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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 127 от 2009-01-12

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 127 от 2009-01-12
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Добрый день.
Подскажите что нужно сделать, чтоб входящие непрочитанные сообщения выделялись жирным шрифтом? Спасибо.
Добрый день.
Подскажите что нужно сделать, чтоб входящие непрочитанные сообщения выделялись жирным шрифтом? Спасибо.
Как соотносятся типы и значения параметров, функций, объявленных в Lotus-е с данными MSDN?
Собственно вопрос возник по функции keybd_event: на MSDN объявлена вот так:
VOID keybd_event(      
    BYTE bVk,
    BYTE bScan,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    PTR dwExtraInfo

В Лотусе (из статьи про то, как сделать альбомную печать, где-то здесь на форуме ссылку видел):
Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32.dll" (Byval bVk As Integer, Byval bScan As Integer, Byval dwFlags As Integer, Byval dwExtraInfo As Integer)

Во-первых, почему bVk, bScan объявлены как Integer, впрочем, если заменить на As Byte не меняется абсолютно ничего... Во-вторых, и в главных, из той же статьи нажатие пробела вызывается вот так:
keybd_event 32, 0, 0, 0 ' Space key down
keybd_event 32, 0, 2, 0 ' Space key up

Тогда код клавиши &H20 - смотрим в MSDN, ему соответствует "D"... со всеми остальными - такая же ерунда
Кто-нибудь помнит, как называется документ, где написано про совместимость разных релизов Domino Server и Lotus Notes?
После обновления с 8.0.2 как то странно работает рабочая область, в принципе она не открывается ругается что не верно указан параметр.

Будут вопросы задавайте.
Привет всем!

юзер забил пароль, ввожу рекавери пасворд и ...получаю ошибку

wrong password. (password are case sensitive - be sure to use correct upper and lower case)
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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: errors
Don't like to put these on my blog although they canbe frustrating how about a subject called errors where we can post the ones we find in hopes Lotus fixes them to be either more enlightening, humorous or just better?

Author: Mick Moignard
Tags: quickr preview
One thing that bugs us about Quickr Websphere is that you can't easily get to the web preview of a document; this was much easier to do in Quickplace.   All you can do with W Qr is see the preview in the browser. 
What we'd really like is the ability to get the preview HTML over REST so that we can do our own thing with it.

Author: Marius Jaeger
Tags: SSO Lotus Notes Domino server http
In the Lotus Notes Client I can open any URL by typing it into the addressbar. Why there is no SSO between my Lotus Notes Session and the URL on a Domino Server in the same Domino Directory?

Author: Tim Clark
Tags: sametime notes meeting status
In Notes 8.x in the Sametime preferences for "Auto Status Change" you can have you Sametime status changed when your calendar has an appointment in it.
You can also specify the text of the message to be displayed for your chosen status.
In the message I'd like to be able to put @Subject as part of the text and have Notes pull through the meeting subject.

Author: Christopher Baier
Tags: Designer Form Grid layout
I wish Designer would have a layout grid for better/easier layout of forms. This would allow for easier alignment of fields and text,and thus, better looking forms. There are layout regions, but the items you can put in it are limited.
I use tables for layout, but this can cause lots of problems.

Author: Christopher Baier
Tags: navigator
I have several Db designed to look like web sites (no left-hand navigator). However, if someone sends a view link from one of these Db, when the recipient opens thje view, it defaults to opening the left navigator and the view, not my nice, professional frames.

Author: Gregg Eldred
Tags: richtext mail server
For too long, e-mail messages using rich text formatting have lost their fidelity when sent to either external addresses or to the iNotes client. A messaging server should be able to preserve the sender's formatting, providing the recipient with a message as it was intended with no loss of fidelity. Currently, there is a product on the market that can preserve the rich text format simply by installing a plug-in and adding two lines to the servers' NOTES.INI. Screen shots can be found here:
I'd like to see message fidelity when using rich text formatting in Domino.

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Статьи и Документация

When a copy-style "compact" task is being performed in Lotus Domino, the database's file name extension is renamed from ".nsf" to ".tmp". Should an error occur during the compact operation, the file name extension is not always renamed back to ".nsf".
Intermittently, users are unable to send/receive chats from embedded Sametime client.
When you access a form over the web that requires only depositor access for anonymous users, you are now prompted to authenticate. Prior to upgrading your Lotus Domino Server to 8.0.1, you were not prompted to authenticate.
Readme for IBM Lotus Domino server release 8.5 Interim Fix 85IF1 (DominoServer_85IF1).
Got a good tip for being productive using Lotus Products? Discovered out how to integrate a couple of Lotus products that saves you time and makes you look really smart? Add your sample scenarios for
You would like to have a text formatting option to change the case of text to upper case, lower case and proper case. For example, when you accidentally press the Caps Lock key and continue to type, it would be helpful to have a way to automatically correct the text case within Notes.
One of the Lotus Domino Designer 8.5 Online Help topics is entitled "Lotus Domino Designer Basic User Guide and Reference." The term, "basic," refers to an edition of Lotus Notes (Standard [Java] vs. Basic). Using this term in the title of the User Guide might lead users to expect that there is a "basic" version of the client.
Opening the Rules folder in your mail file generates the error "Duplicate PUBLIC name view in USE module BlockUserRule".
The Lotus Notes 8.5 Online Help states that whenever you open an existing Symphony document with mail merge settings, the Mail Merge window automatically displays. However, the windows does not display if the merged content comes from Notes Contacts (names.nsf). When you close and then subsequently reopen the file, you find that none of the merge settings (the file or the fields) were saved.
You would like the ability to edit and save attachments "In-place" in a Domino web application. Is this possible?
Once a document is open, it remains open until the user closes it, even if the document was deleted during the Notes session. An enhancement request to change this functionality has been submitted to Quality Engineering as SPR# MCMA7MESRX.
A regression was introduced in Lotus Notes/Domino Release 8.5 affecting servers running adminp.
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