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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No51 (52) от 2008-11-22
Подписчиков: 1265 чел.


33. On average there are twenty students present every day.
On average-запомнить.
34. My sister has a two-month-old baby.
We say "a holiday of three weeks" but "a three-week holiday."
Here, THREE-WEEK is used as an adjective before "holiday."When we  use "three-weeks" as an adjective, it loses the S. So we say:
A ten pound note, A four-week English course, two 14-year-old girls,
a six-hour journey.
Это строчки из учебника, но я рекомендовала всегда своим ученикам просто вызубрить эти примеры и по аналогии….
35. There are too many mice in the barn.

36. There's too much traffic in the day-time .
37. I usually see my father a few times a week.

38. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday.. A friend of mine   is getting married.

39. We couldn't buy anything because  none of the shops were open.
You can also use these words( all, none, most) with OF...  So  you can say SOME OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THESE CARS. When you use these words with OF, you need THE/ THIS/ THAT/ THESE/ THOSE/ MY/  YOUR/ HIS... You cannot say ' some of people, all of cars...' You  must say : some of the people, all of these cars. Some of  the  people at the party were very friendly.  Most  of  my  friends  live  in London. None of this money is mine. Each  of  the  rooms  in  the hotel has its own bathroom. I haven't read many of  these  books. With ALL and HALF we usually leave out OF. All my friends  =  all of my friends. Half the money = half of the money.
 After ALL OF / NONE OF you can also use  IT/ us/ you/ them. All of us, half of them.
Be careful with most.

40. Most tourists don't visit this part of the town.
Это предложение в тесте взято прямо из учебника .
41. - Where's the nearest shop here?
-. Over there, opposite the bank.

42. She can't stand washing up. Nor can I.                        

43. - Shall I fetch you a cup of tea?
-. Thanks, you needn't bother
44. The game that is especially connected with England is: cricket                            
45. Members of Parliament in Great Britain are elected every five years.                

А теперь о should из обычного учебника.
TOM has just come from the cinema. - Hello, Tom.  Did  you  enjoy  the film? - Yes, it was great. You should go and see it.
The government should do something about the economy,
Should we invite Sue to the party? Yes, I think we should.
You've been coughing a lot recently. You shouldn't smoke so much.
 Should is not so strong as MUST .
You should -лучше всего переводится как «вам следует»
You should  stop smoking / =It would be a good idea./
You must stop smoking. = / It is necessary that you stop./
We often use  SHOULD when we ask  for or give an opinion about something often we use I THINK/ I DON'T THINK/ DO YOU THINK?
I think the government should do smth. about the economy.
I don't think you should work so hard.
We also use should  to say something is not right or not what we expect. The price of this packet is not right. It says 65 pence but it  should be 50.
Those children  shouldn't be playing. They should be at school.

For the past we use SHOULD HAVE DONE to say that someone did the wrong thing. - Hello, Ann. The party last night was great. You  should  have come. Why didn't you?
Обратите внимание на следующие строчки.
You can use  OUGHT TO instead of should in the sentences:
It's really a good film. You ought to go and see it.
It was a great party. You ought to have come.
SHOULD to say that something will probably happen:
- Do you think you'll be late home tonight? -  I  don't  think  so.  I should be home at the usual time. Here, I SHOULD BE home means 'I will probably be home.'
IF YOU SHOULD SEE TOM  this evening, can you tell him to phone me? If you see Tom = with should , but the speaker is less certain.
If it should rain, can you bring in the washing from the garden? Should after the verbs:  suggest, propose, recommend. insist, demand. They insisted that we should have dinner with them.  =  they  insisted that we had dinner with them.
Be careful with SUGGEST. You cannot use the infinitive after SUGGEST. What do you suggest we shoud do? Jim suggested that I should buy a car.
 You can use should after these adjectives:
IMPORTANT, STRANGE, FUNNY, NATURAL,  SURPRISED,  TYPICAL,  INTERESTING, SURPRISING. It's strange that he should be late. He is usually on time. I was surprised that he should say such a thing.

В этом выпуске много нового материала. Изучите. Подумайте над примерами. Запишите их в свою тетрадь.  Других заданий пока не будет.
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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