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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No21 (22) от 2008-05-12
Подписчиков: 1088 чел.

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§ 1. A gymnasium in South London is the home of female boxing in Britain — a much frowned-on, but nevertheless fast-developing sport. When I was asked to investigate 1 was full of apprehension. 1 had never visited a boxing gym before. Shortly after I arrived 1 took the opportunity to chat to trainer Tony Tossell, and asked him what his initial reaction to training women to box was.

§ 2. 'Obviously I thought it a bit of a joke when I started training them, but now they've had all the TV and newspaper coverage, it's just part of life really. They're good. It's not about being better or worse than men, I mean they're as good, and that's that. They can take boxing seriously, or they can use it to keep themselves fit, or to give themselves confidence to walk down the street. Anyone who hussies these women is going to think twice when they get hit on the jaw.'

§ 3. The women are aged from 12 to 26. The youngest member, who is Natasha, insists that girls are just as good as boys. 'I don't want to go on to fight. I just enjoy keeping fit. 'Jacqueline Carrigan, 17, has been boxing since the women's gym started. "I was a bit wary at first because 1 didn't want to hurt my face. I've lost 10 kilos
so it can't be bad.' The oldest member, Sue Atkins, is the unofficial British Ladies Lightweight Champion.

§ 4. Colleen Davidson who is responsible for the club says :'Women are excluded from boxing. It has always been a macho sport, and all of a sudden women want to enter their men's world and men do not like it. I think the time is near when they will have to give in.'

§ 5. The main boxing organizations refuse to recognize women's boxing. When I rang one of them, an official of the Amateur Boxing Association said: 'What boxing? There isn't any such thing as women's boxing. It's a male sport. Look - the British Medical Association object to male boxing, so I'm sure they'd be even more against women. There are a million reasons why, and quite frankly I haven't got time to go over them'.

§6. The BMA gave more solid reasoning.' The aim of the BMA is to stop boxing altogether. The damage to the brain is unacceptable, and the number of related deaths is too great.'
But do the BMA have specific objections to women and girls taking part? 'Boxing is as dangerous for women as it is for men, possibly more so, but our objection is to boxing in general. It isn't a question of gender.'

§ 7.When I left 1 was wiser about women's boxing but still confused. Who is right? The choice is yours.
Al. Natasha is
1) the youngest boxing girl.
2) a writer.
3) trainer.
A2. Trainer Tony Tossell thinks that
1) male boxers are better than women.
2) the idea of women boxing is a joke.
3) women can cope with boxing.
A3. The women who train at the gymnasium 1) are all teenagers. 2 ) box for several reasons. 3) all box competitively.
A4. Colleen Davidson thinks
1) boxing should remain a male sport.
2boxing is not really a macho sport
3) men don't like the idea of women boxing.
A5. The Amateur Boxing Association in Britain
1) pretends that women don't box at all.
2) accepts that some women box for fun.
3) gave lots of reasons against women boxing.

A6. Women's boxing is not recognised officially.
1)§1           2)§4          3)§5
 A7. Boxing is not good for health.
1)§4           2)§5           3)§6
 A8. Boxing helps to give oneself more confidence.
1)§2        2)§3        3)§7

A9. There isn't any such thing as women's boxing (§ 5).
1)такого явления, как женский бокс, не существует.
2)  Не существует другой такой же вещи, как женский бокс.
3) Ничто не может быть лучше женского бокса.

1) A10. The aim of BMA is to stop boxing altogether (§ 6).
1) Перед БМА стоит  цель всем вместе остановить бокс.
2) БМА ставит перед собой цель запретить бокс вообще.
Вообще говоря, БМА ставит задачу прекратить заниматься боксом.

All. The damage to the brain is unacceptable, and the number of related deaths is too great (§ 6).
1)Вред головному мозгу не ощущается, а число связанных  с этим смертей слишком преувеличено.
2) Мы отрицаем, что головному мозгу наносится вред,  а так же то, Что количество связанных  с ним смертельных случаев слишком велико.
3) Головному мозгу наносится недопустимый вред, и количество связанных с ним смертельных случаев слишком велико.

12/ …..do the BMA have specific objections to women and girls taking part? ( & 6)
1)…действительно ли БМА выдвигает возражения  против женщин, а девушки принимают в этом участие?
2) ….действительно ли БМА выдвигает особые возражения  против участия женщин и девушек?
3) …действительно ли БМА  и особенно женщины  и девушки  возражают против участия в этом?

Ответы:   1. 3. 2.3.1. 3.3.

Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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