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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 140 от 2009-02-11

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 140 от 2009-02-11
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

АК находится в организации /Acme, но попасть надо в /Gambol, где в своюю очередь настроен DA, который лезет в АК на /Acme и смотрит оттуда пользователя.
И внимательно прочтите пост от 13.янв.2009 05:15
Да, если указывать полный путь с указанием базы, то отображается нормально. Нигде не могу найти инфу о том, как работает в связке ICM и Internet Site
мой оригинал
началось всё давно (кода ИБМ испортил кроссплатформенность Нотес клиента wink.gif )
до-сих-пор славная корпорация не удосужилась сделать 64бит сборку (а ведь под виндень сделали)
буду говорить про Ubuntu (для других - схема аналогичная)
подключение способом:
работает, но со своими особенностями:
-установив версию убунты 8.10 - получил "нерабочий" workspace (букивки на иконках БД не видны, и оттрисовка глючит)

увидел заявления очередного товарисча:

и по теме - много каких-то попыток... ( у них не получалось)

поминув недобрым словом нерадивых девелуперов вендора..., решил попытаться сам
(а ведь моглиб, сцуки, список необходимых либов и апликух указывать)

взял за основу:

внес изменения - ежа заменил на козла ;-) : hoary -> intrepid (на самом деле мудрый на бесстрашный)
изменения - hoary -> hardy

а шаг
dpkg-reconfigure locales
пропустить - потому как не будет работать всё-равно, а при инсталяции, указ. ниже пакеджей выпонится автоматически

строка для базового чрута будет такой
sudo debootstrap --arch i386 hardy /chroot/ |#^#]>http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|#^#]>
заметьте! - intrpepid
изменения - hardy

ну и сорцлист не забудьте откоректить апосля, но перед:
apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

надо накатить language-pack-ru-base language-pack-en-base language-pack-gnome-ru-base language-pack-gnome-en-base пакеты
(этот наборчик, входит в приложенный списочек)
sudo apt-get install ...

замаунтить необходимые пути нужно из хозяйской системы (как было по ссылке выше), у меня /etc/fstab:
###### chroot #########
/home /chroot/home none bind 0 0
/tmp /chroot/tmp none bind 0 0
/dev /chroot/dev none bind 0 0
/proc /chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
/media/cdrom0 /chroot/media/cdrom0 none bind 0 0
/usr/share/fonts /chroot/usr/share/fonts none bind 0 0
/opt /chroot/opt none bind 0 0
/local/data/mike/lotus/inst /chroot/opt/inst none bind 0 0

понятно что /chroot/media/cdrom0 и /chroot/usr/share/fonts
надо mkdir -p ...

и вот тута начинаются мучительные поиски недостающих либ (еще раз спасибо вендору)
мобуть я чего лишнего прихватил (и наверняка), но список я приложу wink.gif, получил его с рабочего 32бит енвиронмента запуском:
dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 ~ /^install$/ {print $1}' > installedpackages

вот отсюда: |#^#]>http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubunt...stallation.html|#^#]>

в dchroot -d
создаем файло запуска LDN
sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/notes32
с содержимым:

и сделать ему чмод:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/notes32

разумеется - нотуса д.б. установлена в чруте:
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm_lotus_notes-8.5.i586.deb
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm_lotus_activities-8.5.i586.deb
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm_lotus_cae-8.5.i586.deb
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm_lotus_sametime-8.5.i586.deb
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm_lotus_symphony-8.5.i586.deb

в хозяйской системе:
создание запускающего скрипта /usr/local/bin/do_dchroot - ничем от ориг. статьи не отличается

линк будет такой
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/do_dchroot /usr/local/bin/notes32

