание.
1.I feel very tired. We went to the party last night and have just returened home.
Мы выбрали здесь слово went, так как у нас есть last night.
2.Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we  chose to stay on a small island.
3.Everybody in our team played  badly except the captain.
Какая есть разница в употреблении слов bad и  badly?

Bad- прилагательное. Badly- наречие. Но есть много нюансов в употреблении наречий и прилагательных. И в тестах любят давать задания на такие нюансы.

 Пока рассмотрим  самое простое.
Study the examples: Our holiday was  too  short-  the  time  went QUICKLY. The driver of the  car  was  SERIOUSLY  injured  in  the accident.

adjective+ LY= ADVERB
Not all words ending in -LY are adverbs. Some adjectives  end  in -LY.
    friendly, lively, elderly, lonely, silly, lovely.

Adjective or adverb?
 We use adjectives before nouns and after a few verbs.  (especially BE).
            Tom is a careful driver. Be quiet, please. We didn't  go out because of the heavy rain. I was disappointed  that  my  exam results were so bad.

Особое внимание обратите на предыдущие строчки. Глагол to be .

4.You know much, but you know   less than your teacher.
Little-less-( the)  least
5 We feel sorry  for Sam because he hasn’t got any friends.
Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.
1.     Nursery, toys, blocks, comics. Слово- teddy bear
Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.
2) communication, dialogue, altitude, speaker

Excuse me, but does this unbrella belong  to you?
Belong to
I listened to the radio every day to know the weather forecast but I can never rely on it.
Rely on.

А теперь новые упражнения.
1.Mary will be ready soon. She ___ breakfast at the moment.
a)    has, b) have, c) was having, d) is having
2.    When I finally found the house, I knocked at the door but ___ the  answer.
 a) don’t hear, b) hasn’t heard  , c) didn’t hear,  d) heard

3.They spoke so quickly that I ____what they were speaking about.
 a) not understand, b) don’t understand, c) didn’t understand, d) hadn’t understand.
4.I was very tired. When I ___ to bed, I fell asleep immediately.
a)got, b)  has got, c) had got, d) will get
5.Actually , today I feel ____than I did yesterday.
 a) bad, b) worse, c) worst, d) the worst

6.Would you mind waiting ___.minutes?
A)    few, b) a few, c) little, d) a little.
7.I’m ___ interested  in languages than in mathematics.
a)    much, b) many, c) little, d) less.

8. The students often translate English texts ____Russian.
b)    a)to, b) in, c) into, d) on
9 . You are a great cook! This cake ____wonderful as usual.
c)    A) taste, b) tasted, c) will taste, d) tastes

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А. Соболевская

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