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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 129 от 2009-01-16

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 129 от 2009-01-16
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

Updated version of DEXT with new demos and tweaks - including:

  • Colour-graded views based on document age
  • XSS-Proof Forms
  • Multiple key type-ahead view lookup
  • Ability to create file attachments without need for disk I/O permissions
More to come......

5 Dec 2008 | View Demo | Download Demo

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Многоуважаемый all!

Пришел запрос от чиновников из министерства сообщить о существующих базах и количестве "записей" в них. Понятно, что понятия про базы Лотус у них нет.
Кто как считает, можно-ли говорить о документах, как о "записях" ?

Я, конкретно, не готов уравнять эти понятия, хотя-бы потому, что есть у меня базы, где присутствуют сложные документы с множеством подформ, при этом получается объемная база, но очень небольшое количество документов. Например - на 93 МБ - 230 документов, 92% процента использования.
Здравствуйте многоуважаемые. Давно не виделись smile.gif
Обратился к мне друг, с пред-предыдущей работы, с которой я не имею никаких взаимоотношений уже около 3-х лет и рассказал страшную сказку о том, как сервер Lotus начал сообщать об истечении срока действия cert.id, а пароля никто не знает, ибо за ТРИ года никого на этом сервере не регистрировали и нересертифицировали (о как!) smile.gif
Сервер внедрял я и пароль задавал тоже я, но вот незадача из-за хронического склероза я постоянно забываю пароли, которыми не пользовался более 3-х лет smile.gif
Что теперь можно сделать при условии, что password recowery отсутствует?

Вопрос скорее академический, ибо мое личное мнение - если серваком за три года никто не пользовался кроме админа и директора, то проще теперь все нафик снести и установить заново
Задумали мы с партнерами замутить проект по внедрению документооборота. Очень-очень большого документооборота.
Порядка 20-ти организаций и около 15 000 конечных пользователей. Документооборот сквозной, т.е. документы свободно ходят в электронном виде между организациями.
Испокон веков лучшие системы обработки слабо структурируемой информации, а также реализации документооборота базировались на Lotus Domino. И я их успешно внедрял. Но не для 15 000 сотрудников smile.gif
Если использовать классическую организацию хранилища Lotus (NSF), то система загнется вскорости - это очевидно.
Вот я и прорабатываю вопрос с использованием центрального хранилища в DB2 и кучи региональных серверов с NSF. Вопросов куча:
1. научился ли Lotus стабильно работать с DB2 в качестве хранилища?
2. какие подводные камни существуют в использовании связки Lotus (DB2) <-> Lotus (NSF) при репликациях, например?
3. ожидать ли мне существенного прироста производительности при использовании DB2 в качестве хранилища?
4. не будет ли узким местом клиентское приложение (Lotus Notes) при открытии вьюх с огромным количеством документов и поиске по этим вьюхам и по индексу?

Вэлкам с обсуждениями и критикой smile.gif
Проблема в том что на диске где расположен сервер лотуса заканчиваеться место, наобходимо каким то образом перенести част баз на другой диск. И желательно настроить что бы новые пользователи создавались уже на другом диске. Сервер стоит на Win2003.
Кто раздает доступ к ресурсам lotus.net.ua

Возможно открыть на сегодня.... ОЧЕНЬ ТРЕБА скачать db2
Проблема в том что на диске где расположен сервер лотуса заканчиваеться место, наобходимо каким то образом перенести част баз на другой диск. И желательно настроить что бы новые пользователи создавались уже на другом диске. Сервер стоит на Win2003.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Может кто слышал, реально ли на смарт под управлением ОС Симбиан поставить клиента, который бы принимал почту с сервера Лотус ? Слышал ли кто о подобном, может есть какие мысли...
да еще детали:

1. Сервера разных релизов: один R7, другой R5;
2. С R7-го все работает, с пятого на R7 нет...
Привет, всем! Кто-нибудь заморачивался с темой : ограничение работы пользователей в клиенте Lotus Notes 7 и выше по времени средсвами Lotus Domino?
Если да, то поделитесь, пожалуйста, как это можно сделать?
А кросс-сертификаты в обе стороны настроены?
да, и еще попутный вопрос. Адресные книги разные в этих организация? Если да, то надо документ сервера из MSKNET скопировать в адресную книгу той организации, куда вы хотите перенести базу. Или достаточно будет создать документ сервера с таким же именем...
Создай Линк на папку с другим именем, где у тебя будут почтовые базы. Далее политиками или настройками своего клиента укажи, что при регистрации почтовые базы ложить в ту папку, которую ты создал. Как работает с сетевыми дисками не знаю, не пробовал....
Кросс-сертификация настроена в обе стороны.
Кросс-сертификация настроена в обе стороны.
Привет, всем! Кто-нибудь заморачивался с темой : ограничение работы пользователей в клиенте Lotus Notes 7 и выше по времени средсвами Lotus Domino?
Если да, то поделитесь, пожалуйста, как это можно сделать?
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Tips. Советы

Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM) is a free administration tool in Domino version 7 or higher that monitors events that the logging process of your Domino servers register, records information on a central server throughout your entire Domino domain, suggests how to fix server problems and more. This tutorial outlines how to leverage DDM in your Domino domain to benefit from its comprehensive server monitoring and reporting features.

If you took a look at the accounting database I showed you recently then I wouldn't blame you for being unimpressed. There wasn't much to it at all really. Take another look now though!

Using some of my spare time I've managed to make it look a bit more like a real application. There's now a tabbed interface and some basic charting.


Whether you're impressed or not what should impress you is that I did this in such short time. When I say I did this in my spare time that means, like, half an hour a day or so. And that's while learning as I go. Once up-to-speed there's no telling what you could bang out in no time at all using Flex - especially if I'm getting paid and can devote days on end to it.

Note: It says "Data Visualization Trial" on the charts as I'm yet to register my trial copy of Flex Builder. When I do I need to decide between the Standard version (~160 GBP and no charts) or Pro (~450 GBP but with charting).

A word on licencing: Like Ext it's the developer who pays the licence for Flex. End customers don't need to worry about any additional costs of using Flex -- there's no per-server costs or anything like that.

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Gregg Eldred
Tags: richtext mail server
For too long, e-mail messages using rich text formatting have lost their fidelity when sent to either external addresses or to the iNotes client. A messaging server should be able to preserve the sender's formatting, providing the recipient with a message as it was intended with no loss of fidelity. Currently, there is a product on the market that can preserve the rich text format simply by installing a plug-in and adding two lines to the servers' NOTES.INI. Screen shots can be found here:
I'd like to see message fidelity when using rich text formatting in Domino.

Author: Irv Schor
Tags: mail8.ntf stationary sort order
The default order for Stationary is based upon document creation order, not the name provided for each stationary item.  While this is an easy fix in a user's mail template, there should be no reason why the mail8 template is not shippped in this fashion.  It saves users who extensively use stationary a good deal of time if sorted.

Author: The Turtle
Tags: passthru html mac client designer
The Mac client lacks the ability to flag text within a rich text field as passthru HTML.  What's more, when you're editing an existing document that contains passthru HTML (presumably done on a Windows client), even touching the existing passthru is an invitation to a world of hurt.
Passthru HTML should be treated just like any other rich-text attribute and should be settable in the menus or text properties along with italic, bold, font size, colors, etc.
Yes, you can often work around this with the old square-brackets trick, but this should be put on a par with all other rich text attributes.  This would also take a tiny amount of the heat off the issue of lack of a Designer client for Mac, since you'd at least be able to edit inline HTML, Javascript, etc. in RTFs.

Author: John de Giorgio
Tags: attachment mail outlook
Idea: When converting Outlook users to Notes one feature asked for consistently in my experience is the ability to wrap an e-mail thread into an attachment and send it to someone. I am not talking about the mail history but something more.

I am not sure how it works in Outlook but users ask for it so it probably must be useful.

Anyone else been receiving this type of request?
Author: Alexey Zimarev
Tags: sametime notes integration presence
Idea: It is very strange why Sametime Connect client has integration features for Outlook, Sharepoint and Office from Microsoft but very little possibilities with Notes. In addition a lot of people experience issues even using integrated client when Sametime is using LDAP as a directory. I think Sametime Connect client that is installed separately from Notes needs to have a proper integration with Notes including chat and presence awareness features as it is done in Outlook and Office Communicator.
Author: Matt Buchanan
Tags: activity trends ods database logging user activity daos
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find Activity Logging and Activity Trends to be a really useful feature. Unfortunately, since it was introduced in 6 (or was it 6.5?) there have been very little updates to it, other than making the Tivoli Analyzer free in 7.
ODS 48 brought improved user activity, which shows reads/creates/updates/deletes, as opposed to just reads/writes. ODS 51 has brought us DAOS. Unfortunately, Activity Trends is ignorant of both these features - it still just tracks reads and writes, and (more importantly, IMO) with DAOS enabled it only looks at the logical size of the database, not the physical size - which diminishes its usefulness by a fair amount. I feel there is also a missed opportunity here to use Activity Trends to track the size and growth of the DAOS attachment store, which would be pretty handy for capacity planning.
I'd like to see Activity Logging and Activity Trends brought up to date with the advancements made in the ODS.