ну и файло с со списочком прилагаю
как накатить их - там же, на гике (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html)
cat installedpackages | xargs sudo aptitude install -y
Можно ли как-то отобразить на X-Page картинку, импортированную в RTF поле документа?
Сам спросил, сам отвечу :)
Надо использовать контрол RichTex в режиме Read Only. Немного смущает свойство контрола, указывающее на отображение только текста, но тем не менее, картинки из соответствующего поля отображаются нормально.
Проблема была в версии (у нас 5) и многопользовательском режиме: нужно было заккоментировать (или удалить) параметр seq в файле notes.ini
1. при просмотре сообщений.
2. После прихода нового сообщения и его попытке просмотра.
Помогает многократный перезапуск лотуса. но пользователя это напрягает.
Добрый день.
После каких действий появляется данное сообщение? Послю любых или какя-то закономерность есть? Допустим в inbox ввсе в порядке, а в созданной папке нет.
Сам спросил, сам отвечу :)
Надо использовать контрол RichTex в режиме Read Only. Немного смущает свойство контрола, указывающее на отображение только текста, но тем не менее, картинки из соответствующего поля отображаются нормально.
Добрый день.
После каких действий появляется данное сообщение? Послю любых или какя-то закономерность есть? Допустим в inbox ввсе в порядке, а в созданной папке нет.
1. при просмотре сообщений.
2. После прихода нового сообщения и его попытке просмотра.
Помогает многократный перезапуск лотуса. но пользователя это напрягает.
Проблема была в версии (у нас 5) и многопользовательском режиме: нужно было заккоментировать (или удалить) параметр seq в файле notes.ini
Попробуйте создать в адресной книге группу, дать ей тип Access only и в эту группу добавлять пользователей, а на почтовую базу повесьте этугруппу с типом Person group с правом Editor.
Судя по результатам поиска, в этом форуме пока Lotus Connections не обсуждается. Правильно ли начать это здесь? Или, может быть, есть другие русскоязычные сообщества? Буду признателен за советы.
Спс попробую.
Да даже при Preview Panel выскакивает.
сообщение на тему "а причем тут репликация" от пострадавшего я как раз прочитал - и еще раз говорю, сначала нужно убедиться что в реплике АК используемой в DA дайджест правильный.
в хелпе вроде все написано - используется документ сервера не website
лучше хелпа Лотус ничего не найдешь
похоже что имеется в виду это
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Tips. Советы

Every now and then I get asked to create a website for a friend. Being the helpful type I always like to help out - twice already this year! Now that I've got children and less time to spare than ever I need to make the whole process involve me less. I need them to manage their own content.

In the past I've created the sites using PHP and hosted them on my LAMP server, but they've mainly contained static HTML content. How 1998 is that!? For the most part this works well as the only type of site I get asked to do are brochure sites. They rarely change. That said, they do change every now and then and I want to avoid being involved in their day-to-day upkeep.

So, that's why I Googled "PHP CMS" recently.

What I found surprised me - either I didn't look hard enough or there just isn't a basic CMS out there. They all seemed like over-kill to me. My starting point was OpenSourceCMS.com, where you can see a rated list of CMS packages along with links to demos. It wasn't longed before I picked out the first to try - Drupal. It wasn't long before I gave up on it either. Having spent a good few hours getting it installed I then fell at the first hurdle - I couldn't for the life of me work out how to theme a site with my own HTML/CSS.

Next I took a look at alternatives such as Concrete. Again I couldn't work out how you did anything other than change the basic appearance of your choice of a pre-defined page template.

Then I took a look at MovableType, which I know from past experience allows you complete control of the HTML/CSS, but soon realised I'd have to pay to use that for anything other than a personal blog.

Creating My Own

I soon realised that the time I was spending looking for a way to save time was in fact wasting time. That time would be much better spent knocking my own CMS together. Within hours of making this decision I had it up and running from scratch.

All I needed was a single-tabled database and a couple of php files. The table is called Pages and has four columns:

Column Description
Title Text which appears at the top of the page
Name Used as unique the key in URL
Body Main content in HTML format
Menu Name of the page that this page sits under. If blank then it's used as a main tab in the nav bar. If it has a parent then it appears in the dropdown navigation under that page's tab.

That's all it needed. I then created a file called page.php which accepted the Name of the page to display as a parameter and then displayed its content.

Through the correct use of the Menu field it's a simple task to build the whole site navigation. So simple it hurts.

Obviously there's a bit more to it than that, but you get the idea. It's all I needed and I now have the basis for any future brochure site I'm asked to do as a favour for a mate. Each site will no doubt require an extra table here and there - a "Guestbook" for holiday lets for example, but I have the starting point now.

What About Notes?

Now, I know what you're thinking, why didn't I do it Notes. Various reasons. None of them being that I can't. Obviously I could have done, but would it really have been the best use of Domino?! We all know Notes is great at what it does, but it would be like driving to the supermarket in a Ferrari. Kind of.

Another reason not to is portability. If for any reason I want to hand responsibility for the site over to them or another web developer/host then I can easily do that with a ZIp of the PHP files and a SQL data/schema export. If I gave them an NSF they'd be a bit lost.

Then there's hosting. While I won't hear a bad word said about the Prominic guys I'm sure they'd agree the process of hosting a Domino website isn't as simple or as widely available as LAMP hosting. Although, on the flip side, I don't have a good word to say about Fasthosts the server I have hosted with allows me to have a new domain registered and a site live inside of an hour.

Using Notes for a simple brochure site would be daft.

