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English-подготовка к тестированию за 2 года новые задания

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No1 (105) от 2010-01-15
Подписчиков: 1943 чел.

 Продолжим осваивать новые структуры.
   -ing clauses- Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
a) a clause is a part of a sentence. Some sentences have 2 clauses: Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
in this sentence, I WENT TO BED EARLY is the main clause.
FEELING TIRED is the - ing clause.
b) When 2 things happen at the same time, you can use - ing for one of the verbs. The main clause usually comes first. :
She was sitting in an armchair reading a book.
I ran out of the house shouting.
We also use- ing when one action happens during another. use - ing for the longer action.
The longer action is the second part of the sentence.
Jim hurt his arm playing tennis. I cut myself shaving.
You can also use -ing after WHILE and WHEN.
Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis. Be careful  when  crossing  the road.
c) When one action happens before another action, you can  use  HAVING (DONE) for the first action.
HAVING FOUND  a hotel, they looked for somewhere to have dinner. Having finished our work, we went home.
You could also say  AFTER- ING.
After finishing our work we went home.
If the second action happens immediately after the first, you can  use the simple - ing form ( doing instead of HAVING DONE).
Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door. These structures are used mainly in written English.
d) You cam also use an - ing clause to explain something  or  to  say  why someone did something.
The - ing clause usually comes first:
Feeling tired, I went to bed early. ( because I felt tired).
Being  unemployed,  he  hasn't  got  much  money.  (  because  he   is unemployed).
Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around.
Having already seen the film twice, I didn't want to go to the cinema. These str. are used more in written English than in spoken English.
Проработайте все примеры и заучите предложения.
 Теперь для новеньких
Немного о  GOING TO........
There is a film on TV tonight. Are you going to watch it?
No, I'm too tired. I'm going to have an early night.
I hear Ann has won a lot of money. What is she going to do with it? I've heard she's going to travel round the world.
What time are you meeting Ann? or / what time are you  going  to  meet Ann?
 I'm travelling to Scotland on Monday.
We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car.
We use GOING TO when we say what we think will happen.  Usually  there is something in the present situation that makes the  speaker  sure  about what will happen.
Особое внимание 2 примерам ниже.
Look at those black clouds!  It's going to rain.
Oh, I feel terrible! I think, I'm going to be sick.
Запишите их в свою тетрадь, постарайтесь запомнить.
Теперь артикли
1. Someone who saw the robbery called the police.
2.The old, the sick, the unemployed need our special care.
the rich, the poor, the old, the young, the blind-слепые, the deaf -¬глухие, the sick- больные, the dead, the disabled-нетрудоспособные,
the unemployed, the injured-покалеченные.
Обратите внимание, что все эти слова во множественном числе.
¬That man over there is collecting money for the blind. ( для слепых).

These expressions are always plural. You cannot say "a blind", you have
to say: "a blind man"

Who was the first astronaut who landed on the Moon?
 What happened at the end of the film? – I am sorry to say, but I haven’t seen the film.
А теперь домашнее задание.
1.    He says his train ... at 8 a.m. He's packing his things at
the moment.
a) leave, b) leaves, c) has left, d) would leave
2. The baby ….because it is hungry now.
a) crying, b) is crying, c) cries, d) cried.
3. The first person who…. the finishing line is the winner.
a) crosses, b) cross, c) crossed, d) will cross
4) Mathematics .... hard. I do not understand it.
a) are, b) is, c) was, d) were.
5. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays ....piano very well.
a)a,  b)an,  c) the, d) -.
6. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed....him
a) on, b) under, c) at, d) about
7. We feel sorry... Sam because he has not got any friends.
a) for, b) about, c) with) d) by
8....poor people need help from the government/
a)-, b) The, c)A   d) This
9.The government should help .....poor.
 a) -, b) the, c) a. d) that
 Будьте очень внимательны при выполнении задания 8 и 9.
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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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