Author: Oliver Regelmann
Tags: calendar privacy
This is a problem I often hear from customers:
A user has delegated mail access to one or more assistants/team members. These are having editor access to his mailfile and thus can read all his private appointments. This is generally not working as expected by the user and brings up privacy issues.
Private appointments should only be readable by the mail file owner and/or the creator of the appointment.

Author: David Killingsworth
Tags: adminstration help documentation
Many of the administrator help documents are simply too plain.  There is a document for every item in the help, but some of it is totally useless.  They are not descriptive enough and do not give real world examples of how they can be used.
I would like example screen shots for most of the configuration items.  This includes server document, connection document, configuration document, event generators, event handlers, policy settings, and the list goes on.
I was trying to figure out how to generate a event handler to run a program today.  I could not find anything about how to do this on the Notes 6/7 discussion forums, Notes 6,7,or 8 help, planetlotus.org blog search, or google.  I didn't try Lotus Support search as sometimes, all you get is redbook results.
There are a couple of help documents (6,7, and 8) but they are almost identical for all versions and tell what is possible, but not how to do it.
I did not find one single screen shot that explained the difference between these 3 fields:
Command line
Anyone care to get which one does what?

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Статьи и Документация

DAOS FAQ How do I determine why the DAOS catalog needs resync? When the DAOS catalog transitions to the state of "NEEDS RESYNC" a DDM event is fired that will identify the database that first
When you delete a person from the Domino Directory, one of the requests posted to admin4.nsf is "Get Mail File Information for Deletion." This request is never carried out.
DAOS: How To Setup An Automatic Catalog Resynchronization Event If DAOS determines that any of the reference counts on the attachments it manages are no longer trustworthy (which is not to say the
DAOS: Backup And Restore Backup considerations for DAOS In a standard Notes® database (NSF), the attachments are stored inside of the NSF file itself, and the database is self-contained. In
Technote, published: Wed, 14 Jan 2009

Lotus Quickr software provides online team spaces where members can share and collaborate and use team calendars, discussion forums, Web logs (blogs), wikis, and other collaboration tools for managing projects and creating content.

In Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino 8 releases, you notice that the mail files display unread documents in black. The default color in Notes 6 or 7 mail templates was red. You want to change the color of read and unread documents in your mail file design. How can this be done?
In your Lotus Notes client, document fields that you expect to be hidden by hide-when settings are in fact not hidden. This issue occurs when the hide-when settings are implemented within a subform, and is found mostly with fields placed directly below tables within the subform.
A Lotus Notes Execution Control List (ECL) alert is received if the chair of a meeting clicks the Update My Meetings button after a room or resource is renamed.
What privileges/access must the Domino administrator have to the Windows Operating system to be able to install and launch the Domino server?
This white paper provides an overview of, and recommendations, for how to get the most from your IBM Lotus Notes client on the Citrix XenApp server. In particular, we show that, by tuning your environment so that you get the most from your applications, you can realize significant improvements in running the Lotus Notes client on XenApp. This is true for both the standard and the basic configurations of Lotus Notes. Moreover, with the addition of 64-bit Citrix XenApp server support for the Lotus Notes client in 8.0.2, you can scale to even higher numbers--well over 100 users--at a much reduced cost. Also presented are the testing environment, tuning parameters, and the workflows that were executed to gather the scalability data.
You are unable to open nested folders when using the WebMail interface for your mail file.
Learn how to install Lotus Domino 8.5 for i and upgrade existing or configure new servers.
Using a LotusScript action button or agent in Lotus Domino, you access the contents of a Rich Text field as a Rich Text item and append it to the Rich Text item of a new document to be sent to a specified user. If the mail is sent to an Internet user, the content is received in plain text format.
Learn about the implications of program conversion when installing Lotus Domino 8.5 for i on IBM i 5.4 and i 6.1.
Abstract: This article explains hard disk fragmentation and how to troubleshoot resultant IBM® Lotus® Domino® server performance issues. We focus on Domino versions 6.5x, 7.x, and 8.x running on the M
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