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I received an email the other day where the sender asked the following:

I am trying to learn Domino development fairly quick, so do you have any recommendations for a new developer? I am from a Java background, so I am not completely new to programming.

It's not the first time I've had an email along these lines, although it has been a while (read what you will in to that).

Trouble is I never know what to say. It's normally something along the lines of:

Download some templates or freely-available databases and pick them apart. You'll learn all the tricks as you go.

Is that good advice though?! It's the easy answer, but is it the best?

Is picking other people's code apart any way to learn. I guess it might be with other platforms and if you're that type of person (I know I am -- I prefer to pull things apart than sit in a class or watch a video).

What about Notes though? The trouble with Notes development is the myriad ways of achieving the same goal. After all my years developing Notes apps I can still look at a database designed by somebody else and just stare at it nonplussed, with no idea how on earth it's doing what it somehow manages to do.

Imagine you're learning Notes and looking at the HTML produced for a Form and you can see a Field has an ID property different to its name. Imagine how long a newcomer to Notes might take to find out where the ID had been set. Especially if it had been set in the Help Attributes section of the field (can you still do that?). It's the little things like this (that make little sense, even now) that will trip them up.

Maybe the best way to learn is in fact to take a blank Form, add a Field, create a Document with it, open the View, add some columns etc. Maybe you have to start from scratch. Once you realise how easy Notes is then it might help reduce any confusion.

Anyway, my reply this time said that I'd ask you lot and get the general opinion. Next time I'm asked I can just point them here.


  1. What is the best way to learn?
  2. Are there any decent books to help?
  3. Any online video/tutorial-based training?
  4. Are free templates best avoided or not?

I open it to the floor...

Click here to post a response

You may be familiar with Java's stack trace information. Did you know you can also code a stack trace into your LotusScript libraries and agents? Use this quick code in your Lotus Notes environment.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Eskild Kvarner
Tags: Replication citrix
In a Citrix-environment there is no need for for the user to create replicas. It would be great to be able to hide "File - Replication - New replica..." on the client to prevent users from creating replicas of their mailbox on the file-server by mistake.
Laptop users may have the Notes client installed on their PCs in addition to Citrix, so it would not be adequate to prevent the user from replicating. It should be prevented on the Citrix-client only.

Author: Vladimir Panov
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
Let DAOS-enabled servers calling each other by NRPC to transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored in the target server's DAOS. Let's assume, - We have two DAOS-enabled Domino 8.5 servers: "ServerA" and "ServerB". - There are replicating databases on both servers and mail DBs of users - "A-User*" on ServerA and "B-User*" on ServerB, and all of the DBs use DAOS, as well as server mailbox’s. - There are NRPC-connections for mail transfer and replications between these servers. When A-User1 sends memo with the attached file to A-User2, the file is not transferred and not copied anywhere but remains in one copy in DAOS on ServerA. The same is true even if A-User2 includes a copy of the initial memo with a file into the reply letter and sends it back to A-User1. Let now the same occur between A-User1 and B-User3. In the initial letter the file is transferred from ServerA to the ServerB. But what will be with the reply? I assume, the file in the response letter will be again transferred between servers, in this case from ServerB to the ServerA. But this file is already stored in DAOS on ServerA! Why two servers communicating by its own proprietary protocol (NRPC), cannot agree among themselves about transfer only references, instead of the file? That’s the idea! Let DAOS-enabled servers calling each other by NRPC to transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored on the target server. The same is useful for replications, not only for mail transfer, that is, for any ways of "dialogue" among servers with enabled DAOS. Especially considerable economy of the traffic can be received with cluster replication of numerous users’ mail DBs. Let’s assume that ServerA and ServerB are connected in cluster, and all users have mail db replicas on both servers. Let the same memo with a file is sent to all users. On delivery of this memo each server’s router will keep one copy of a file in each server’s DAOS. But saving the memo in each user’s mail db will cause it’s replication to other server, thus a file will be again transferred on a network. So we will receive N-fold transfer of the same file between two servers on every memo with a file sent to N users.

