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Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 32 (271) от 2015-01-15  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 18019


Дорогие читатели!

Сегодня мы начинаем новою историю, написанную Дж. Д. Хэгером "Мистер усики" (“Mister Mustache” by J. D. Hager).

“Mister Mustache”
by J. D. Hager

I shrugged my shoulders. "Muy borracho," I said, and everybody in the kitchen burst out laughing, even the dishwasher with the lazy eye and the broken teeth. Я пожал плечами. "Очень пьяно," - сказал я, и все разразились смехом, за исключением посудомойщика с затуманенным взглядом и сломанными зубами.
I couldn't tell whether they thought I was funny or stupid. I wasn't even sure what I thought myself. Я не мог точно сказать, они смеялись потому что я выглядел глупо или смешно. Я до конца сам не был уверен в том, как я выгляжу.
I took the soup pots into the dining room. I filled the bread warmer with a few bags of sourdough rolls, and then took one out and gnawed on a corner of it like a caged rodent. Я отнес кастрюли с супом в обеденный зал. Я заполнил хлебопечь несколькими мешками с закваской, затем вынул один хлебец и надкусил его, как грызун в клетке.
Mr. Spatz suddenly swept into the room, inspecting the table setup and the general appearance of everything. He didn't have his EDF clipboard with him, but I knew it was probably close at hand. Неожиданно в комнату величаво вошел мистер Спартз, проверяя обстановку и готовность столов. У него не было с собой планшета с ДФС, но я знал, что он где-то под рукой.
I quickly tossed the roll I was eating into the garbage. Eating rolls was grounds for an EDF. Я быстро выбросил заготовку в мусорное ведро. Поедание заготовок отражалось в ДФС.
Spatz stalked through the dining room with his hands behind his back and his sharp eye searching for any flaw in the dining aesthetic. Спатз величаво шел через обеденный зал, заложив руки за спину, и острым взглядом выискивал оплошности в оформлении обеденной эстетики.
He paused and leaned in close at one table in particular. He carefully picked a wine glass up by the stem and held it toward the window. Он остановился возле одного из столов и близко склонился над ним. Он аккуратно взял за ножку один из бокалов и поднес его напротив окна.
He wanted to know who had set the wine glasses out. Spatz stared me down, and I became painfully aware of the background muzak. Он хотел знать, кто расставлял бокалы. Спатз смутил меня своим взглядом, и я начал болезненно ощущать уже давно заевшую пластинку.
Of course it was one of the wineglasses I'd set out. I wanted to confess my mishandling of glassware, but still had a mouthful of sourdough and could not immediately speak. Cirilo approached Spatz and said that he had set the tables. Конечно же это был один из тех бокалов, что я выставлял. Я хотел признать то, что это я оставил отпечаток, но у меня во рту все еще была закваска, и я не мог говорить. К Спартзу подошел Цирило и сказал, что это он накрывал на стол.
Spatz set the wineglass back on the table and told him he had done an excellent job. Superb, he said. He patted Cirilo on the shoulder and then looked back at me. He told me he hoped I was taking notes. Спатз вернул бокал на стол и сказал, что он все прекрасно сделал. Великолепно, сказал он. Он похлопал Цирило по плечу, затем взглянул на меня. Он сказал, что надеется на то, что я принял это к сведению.
I didn't know whether to feel relieved that I wasn't in trouble or angry that Cirilo had stolen a tiny piece of praise that could have been mine. Я не знал, чувствовать ли мне облегчение от того, что я избежал неприятностей, или же злиться за то, что Цирило украл малую похвалу, которая могла стать моей.
Cirilo carried a bucket of ice over to the rear of the dining room, and poured it into the extra large ice bin next to the ice tea machine. When the ice bin was nearly empty in the morning it was possible to read a warning label attached to the side near the bottom of it. Цирило отнес ведерко со льдом в заднюю часть обеденной залы и высыпал его в огромное ведро для льда, которое было установлено рядом с машиной для холодного чая. Когда ведро было практически пустое утром, то можно было прочесть предупреждающую табличку, которая находиться практически у дна.
It read this ice chest is not intended to store ice for human consumption. Это означало, что этот лед не предназначен для употребления.
One of our most important jobs as busboys was to keep this ice bin filled, brimming so the label was always covered with the ice we used for waters and ice teas. Not intended to store ice for human consumption. Одна из наших задач, как официантов, заключалась в том, чтобы ведро было заполненно до краев льдом, который прикрывал табличку, и этот лед мы добавляли в воду и холодный чай. Не имея в виду лед, не предназначенный для употребления.
I always felt confused in the face of it, paralyzed by this moral dilemma. Я всегда себя чувствовал неловко, скованный этой моральной дилемой.


shrug-пожимать плечами
muy borracho - очень пьяно
burst out laughing - разразиться смехом
lazy eye - затуманенный взгляд
sourdough roll - закваска
gnaw - отгрызть
rodent - грызун
sweep - ходить величаво
stalk - величавая поступь
flaw - порок
lean - нагибаться
stem - ножка
stare down - смутить взглядом
confess - признавать
approach - подходить, приближаться
superb - великолепно
pat - похлопать
relieved - облегченно
praise - похвала
bucket - ведро
rear - задняя сторона
brim - наполнять до краев
intended - имеющийся в виду


I shrugged my shoulders. "Muy borracho," I said, and everybody in the kitchen burst out laughing, even the dishwasher with the lazy eye and the broken teeth. I couldn't tell whether they thought I was funny or stupid. I wasn't even sure what I thought myself.

I took the soup pots into the dining room. I filled the bread warmer with a few bags of sourdough rolls, and then took one out and gnawed on a corner of it like a caged rodent. Mr. Spatz suddenly swept into the room, inspecting the table setup and the general appearance of everything. He didn't have his EDF clipboard with him, but I knew it was probably close at hand. I quickly tossed the roll I was eating into the garbage. Eating rolls was grounds for an EDF.

Spatz stalked through the dining room with his hands behind his back and his sharp eye searching for any flaw in the dining aesthetic. He paused and leaned in close at one table in particular. He carefully picked a wine glass up by the stem and held it toward the window. He wanted to know who had set the wine glasses out. Spatz stared me down, and I became painfully aware of the background muzak.

Of course it was one of the wineglasses I'd set out. I wanted to confess my mishandling of glassware, but still had a mouthful of sourdough and could not immediately speak. Cirilo approached Spatz and said that he had set the tables. Spatz set the wineglass back on the table and told him he had done an excellent job. Superb, he said. He patted Cirilo on the shoulder and then looked back at me. He told me he hoped I was taking notes. I didn't know whether to feel relieved that I wasn't in trouble or angry that Cirilo had stolen a tiny piece of praise that could have been mine.

Cirilo carried a bucket of ice over to the rear of the dining room, and poured it into the extra large ice bin next to the ice tea machine. When the ice bin was nearly empty in the morning it was possible to read a warning label attached to the side near the bottom of it. It read this ice chest is not intended to store ice for human consumption. One of our most important jobs as busboys was to keep this ice bin filled, brimming so the label was always covered with the ice we used for waters and ice teas. Not intended to store ice for human consumption. I always felt confused in the face of it, paralyzed by this moral dilemma.

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