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Совершенствуй свой Английский What are you addicted to?

Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"              

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        Мы предлагаем вам рассылку, где публикуются практические материалы для увеличения словарного запаса и для усвоения грамматики. В данном уроке рассматриваeтся лексика на тему What are you addicted to?

Вы можете прослушать этот урок, перейдя по этой ссылке:

 What are you addicted to?

Arienne, Norway

What am I addicted to (склонный к ч-л, постоянно ч-л делающий в силу привычки)? Unfortunately (к сожалению), I'm addicted to smoking, which is really bad because cigarettes are very bad for everyone's body and health basically. In Norway (в Норвегии), where I'm from, we're not allowed (не разрешено) to smoke in restaurants, whereas (поскольку) a lot of other places in the world people smoke in restaurants, so when I'm abroad (за границей) it makes it very difficult to try to quit (бросить), which I have many times.

Jeff, Canada

I'm addicted to exercise, physical activity (физические нагрузки). I played sports all my life and I do it every day and I need to do it every day and if I don't do it every day then I don't feel very good so I'm addicted to sports.

Fred, Canada

What am I addicted to? Well, I believe I am addicted to going to the gym (спортзал) every day. When I have a lot of work from school, or I feel stressed out (утомляться, нервничать), it really relieves (освобождать) me from quite a bit of pressure (давление) and so I think going to the gym is a good thing for me.

Kevin, Korea

Oh, I'm addicted to sweets (конфеты). I like to eat chocolates, cookies (печенье), especially puddings (пудинг). These puddings are really good. I my fridge (холодильник) I have... I always keep at least three or four puddings, always there ready for eating.

Reky, Indonesia

I'm addicted to TV shows. Now there is a very interesting TV show called (называется) Heroes (герои). It comes every Monday night, so I usually download (скачивать) it and I can watch it. I like heroes because it's a fiction (фантастика) story and there are very interesting characters (герои, персонажи) inside it. And the character, the people have supernatural power (сверхъестественные способности), so people... someone can disappear (исчезать) or read people's minds (читать мысли людей) or can do many different things, so I kind of like it. It's very interesting.

Rebecca, Australia

What am I addicted to? I am addicted to chocolate. I can eat chocolate every morning, lunch and dinner. My favorite chocolate is milk chocolate. I do like white chocolate as well, and I also love bananas, chocolate and ice-cream all together. That is my favorite meal of the day... is chocolate. 


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Суббота:    12.00-13.30

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