Author: Vladimir Panov
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
Let DAOS-enabled servers calling each other by NRPC to transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored in the target server's DAOS.
Let's assume,
- We have two DAOS-enabled Domino 8.5 servers: "ServerA" and "ServerB".
- There are replicating databases on both servers and mail DBs of users - "A-User*" on ServerA and "B-User*" on ServerB, and all of the DBs use DAOS, as well as server mailbox’s.
- There are NRPC-connections for mail transfer and replications between these servers.
When A-User1 sends memo with the attached file to A-User2, the file is not transferred and not copied anywhere but remains in one copy in DAOS on ServerA. The same is true even if A-User2 includes a copy of the initial memo with a file into the reply letter and sends it back to A-User1.
Let now the same occur between A-User1 and B-User3. In the initial letter the file is transferred from ServerA to the ServerB. But what will be with the reply? I assume, the file in the response letter will be again transferred between servers, in this case from ServerB to the ServerA. But this file is already stored in DAOS on ServerA!
Why two servers communicating by its own proprietary protocol (NRPC), cannot agree among themselves about transfer only references, instead of the file?
That’s the idea! Let DAOS-enabled servers calling each other by NRPC to transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored on the target server.
The same is useful for replications, not only for mail transfer, that is, for any ways of "dialogue" among servers with enabled DAOS.

Especially considerable economy of the traffic can be received with cluster replication of numerous users’ mail DBs. Let’s assume that ServerA and ServerB are connected in cluster, and all users have mail db replicas on both servers. Let the same memo with a file is sent to all users. On delivery of this memo each server’s router will keep one copy of a file in each server’s DAOS. But saving the memo in each user’s mail db will cause it’s replication to other server, thus a file will be again transferred on a network. So we will receive N-fold transfer of the same file between two servers on every memo with a file sent to N users.

Author: Vladimir Panov
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
When DAOS-enabled Domino servers call each other for mail sending or replication, they can transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored in the target server's DAOS.
Let's assume,
- We have two DAOS-enabled Domino 8.5 servers: "ServerA" and "ServerB".
- There are replicating databases on both servers and mail DBs of users - "A-User*" on ServerA and "B-User*" on ServerB, and all of the DBs use DAOS, as well as server mailbox’s.
- There are NRPC-connections for mail transfer and replications between these servers.
When A-User1 sends memo with the attached file to A-User2, the file is not transferred and not copied anywhere but remains in one copy in DAOS on ServerA. The same is true even if A-User2 includes a copy of the initial memo with a file into the reply letter and sends it back to A-User1.
Let now the same occur between A-User1 and B-User3. In the initial letter the file is transferred from ServerA to the ServerB. But what will be with the reply? I assume, the file in the response letter will be again transferred between servers, in this case from ServerB to the ServerA. But this file is already stored in DAOS on ServerA! Why two servers communicating by its own proprietary protocol (NRPC), cannot agree among themselves about transfer only references, instead of the file?
That’s the idea! Let DAOS-enabled servers calling each other by NRPC to transfer file references first, and not transfer the file if it’s already stored on the target server.
The same is useful for replications, not only for mail transfer, that is, for any ways of "dialogue" among servers with enabled DAOS.
Especially considerable economy of the traffic can be received with cluster replication of numerous users’ mail DBs. Let’s assume that ServerA and ServerB are connected in cluster, and all users have mail db replicas on both servers. Let the same memo with a file is sent to all users. On delivery of this memo each server’s router will keep one copy of a file in each server’s DAOS. But saving the memo in each user’s mail db will cause it’s replication to other server, thus a file will be again transferred on a network. So we will receive N-fold transfer of the same file between two servers on every memo with a file sent to N users.

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: default_fonts fonts
I really dont think the boxes / dropdown lists when selecting a specifc font help me much. It is just too much scrolling!
Most of the time I am quiet limited to the number of different fonts I use, so could it be possible to define a custom font list that I can select?

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: rich text default content

I do not know how hard this is to create but what would be a timesaver for a lot of us is to create some default content for a rich text field in Designer and have it generated in the Notes client.

For example for new documents I would like to have a table in the rich text field. Nowadays I could create a table via lotusscript in the rich text but then it comes to programming. Especially if you want to have good looking tables it takes much more work.

A timesaver would be to define already the table in Designer and show it in Notes when creating a new document.

Author: Alex Kassabov
Tags: attachment attachments
Let's add some intelligence to attachment processing.  The way Notes handles attachments hasn't changed in 20 years.  It might have been ahead of its time back then, but it needs updating now. 
When double-clicking an attachment, the client should automatically either open or edit the attachment based on the state of the document I'm viewing.  If the document is in Read mode, just open the attachment.  If the document is in Edit mode -- Edit the attachment.  When I click on Save in the application that opened the attachment, save it right back to the Notes document.
The 'View' option, im my opinion, is no longer relevant.  File viewers inside of Notes are out of date and don't handle document formatting appropriately. 
Leave the Save option on the right-click menu.

Author: Alex Kassabov
Tags: inotes type-ahead
It would be really nice to have type-ahead functionality in iNotes.  I get asked this all the time.  Other webmail clients (Gmail) do it.  Why can't iNotes?

