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Brazil: Hundreds join anti-Bolsonaro protests in Rio de Janeiro

Brazil: Hundreds join anti-Bolsonaro protests in Rio de Janeiro
2018-10-21 07:34
Hundreds of protesters gathered in the city centre of Rio de Janeiro to protest against Brazilian frontrunner and right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro on Saturday. Protesters can be seen drumming, dancing, shouting slogans and waving flags as they protest in the centre of Rio. One of the protesters, Matheus Almeida, explained that he participated in the protest «because with Bolsonaro what it represents is fascism, back to a military dictatorship and an end to public education.» Bolsonaro won 46 percent of the vote in the first round of voting on October 7, with Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers' Party (PT) coming second with 30 percent. The second round of the election is scheduled for October 28.

«Оно вам надо?»: Рай — наш, трудно быть Трампом и это вам не травка
2018-10-21 07:36
Не надо мелочиться. Теперь не только Крым, но и Рай наш. Очерки оборонной доктрины Владимира Путина. Почему американские масс-медиа обвиняют президента в провале внешней политики. Это вам не травка, это теперь — каннабис. Зачем канадское правительство легализовало марихуану.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 21.10.2018 (08:40)
2018-10-21 08:40

USA: NYC's modern-day witches cast hex on Kavanaugh
2018-10-21 10:25
A coven of modern-day witches cast a hex on newly-confirmed US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at a gathering in New York City on Saturday. Members of religious groups confronted supporters of the event, holding crucifixes, preaching the Bible, and arguing with participants, as shown in footage filmed on Saturday. The 'witches' were protesting the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, after hearings and weeks of controversy surrounding an allegation that he committed sexual assault as a teenager.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 21.10.2018
2018-10-21 10:35
Конец эпохи деревянного модерна или все-таки нет? Снос дома архитектора Яковлева на улице Луначарского в Калуге приостановлен. Что дальше? В воздухе и на воде - по повышенной ставке: депутаты областного парламента увеличили транспортный налог для владельцев яхт и самолетов. Под прицелом видеокамер: в пострадавшем от вандалов сквере «Содружество» на Кубяка установят средства наблюдения. Прошло как по маслу: в индустриальном парке «Ворсино» начал работу французский завод по производству автосмазочных средств. То берег левый нужен им, то берег правый: речные переправы через Оку завершили работу. Какими видами транспорта на воде можно воспользоваться сейчас?

Косачев: заявление Трампа о выходе из ДРСМД похоже на шантаж
2018-10-21 10:47
Заявление американского президента Дональда Трампа о выходе США из Договора о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дальности (ДРСМД) больше похоже на продолжающийся шантаж, чем на свершившийся юридический акт. Так считает глава международного комитета Совета Федерации Константин Косачев.

Рябков: Москва рассчитывает на разъяснения по Договору о РСМД
2018-10-21 10:58
Заместитель министра иностранных дел России Сергей Рябков заявил: Москва осуждает попытки Вашингтона добиться от России уступок в сфере стратегической стабильности. Дипломат подчеркнул: обвинения США в адрес России надуманны и, видимо, направлены на то, чтобы скрыть нарушения со стороны Пентагона.

Вести. Эфир от 21.10.2018 (11:00)
2018-10-21 11:00

Евгений Спицын. История СССР № 152. I-й Съезд народных депутатов СССР и его роль в истории страны
2018-10-21 11:00
Сто пятьдесят вторая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная I-му Съезду народных депутатов СССР и его роли в истории страны.

