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...approach... ...подход...

Форум  " Interarchy User Group":

Have I overlooked something crucial? Why was the "complete local copy" approach chosen for the implementation of the FTP Disk feature? How do others on this list perform folder-based or working-set-based synchronization of FTP server content with local copies when a preview of the possibly dangerous changes (file deletions...) is absolutely required? ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " JUnit, the Java unit testing framework written by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.":

The problem I am facing is: When I compile a junit test file thru' VisualCafe4.0, it gets compiled without any error. Later while invoking the TestRunner utility from console (any approach - textui, awtui or swingui), I am getting following error message: ... ( дальше )

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This is about the right of a country to take reasonable steps to verify that bees (and other live animals) are free of diseases and pests before they get "into the ecosystem". Precedents like this one could result in YOUR country being forced into this approach as the "accepted norm", and being revented from taking reasonable steps to protect the spread of pests and diseases. That's the way "World Trade" seems to work - the lowest standards often become the worldwide standards. You may not care about this issue at all, but we still need your help so that SOMEONE has the time to slog through the pile of paperwork and explain it to those who do care. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " SVG Developers":

I took a look at your examples. I think your mechanism would be fit for simple standalone widgets, but this approach has some limitations for larger-scale projects. Part of what makes RCC "popular" so far (besides an implementation :) is that it fits in a DOM-based environment that's very good for scripting integration. A popular and well-proven approach to designing custom widgets, back from pre-RCC days and greatly simplified by RCC, is to have an ECMAScript (or whatever other scripting language) class that handles a particular custom XML element. Of course, this class architecture can help having some inheritance and cleanly share functionalities between different custom elements. Additionally, using a controller object, a context can be easily maintained for complex widgets that involve state tracking etc without having to store data in the XML tree. Also, there is clean integration with DOM Events, s o that custom events can be triggered from the DOM implementation, and SVG 1.2 should ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Agile Modeling":

Freedom _is_ very straightforward, even simple, once one understands it. It is the minimum, or at least strives to be the minimum, needed to do a good job. (Isn't that an agile principle?) Freedom's minimalist approach demonstrates that software engineering need not be nearly as complex as many methodologies would have us believe. While the 'devils in the details' remain, the essence of software engineering is not as difficult as previously thought when the problem is viewed from the perspective of Freedom. This line of thought leads straight to Brooks and his famous "No Silver Bullet" paper. Brooks pointed out that the essence of software engineering (and by essence, he meant the requirements) was where the actual difficulties reside, and that 'no silver bullet' could ever be found until the problems of the essence were solved. Based on having used Freedom for a number of years, I believe Freedom is a major step in helping solve the proble ms of the essence. If others validate this observation -- which cannot happen until others learn Freedom and apply it -- then Freedom may ultimately result in creation of a software engineering silver bullet, as defined by Brooks. (Note that Brooks clearly defined the term 'silver bullet' as an attainable goal. Many use the term 'no silver bullet' as synonymous with 'impossible.' This is an inappropriate use of the term as it is NOT consistent with Brooks.) ... ( дальше )

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3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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