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Синий Зуб" (Bluetooth) - Заметки стоматолога :) (Новости) Выпуск от 9.11.2004

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"Синий Зуб" (Bluetooth) - Заметки стоматолога :) (Новости)
Выпуск № 6 от 9.11.2004.

Тема: Brainboxes Teams With Ingenico

LIVERPOOL, U.K. -- Brainboxes, specialists in tailored Bluetooth wireless systems, and Ingenico, the world leader in electronic payment solutions, have developed a new Bluetooth solution which will make it easier for more retailers and hoteliers to benefit from the additional safety and convenience offered by Bluetooth chip and PIN terminals. Brainboxes technology will enable customers in the hospitality and retail sectors, where consultancy areas may be removed from the till, to quickly and easily add Bluetooth to their point-of-sales systems. The Bluetooth chip and PIN solution, including Ingenico's secure Bluetooth-enabled terminals, and Brainboxes' Bluetooth adapters for EPOS tills, are available now from Ingenico.

By using Bluetooth to remove the cable from the chip and PIN terminals, a restaurant will now be able to bring the terminals to the table for the customers' convenience. In jewellers' shops, travel agents or pharmacies, staff can bring the terminal to the consultancy area where the customer is seated. Also, because the terminal is wirelessly connected to the till - and the transaction is completed in their personal surroundings - the customer is happier that the process is more secure, and they can turn or move away from prying eyes since the terminal is not tethered. These improvements in security and convenience mean that Bluetooth is likely to play an increased role in chip and PIN systems.

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Brainboxes' BL-521 Bluetooth solution is plug-and-play and allows Ingenico's Bluetooth-enabled portable chip and PIN terminal (model i7780) to be easily added to EPOS systems. Brainboxes' Bluetooth technology is well suited to such applications because it contains all of the Bluetooth communications software and intelligence. The EPOS tills do not require any additional software upgrades, and the person installing the kit does not need to be experienced in configuring communications equipment.

Eamonn Walsh, managing director of Brainboxes commented, "Brainboxes Bluetooth allows you to instantly add mobility to the application and Brainboxes specialises in tailoring the Bluetooth solutions to the needs of the customers." Walsh continued, "We were excited to be working with Ingenico on this project to bring a Bluetooth solution to complement their chip and PIN terminals. The chip and PIN market is going to be huge as all retailers have to make the switch. A Bluetooth solution makes so much sense - customers in a restaurant are not going to be too pleased to find that without it they will have to walk across the restaurant to punch in their PIN."

Brain Boxes Ltd.

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