USA: Ann Coulter discusses Trump's wall, 'the illegals' at Politicon
2018-10-21 11:47
Ann Coulter, Conservative commentator: «I, I am not, I mean he's, he's — this is is own fault — he's surrounded himself with people who do not agree with the MAGA agenda, he seems to have hired a lot of Never-Trumpers for the White House, and as I predicted in my columns during the transition, if you surround yourself with people like that, they're going to come running to you and say 'Oh this can't be done, we have to worry, there's going to be a lawsuit, we can't do it, we can't do it.' He's the commander-in-chief.» Ann Coulter, Conservative commentator: «Well that's what he's talking about doing now, putting the military on the border, and I don't think it's a really great solution. I mean, what are they going to do — shoot the illegals? It's better than nothing, but — I mean, having them there, but that's why we wanted a wall.» Ann Coulter, Conservative commentator: «I thought he said it beautifully one — during the campaign — right about the time my book 'In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome' was coming out, there were rumours of him softening his position on immigration. It was a little depressing, I'd have to — it'd be the shortest book tour in world history if he had done that, and then, I don't know if you remember, he gave a big immigration speech in Phoenix. And it's worth going back and looking up, it was absolutely beautiful, it was perfect, every point was right, and quickly, I would say the main points of it are immigration policy is just another government policy, it should be based on what's good for the people already living here.» Political firebrand Ann Coulter discussed the Central American migrant caravan, immigration policies and Trump's border wall with Ben Stein and the public at Politicon in Los Angeles on Saturday. Coulter slammed Donald Trump for not being tough enough on immigration policies and welfare for undocumented immigrants. She criticised Trump's suggestion of sending troops to the US-Mexico border, saying: «I don't think it's a really great solution. I mean, what are they going to do — shoot the illegals? It's better than nothing — I mean, having them there, but that's why we wanted a wall.» Politicon is a two-day political convention featuring political commentary, panels, debates and performances. It runs from October 20-21.

Убийство в консульстве: Кушнер «ослепил» Трампа
2018-10-21 11:58
Международная федерация журналистов требует санкций против Эр-Рияда из-за гибели Джамаля Хашогги. В Лиге арабских государств, напротив, просят не политизировать дело о смерти оппозиционного журналиста. Убийство обозревателя The Washington Post — по-прежнему тема номер один для прессы по всему миру.

США выходят из ракетного договора с Россией
2018-10-21 12:31
Президент США Дональд Трамп заявил о намерении США выйти из договора с Россией о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности (РСМД). Трамп подчеркнул, что Россия нарушила условия этого договора, однако не стал вдаваться в подробности. Договор призван содействовать обороне США и их союзников в Европе и на Дальнем Востоке. Он запрещает США и России хранить, производить и испытывать крылатые ракеты наземного базирования с радиусом действия от 300 до 3 тысяч 400 миль.

Обвинения в адрес России: США обошлись даже без highly likely
2018-10-21 12:31
Чем Дональд Трамп объясняет свое решение о скором выходе из важнейшего договора между Россией и США, и чего теперь стоит ожидать от Соединенных Штатов?

Syria: Hostages released by IS reunite with loved ones in Sweida
2018-10-21 12:39
The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) has released two women and four children on Saturday who had been held hostage since an attack on the southern Syrian city of Sweida in July. Footage shows the freed women and children received and greeted by their families, locals and officials. The women and children were among some 30 people who were captured during an IS raid on Sweida on July 25.

Бизнес против памяти: градостроительная политика Петербурга
2018-10-21 12:45
18 октября в Доме Галича в Петербурге прошла открытая встреча активистов градозащитных групп. Они обсудили проблему уничтожения свидетельств блокады Ленинграда. Последний вопиющий случай такого рода — снос 2 октября техникой строительного холдинга RBI части Левашовского хлебозавода, памятника регионального значения. Пытаясь защитить память о войне, градозащитники сталкиваются с бездействием властей и чиновников, с нежеланием органов охраны объектов культурного наследия идти против строителей-бизнесменов, с наглым нарушением действующего законодательства.

Дмитрий Зеленов: Кокорин в суде не плакал
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 1/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: защитник напирал на эмоции, а не на факты
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 2/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: «Зениту» нужен Кокорин
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 3/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: в интервью Семак был более осторожен
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 4/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: защита боролась, бодалась, как могла
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 5/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: мы не толчем воду в ступе
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 6/9.

Дмитрий Зеленов: сторона Кокорина сделала только хуже для Кокорина
2018-10-21 13:00
Обозреватель «СЭ» Дмитрий Зеленов говорит и показывает. Часть 7/9.

