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Глагол Should

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No50 (51) от 2008-11-15
Подписчиков: 1313 чел.

 Надеюсь, что глагол to walk вас не испугает в любом сочетании..
А теперь глагол Should. Но возьмем для начала правило не из привычного источника. А все у того же Питера.
We can use 'should' after 'reporting verbs' such as
demand  insist  propose  recommend  suggest
∙    He demanded that we should pay for the repair.
∙    She insisted that she should pay for the meal.
∙    I have proposed that he should take charge of the organization.
∙    The committee recommends that Jane should be appointed.
∙    We have suggested that Michael should be given a reward for his hard work.
However, it is also possible to say exactly the same thing by omitting the 'should' and just using the infinitive form without 'to' . Some people call this the 'subjunctive' form.
∙    He demanded that we pay for the repair.
∙    She insisted that she pay for the meal.
∙    I have proposed that he take charge of the organization.
∙    The committee recommends that Jane be appointed.
∙    We have suggested that Michael be given a reward for his hard work.
We can use 'should' after various adjectives. Typical examples are :
funny  interesting  natural  odd  strange  surprised  surprising  typical
∙    It's funny that you should say that. I was thinking exactly the same thing.
∙    It's interesting that they should offer him the job. Not an obvious choice.
∙    It's natural that you should be anxious. Nobody likes speaking in public.
∙    Isn't it odd that he should be going to the same tiny hotel? What a coincidence.
∙    It's strange that you should think so. Nobody else does.
We can use 'should' in 'if clauses' when we believe that the possibility of something happening is small.
∙    If you should happen to see him before I do, can you tell him that I want to speak to him urgently?
∙    If there should be a problem, just give me a call and I'll sort it out.
∙    If anyone should ask where I am, say I'm in a meeting.
We use 'should' in various fixed expressions.
To show strong agreement
∙    They're paying you compensation?   I should think so.
To express pleasure when you receive a gift
∙    What a fantastic present. You really shouldn't have.
To emphasize  a visible emotion
∙    You should have seen the look on her face when she found out that she had got the promotion.   
В следующий раз посмотрим наш привычный учебник.
 А пока новые упражнения.  
33. On... there are twenty students present every day.
a. general  c.  whole
d.  principle
b. average
34. My sister has a... baby.
a. two-months-old
b. two-month-olds
c. two-months-olds
d. two-month-old
35. There are too many... in the barn.
a. mouse                              c. mouses
b. mice                                d. mices
36. There's... traffic in the diy rmiir.
a. too much                          c. loads of
b. too many                          d. several
37. 1 usually see my father... tunes a week.
a. a little                              c. enough
b. a few                               d. not many
38. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday. ... is getting married.
a. a friend of me                   c. one my friends
b. a friend of mine                d. ones of my friends
39. We couldn't buy anything because... of the shops were open.
a. all                                    c. none
b. no one                              d. nothing
40.... don't visit this part of the town.
a. the most tourists                c. most tourists
b.  most of tourists                 d. the most of tourists
 41. - Where's the nearest shop here?
a. In ten minutes walk.
b. Over there, opposite the bank.
c.  It's mile and a half.
d. In a ten's minute walk.

42. She can't stand washing up.
a. Nor can I.                        c. Nor I can.
b. Nor can I stand.               d. Neither I can.

43. - Shall I fetch you a cup of tea?
a. Thanks, don't fetch.                     c. Thanks, I don't want.
b. Thanks, you needn't bother.          d. Don't mention it.

44. The game that is especially connected with England is:
a. cricket                            c. ice-hockey
b. basketball                       d. lawn-tennis
45. Members of Parliament in Great Britain are elected:
a. every four years                c. every six years
b. every five years                d. every seven years

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А. Соболевская

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