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 Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio

Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции.


 Technology has become integral part of twenty first century. I believe that contribution technology has made to modern life is mainly positive, though it has come along with several downsides. All in all, the quality of human life has improved with new technology inventions in day to day life.

Today technology has pierced in every aspect of our lives: from entertainment to communications, travel and tourism to nuclear weapons. Modern televisions, electronic game consoles, latest movie theatres have given a whole new dimension to entertainment industry. Communication has become zoom speedy, thanks to latest technology phones, computers and internet services. Emails, text messages have made daily contact with society so easy and feasible. Travel and tourism industry is flourishing in this technological era. Jet planes, automatic cars have made travel around the globe super fast. Believe it or not, health care has improved drastically because of cutting edge technology today. Cures to many life threatening diseases like cancer, heart diseases are only being made possible because of latest inventions and equipments. 

"Every coin has two sides", modern day technology also has created several negative effects in human lives. Many people see technology as a force that has escaped from human control. They believe technology has made life very complicated. People fail to enjoy simple pleasures of life like watching a sunrise, hearing birds chirping or smelling fragrant spring flowers. They have become so hooked to latest technology that living. Simple life is almost unimaginable today. Thinking about spending 24 hours without internet or phone makes us feel bored! Hand written letters have become a thing of past, walking and biking is now replaced with running on electronic treadmills in an indoor exercise gym. 

I agree that in spite of these downsides of technology and inventions, our lives have become better. We are more efficient and productive in day to day lives. In an age where time is so precious, technology is revolutionary way of improving quality of our lives.



1) What do you think about technology now? Is it very different from technology 10 years ago?

2) Do you think technology is expensive, cheap?

3) Does it help the world/ society?

4) What type of technology do you have at home? Home appliances, gadgets, electronics etc.

5) Would you prefer to have an electronic gadget as a present over a pet, flowers, clothes?

6) What words can you try to use to describe technology now? e.g. sophisticated, expensive, easy, difficult give at least 5 words and explain why.

7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

8) What improvements can be done in technology?

9) If you had the chance, would you invent something? 

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