Сергей Собянин рассказал о развитии транспорта и медицины в Москве
2018-10-21 13:40
Строительство новой станции «Савеловская» Большой кольцевой линии метро вошло в финальную стадию. К концу года она может принять первых пассажиров. На перспективной схеме эта станция отмечена как «Нижняя Масловка», но ее решили переименовать, поскольку новая «Савеловская» станет частью крупного пересадочного узла. О грандиозной подземной стройке и многом другом рассказал мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин.

Iran: Thousands of pilgrims trek to Karbala for Arbaeen
2018-10-21 13:40
Iranian pilgrims crossed Iran-Iraq borders on foot in order to arrive in Karbala on October 30th for the annual Shia pilgrimage of Arbaeen, footage captured by Iranian state TV in Shalamcheh, Khuzestan province on Sunday showed. Iranian pilgrims travelling to Iraq by land could choose from three border crossings, Shalamcheh, Chazzabeh and Mehran. But it was not easy for them to secure an Iraqi visa. «It has been 2 years that I have prepared my passport and set money for this trip aside, but it is this year that I can eventually have this trip,» one Iranian pilgrim said. The Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala in Iraq is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, marking the 40th day after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in the seventh-century. Hussein is said to be the third Shia Imam and the Prophet Mohammed's grandson.

Украина: число иностранных судов в Крыму снизилось
2018-10-21 14:49
Об этом сообщает украинское министерство по вопросам временно оккупированных территорий. По его данным с августа прошлого года по сентябрь нынешнего в акваториях Крыма зафиксировали чуть более 1200 судов.

Afghanistan: Polling extended after delays and violence
2018-10-21 14:59
Voters lined up outside polling stations in Kabul on Sunday after Afghanistan's electoral commission announced that it would extend voting in the parliamentary elections in some parts of the country, as many polling stations failed to open on the first day of polling. Many voting centres across the country opened late or not at all after being hit by terror attacks, as well as experiencing problems with the recently introduced biometric voting system and running out of voting materials. Some Afghans waited hours to vote, only to be told the polling stations would not open. «Yesterday I was waiting outside the polling centre all day to cast my poll but unfortunately, I could not do it. The security personnel said that that the polling staff and papers hadn't arrived yet,» said one woman. Polling stations were rocked by explosions after the polls opened on Saturday, with nearly 170 people across the country being killed or injured in election-related violence.

Около миллиона человек вышли на митинг в Лондоне
2018-10-21 15:45
В Лондоне около миллиона британцев вышли на митинг. Он стал самым масштабным за последние 15 лет. Люди выступают против выхода страны из Евросоюза и требуют провести второй референдум. Премьер Великобритании Тереза Мэй отказалась принять участие в шествии. Она без результатов недавно вернулась с саммита. Напомним, официальный «развод» Брюсселя и Лондона намечен на март.

Мигранты пытаются найти обходные пути в США
2018-10-21 15:46
Мигранты из Гондураса пытаются найти обходные пути, чтобы пробраться через Мексику в США. Десятки человек прорвали пограничный забор и бросились к мосту через реку Сучиате. Накануне полицейским пришлось использовать слезоточивый газ и перцовые баллончики. К южной границе Мексики подошли уже более четырех тысяч беженцев. Было решено открыть путь для женщин и детей. Дональд Трамп уже заявил, что прекратит помогать Гондурасу, если власти не остановят беженцев.

Мосгорсуд решил оставить Мамаева и Кокорина за решеткой
2018-10-21 15:49
Суд пока решил оставить Павла Мамаева и Александра Кокорина за решеткой. При этом глава петербургского «Зенита» Сергей Фурсенко уверяет, что его клуб совсем не может играть без Кокорина.

После реставрации: москвичи возмущены новым обликом дома на Маросейке
2018-10-21 15:54
Москвичи возмущены тем, во что превратился дом на Маросейке после реставрации. Исторический особняк раскрасили в красно-желтый цвет. В соцсетях пишут, что новый фасад сделали «для прикола», называют его «адским диснейлендом» и задаются вопросом «Здесь ли живет Карлсон?» Власти Москвы уже начали проверку владельцев здания.