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: Quickr connectors offline DOLS
Idea: Using DOLS, you can take Quickr Places offline. While the process to do is far from fool-proof, it does work very nicely (after you beat your head against it a bit).
However the Quickr Connector integration with MS Office, etc. does not access these "offline places".
They need to.
Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: quickr dols connectors
Idea: When one installs the Quickr Connector for Domino, it should provide both online & offline functions. You should not have to load a rather finicky addition (DOLS) to take Quickr Places offline.
Author: Harris Huckabee
Tags: mail template hotlist follow up to do
I want a single place to see everything I have flagged for further action, whether it is related to a received email or is something I enter adhoc (ToDo).  I want to be able to prioritize them to see what is hottest.  Then I want an audit trail of what I have done.  FollowUps and ToDos share some common data points such as dates and text descriptions, and I wonder why on earth IBM hasn't integrated the reporting more tightly.  I suppose some people will say "what about meetings... you can't add FollowUp flags to meetings".  Well, yeah... I want that too so I can flag meetings with FollowUps.  If the mail template provided a nice hotlist interface that helps people manage their work, you can bet it would help Lotus' image.  This would be a great opportunity for IBM to offer an out-of-the-box function that provides obvious benefit to end users, and actually seems easy to do.

Author: Harris Huckabee
Tags: mail template hotlist follow up to do
I want a single place to see everything I have flagged for further action, whether it is related to a received email or is something I enter adhoc (ToDo).  I want to be able to prioritize them to see what is hottest.  Then I want an audit trail of what I have done.  FollowUps and ToDos share some common data points such as dates and text descriptions, and I wonder why on earth IBM hasn't integrated the reporting more tightly.  I suppose some people will say "what about meetings... you can't add FollowUp flags to meetings".  Well, yeah... I want that too so I can flag meetings with FollowUps.  If the mail template provided a nice hotlist interface that helps people manage their work, you can bet it would help Lotus' image.  This would be a great opportunity for IBM to offer an out-of-the-box function that provides obvious benefit to end users, and actually seems easy to do.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Templates
It would be really great if IBM provides some commonly used templates like timesheet,help desk, bug system etc.. in the Domino like Microsoft provides for SharePoint .

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The IBM® Lotus® Sametime® connect client user interface can be customized with images, icons, logos, slogans, design schemes, and more. Users can brand the Lotus Sametime client to provide a unique and personal experience. A company can brand the Lotus Sametime client so that all employees see the company’s branding when they use Lotus Sametime. This article describes installing and modifying a Lotus Sametime branding plug-in, using the branding plug-in of a fictitious company, Your Co.
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A server in another domain dials in for its mail which was sent from its server. Is there a way to delay the delivery of Non Delivery Reports by the router?
The "Minimum Timeout (minutes)" field on the Web SSO Configuration document does not work correctly for keys imported from WebSphere Application Server.
You open a mail file, click a folder, and receive the Error 'Not a sub or function name: STAMPDOCEXEXPIREDATE'.
Under certain conditions, Lotus Notes 8 Standard Configuration will resolve to Internet addresses instead of hierarchical names when using the enhanced type-ahead.
A delegated user of a mail file is displayed as the "Sent by" originator in a mail message in Lotus Notes. Can you prevent a delegate name from being displayed in Lotus Notes mail?
The LotusScript Round function does not work as expected. The documentation notes this in the description of the function: "If the first non-significant digit is 5, and all subsequent digits are 0, the last significant digit is rounded to the nearest even digit."
Java™ views were introduced in the IBM® Lotus® Notes® client in release 8.0. Many new features were implemented using the Java views to modernize the Lotus Notes interface. This article outlines the steps that IBM Lotus Domino developers would take to convert their own Lotus Domino® (simple) applications into Java views. This document presumes that you have an installed version of Lotus Notes 8.5, IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5, and Lotus Notes composite application editor 8.5 and that you are familiar with working in Lotus Domino Designer.
This article provides end-to-end steps that explain how to create a new component (news list) in IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ Services for WebSphere® Portal 8.1. This news component supports basic features for a news item: title, summary, body, and type (normal and important news).
Explanation: Beginning with Domino 8.5, the format of transaction logs can be optimized for Domino servers that use a block size different than the default block size of 512 bytes. The NOTES.INI op
In Lotus Notes, there is a difference in the way the Ambiguous Names dialog box functions from earlier versions. In older versions, the OK button is active, not grayed out. Can users be prevented from carelessly sending e-mails to incorrect recipients because they immediately click OK instead of Cancel?
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