Germany: Munich activists protest against nuclear plant closures
2018-10-21 16:45
Pro-nuclear activists rallied in the centre of Munich on Sunday, to demand a halt to nuclear plant closures. Protesters blamed Germany for abandoning its 2020 climate goals and setting a path for the destruction of the Hambach forest, in order to mine for coal. “We should shut down coal plants instead of nuclear plants. The government has just set the wrong priority. And the climate will pay the price,» said rally organiser Amadeus Schermer. “If Germany wants to be a manufacturer of some of the best cars in the world, they need the energy. So it either has to come from coal or from nuclear. And they chose coal,” US environmentalist Eric Meier said. “And it's bad for the environment.” Despite larger investments in renewable energy infrastructure, Germany's emissions have not changed since 2009 according to a report by research and policy organisation Environmental Progress. The reason given is because the country has abandoned its nuclear power sources, forcing it to rely more heavilly on coal.

Россия грозит США ответными мерами из-за выхода из договора о ракетах
2018-10-21 16:59
Министерство иностранных дел России назвало «шантажом» заявление президента США Дональда Трампа о намерении выйти из Договора с Россией о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности (ДРСМД). Трамп обвинил Москву в нарушении этого договора. В российском дипломатическом ведомстве обвинения в адрес России назвали «надуманными» и пригрозили Вашингтону «предпринимать ответные меры, в том числе военно-технического характера».

Трамп о выходе из договора с Россией о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности
2018-10-21 17:15
Президент США Дональд Трамп заявил о намерении выйти из Договора с Россией о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности. Он объяснил свое решение тем, что Россия нарушила условия этого договора. В Москве это решение назвали «шантажом»

Italy: See dramatic helicopter rescue of man stuck on roof in flood-struck Sicily
2018-10-21 17:16
People trapped on roofs were rescued by Italian firefighters flown in by helicopter near Catania on Friday, as eastern Sicily was hit by flooding. The footage was released on Sunday. The flooding was caused by violent storms which lashed the provinces of Catania and Siracusa, where high water levels and mud covered roads and swept into houses. Firefighters were flying over the area in a bid to find those stranded on rooftops or inside their cars.

Президенты России и Узбекистана дали старт строительству АЭС
2018-10-21 17:32
Алайский базар — неизменный поставщик всего самого свежего: и фруктов, и новостей. У каждого прилавка и в каждой чайхане — только и разговоров, что об атомной станции, которую Россия и Узбекистан будут строить вместе.

В Польше проходят выборы в местные органы власти
2018-10-21 17:36
Основная борьба разворачивается между правящей консервативной партией и про-европейской.

Moldova: Thousands of pro-EU party supporters take part in ‘For Moldova’ rally
2018-10-21 18:39
Thousands of people took part in a rally organised by the ruling Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) in Chisinau on Sunday, to hear the announcement of the party’s programme for the upcoming years. The demonstrators chanted «PDM» and «Moldova» and held banners with slogans such as «Actions, not words,» «Good roads for Moldova,» and «Chisinau for Moldova.» They reportedly support what they see as the efforts of the PDM to modernise the country and improve citizens' living conditions. Several opponents of the Democratic Party reportedly arrived at the rally. They were blocked by the police. PDM is in favour of a European path for Moldova and supports the Association Agreement with the EU.

Italy: South Tyrol regional elections underway amid 'dual passport' strife
2018-10-21 18:45
The Governor of South Tyrol Arno Kompatscher downplayed the topic of dual passports, an issue raised in the lead up to the regional elections, after he cast his vote in the local parliamentary ballot, in Fie allo Sciliar on Sunday. «I believe that the topic of the dual passport has had minor relevance during the election campaign. During that time, there were other topics [focused on],» said Kompatscher. Austria's coalition government has offered to give Austrian passports to the majority German-speaking citizens of the South Tyrol region. Lega Nord candidate for the region Massimo Bessone said the introduction of dual passports could weaken the region's autonomy, and warned against it. «Autonomy no longer makes sense with the introduction of the dual passport, especially since it creates first and second class citizens,» he said. Security and immigration were among the main themes of the campaign, but in the province of South Tyrol, the political debate was also influenced by Austria's passport offer.

Taiwan: Rescue op. continues after train derailment kills at least 22
2018-10-21 18:59
Rescue work is ongoing following an express train derailment that killed at least 22 people and injured another 170 in northeastern Taiwan’s Yilian County on Sunday. The Puyuma Express train was carrying 366 passengers onboard when it went off the tracks around 4:50 pm local time. Five of the eight carriages were overturned. All surviving passengers were removed from the train at around 9:30pm, as hundreds of rescuers and military personnel deployed to the scene. An investigation is underway to find out the cause of the crash, according to Taiwan Railways Administration. The incident is the country's deadliest rail tragedy since 30 were killed in a 1981 collision in northern Taiwan. Mandatory Credit: NTDTV

Greece: Masked men storm Canadian embassy with sledgehammers — reports
2018-10-21 19:26
A group of around 10 masked men with sledgehammers reportedly attacked the Canadian Embassy in Athens on Sunday. The attacks happened at around 6 in the morning, with the assailants smashing the glass at the entrance and splashing red and black paint onto the facade, according to local media. The self-described anarchist group Rubicon reportedly later claimed responsibility, saying on its website that the attack was aimed at the activities of a Canadian mining company in northern Greece. Rubicon (Rouvikonas in Greek) has conducted a number of similar attacks on other public buildings in Greece.

Taiwan: Rescue efforts continue after deadly train derailment
2018-10-21 19:40
Rescue work is ongoing following an express train derailment that killed at least 22 people and injured another 170 in northeastern Taiwan's Yilian County on Sunday. The Puyuma Express train was carrying 366 passengers when it came off the tracks at around 4:50 pm local time. Five of the eight carriages were overturned. All surviving passengers were removed from the train at around 9:30pm, as hundreds of rescuers and military personnel were deployed to the scene. An investigation is underway to find out the cause of the crash, according to Taiwan Railways Administration. The incident is the country's deadliest rail tragedy since 30 were killed in a 1981 collision in northern Taiwan. Mandatory credit: NTDTV

Вести недели. Эфир от 21.10.2018. Путин уточнил, кто попадет в рай
2018-10-21 20:17
Безусловные риски несет с собой приближение НАТО к нашим границам и прямо-таки дикий военный бюджет США. Но даже в этих условиях Россия чувствует себя уверенно.

Вести недели. Эфир от 21.10.2018. Журналиста WP расчленили живьем
2018-10-21 20:29
Саудовская Аравия, наконец, внесла ясность в вопрос об исчезновении обозревателя Washington Post Джамаля Хашогги. Он действительно мертв.

Italy: Salvini deploys police to French border after row over migrants
2018-10-21 20:30
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announced on Saturday that he was sending Italian police to patrol the border with France, after French authorities allegedly returned migrants to the border town of Claviere last week. Footage emerging on Friday purportedly showed a French police van dropping off a man at the border. Salvini talked about a «hostile act» and «a provocation» which risks damaging Italy-France relations, and called on Paris to clarify the event. French authorities said the purported return of the alleged migrants were part of routine procedures, covered in agreements between Italian and French police.

Germany: 'Heart not hate' — Thousands protest PEGIDA's 4th-anniversary rally in Dresden
2018-10-21 21:22
Thousands of anti-PEGIDA protesters took to the streets of Dresden on Sunday to oppose celebrations marking the 4th anniversary of the far-right group's founding. According to German police, around 10,000 demonstrators from different trade unions, political parties and movements rallied in the Saxony capital under the slogan «heart not hate» [Herz statt Hetze], while some 4,000 PEGIDA supporters were celebrating the movement's founding on the Neumarkt in front of Dresden's iconic Frauenkirche. Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer and Dresden's Mayor Dirk Hilbert reportedly participated in the anti-PEGIDA march. No major incidents were reported.

USA: Rodman talks Trump, North Korea at Politicon in LA
2018-10-21 21:36
Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «I've always told people that me and Trump were friends. We don't talk about politics, we don't talk about anything, but about life. Pretty much about life. But I leave that to him and his government, and these people in the White House.» Toure, journalist (English): «Do you support him? Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «I could say, friendship — yes. Toure, journalist (English): «As a politician? Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Friendship — yes. I'm not really deep into politics, but I like to create politics. Toure, journalist (English): «What does that mean?» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Huh?» Toure, journalist (English): «What do you mean 'create politics'?» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «You know, like the North Korean thing. I created that. I created that.» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Yeah.» Toure, journalist (English): «When was the last time you talked to him?» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «I talked to his party a couple of weeks ago. They still want me to come back over there, you know, because the last trip I was there in North Korea was like a year ago, last May. And the people gave me such a heartache for doing that.» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Eight times. Toure, journalist (English): «Eight times? You know Kim Jong Un, you've seen the country; we've never been there. What are we missing, what are we not understanding about North Korea and Kim Jong Un?» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «It was funny though how this all began. About eight years ago, I guess the people in North Korea were reaching out for some sports figure to come over there to integrate sports. So they called the Chicago Bulls front office, and they asked 'would Michael Jordan be interested to come to North Korea?'. And Michael said 'Hell no'. Then they came with the second option: 'Do you think Dennis Rodman would come to North Korea?' And this is the funny part. I say 'yes' you know... Toure, journalist (English): «Why did you say 'yes'? Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Because... this is funny... I though it was another paying gig; just taking pictures, hanging out, stuff like that. I knew nothing about North Korea, nothing. I think I'll just go signing autographs, you know, taking pictures, holding babies and stuff like that...» Toure, journalist (English): «So you didn't know it was a repressive dictatorship? Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «I didn't even know that.» Toure, journalist (English): «So you though it was just, 'oh let's go to Burma, let's go to North Korea... aaay, whatever!'? Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «That's right. That was it.» Toure, journalist (English): «Okay.» Toure, journalist (English): «Right.» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «Do you get that?» Toure, journalist (English): «Right.» Dennis Rodman, former basketball player (English): «I say, I'm there for sports; try to connect two countries together. It's sports. I'm not over there trying to ask that guy 'Don't chop his head off', or 'Please don't shoot your fucking sister or brother'. I'm not over there doing that bullshit. It's not my job.» Former basketball player Dennis Rodman reminisced about his travels to North Korea, speaking on stage at the Politicon in Los Angeles on Saturday. Rodman recalled how he thought his

Afghanistan: Roadside bomb in Nangarhar's Achin kills at least 11, including children
2018-10-21 21:57
At least 11 people, including six children and a woman, were killed in a roadside bomb blast in the Nangarhar's Achin district, eastern Afghanistan, on Sunday, according to officials. According to reports, a vehicle carrying civilians was struck by an improvised explosive device (IED). «Over 10 of my family members were on their way to our relatives' houses. I was at home. Then I heard that a roadside bomb had hit them. At least 10 of my family members including my nephew were killed,» said a relative of the victims. «US forces say they are able to see everything on the ground. But why do they not see the people who plant a roadside bomb so close to their military base?» commented local tribal leader Mohammad Amen. The deadly incident occurred on the second day as the parliamentary elections in the country, which were extended after technical issues caused hours of delays at voting stations.

Выход из ДРСМД: почему Вашингтону это выгодно
2018-10-21 22:02
Чем может грозить выход США из договора и почему Вашингтону это выгодно, несмотря на угрозу всему миру?

Вместо автокефалии Киев получил ставропигию
2018-10-21 22:06
15 октября в Минске Священный Синод Русской Православной Церкви решил разорвать все отношения с Константинопольским Патриархатом.

Mexico: Honduran caravan migrants ride rafts into Mexico
2018-10-21 22:25
Thousands of migrants from Honduras resumed their long journey into Mexico on Sunday, in a bid to reach the United States border despite opposition by US President Donald Trump. In the early hours of Sunday, crowds of people left the shores of the Suchiate river between Guatemala and Mexico, heading northwards. Many were seen crossing by wooden raft. Footage shows young people and families carrying their belongings and wearing high visibility jackets, with many waving Honduras flags, as they made their way towards Tapachula in Mexico. The migrant caravan, mostly from Honduras, arrived on Mexico's southern border on Friday, fleeing poverty and violence.

Spain: Stranded woman airlifted to safety from balcony in flood-hit Malaga
2018-10-21 22:29
A woman was airlifted to safety by the Civil Guard in Malaga on Sunday, as the Spanish southern region was hit by heavy rains. Footage released on Sunday shows the dramatic rescue from a balcony of a house which was surrounded by muddy water. The national weather service issued a red alert for the area earlier in the day, as fast-flowing water flooded homes, roads and bridges.

Germany: Merkel calls continued arms sales to Saudi Arabia into question
2018-10-21 22:54
One week ahead of the state elections in Hessen, German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a press conference in Berlin, on Sunday, alongside Hessen Minister-President and fellow CDU politician Volker Bouffier. Both Merkel and Bouffier warned against the possibility of a left-wing government in Hessen, which Bouffier claimed would be a «catastrophe.» «The last thing that we need in Hessen would be a left-wing government. That would be a catastrophe for this economically powerful state,» Bouffier said. During the press conference, Merkel cast doubts over continued German arms sales to Saudi Arabia, in the wake of the recent death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi earlier this month. The German chancellor said, «as far as arms exports are concerned, those can't take place in the current situation.»

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Мир стал на шаг ближе к большой войне
2018-10-21 23:00

Jordan: King Abdullah II announces end to Israeli land lease of Ghumar and Baqura
2018-10-21 23:22
Jordan notified Israel that it would not be extending its leases under a 1994 peace treaty, on two small areas of land in the border area between the two countries. The announcement was made by Jordan's King Abdullah II in Amman on Sunday. «Our priority in these regional circumstances is to protect our interests and do whatever is required for Jordan and the Jordanians,» Abdullah said, referring to Baqura and Ghumar, two border areas that were leased to Israel for a 25-year renewable period. The land is used by Israel for agriculture. The monarch noted in his statement that «Israel was informed of the Jordanian decision.» He also stressed: «Ghamr and Baqura are Jordanian land and will remain Jordanian land, where we are practicing our full sovereignty.» The leases expire next year. The deadline for renewing them is Thursday. Israeli has reportedly said it would seek negotiations on the matter.

USA: Former Trump adviser downplays 'benign' contact with Russian diplomat
2018-10-21 23:53
Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «Yes.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «Did they approach you or did you approach them?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «They approached me.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «How often did you talk with the FBI in 2013?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «I think it was either once or twice.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «What was the subject of those conversations?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «You know, typically I don't talk about these things but...» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «We're kind of on stage here, so... Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «Well, but it was revealed through a lot of media leaks, right? So... « Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «Well you might as well tell it yourself. We could surveil you later and maybe get it out there.» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «Typically I've always tried to be discrete, but it's been... you know, it's MSNBC's co-sponsor and they... The Rachel Maddow Show, it broke the night in April 2017 that I was a source for this indictment against a couple of Russian individuals based in New York, so...» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «In 2013?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «So that actual indictment came out in January 2015, and I happened to meet this young Russian diplomat in early 2013.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «Okay, so did you continue to have conversations with the FBI from 2013 to 2015? Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): [shakes head negatively] Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «So, if the source is in 2015, was it that same subject you were talking about with in 2013?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «I just... I didn't hear anything. It's, like, lucky that I happen to read the Washington Post, and again, I'm sort of an avid reader. And again, this is all in the indictment, so I'm not giving any additional information in terms of «sources and methods», but I was talking with him in 2013, and the next thing I knew, I just happen to see a Washington Post article in January of 2015, saying that these three Russians were indicted. So, Eric Holder and Preet Bharara, then the US Attorney General and then the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, make this big announcement that there... this indictment.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «And these were people that you were involved with, or you had talked with?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «I had a couple of conversations with this junior diplomat. So only that one individual.» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «Did you report those conversations to the FBI?» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «They contacted me... It was so benign the conversation I had...» Scottie Nell Hughes, journalist (English): «We've learned that there's no such thing as a benign conversation these days.» Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser (English): «Well, there's also a lot of things about spin, right? So, you know, it was completely innocuous all of our interactions. I was teaching a class at New York University on the weekends that semester — the Spring of 2013 semester; a continuing education course

USA: Hundreds take part in pacifist march on the Pentagon
2018-10-22 00:35
Hundreds of people held a march on the Pentagon to protest against US military actions overseas on Sunday. The march was organised by a coalition of activists from Answer Coalition, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, and others. According to Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, their antiwar march was “a bipartisan issue, both the Democrats and the Republicans get money from the weapons manufacturers, from the lobbyists, from those who profit from war,” and explained that politicians, including US President Donald Trump, were hesitant to cut ties with the Saudis due to income from arms sales. “We say that's ridiculous, we don't want an economy that is based on killing people,” Benjamin added.

Brazil: Thousands rally in support of Bolsonaro on Rio’s Copacabana beach
2018-10-22 00:59
Thousands of supporters of Brazilian presidential frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro gathered on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday to show their support for the far-right politician ahead of the second round of the presidential election. «14 years of the PT [Workers' Party] have come to an end in this country. We will never go back to the PT. There is no way we go back to that; we are changing the course of history. Lula is in jail and will remain there. And more of them will be arrested after January 2,» said one of the demonstrators, Sergio Gonzaga. «I will give this opportunity to Bolsonaro, because he will change this country, enough! I don't want a Venezuela here, end with this corruption. I'm tired of this dirt. I want a better country,» added another demonstrator, Elisea Soares. Bolsonaro, the leader of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), won 46 percent of the vote in the first round of voting on October 7, with Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers' Party (PT) coming second with 30 percent. The second round of the election is scheduled for October 28.

Встреча президентов России, Казахстана и Узбекистана
2018-10-22 01:34
Появились кадры встречи президентов России, Казахстана и Узбекистана. В субботу они пообщались в неформальной обстановке; встреча прошла в Туркестанской области Казахстана. Руководители наших стран обсудили вопросы экономического сотрудничества, взаимодействие в гуманитарной сфере и другие актуальные темы.

France: Hundreds of Parisians attend rally against homophobia
2018-10-22 01:50
Hundreds of people attended a rally against homophobia at Place de la Republique in Paris on Sunday, with a number of activists and organisations joining the protest. Campaigners are demanding government measures aimed at fighting homophobia, as well as «training for magistrates, policemen and teachers» to help support the victims, as activist Jeremie Falemam said. Among the participants, Sonia Krimi, Deputy for La Republique En Marche, stressed the need for specific public policies and the importance of education «from the earliest age.» The rally came in response to multiple homophobic attacks which occurred in Paris in recent weeks.

Brazil: Bolsonaro supporters flood the streets of Sao Paulo
2018-10-22 02:28
Thousands of people filled the streets of Sao Paulo in a massive rally supporting Brazilian presidential frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday. Bolonsaro supporters can be seen waving Brazilian flags and chanting slogans. Bolsonaro appeared on a screen to address the rally, saying «Let's sweep the red bandits out of Brazil next Sunday.» One of those attending the rally explained why he supported Bolsonaro, and said «the PT [Workers' Party] only brought bad things to Brazil, such as unemployment, hunger, lack of security, lack of education, so we no longer want the PT in the Brazilian government.» Bolsonaro, the leader of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), won 46 percent of the vote in the first round of voting on October 7, with Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers' Party (PT) coming second with 30 percent. The second round of the election is scheduled for October 28.

USA: Ben Shapiro accuses the left of using 'mob politics'
2018-10-22 05:12
Conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro took to the stage to attack his left-wing opponents at the fourth annual Politicon convention in Los Angeles on Sunday. “the left has engaged in a sort of mob politics where they grin and laugh when people's rights are shut down,” Shapiro said. Shapiro then went on to criticise the concept of hate speech, claiming «there is no such category under the constitution, or really in thought, as hate speech,» and added «if I go to Berkeley, then you'll see riots, literal riots if I go to Berkeley, because my speech is violence. When I went to Berkeley, requiring some 500 police officers, 600 police officers to protect the place, people outside were literally chanting speech is violence.» Commenting on the 2012 case in Colorado, where a bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, Shapiro said this was evidence that freedom of religion «is being assaulted right now» and explained his position, saying: «I'm obviously not invading your rights, because I have no obligation to bake you a cake. It's my cake, it's my shop, you don't have a right to my cake.» Politicon describes itself as an unconventional political convention, which brings together important figures in American politics and entertainment for a weekend of political discourse, just ahead of the midterm elections.

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