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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 245 от 2009-10-16
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

So the SQL Server guy stops by and says, "Hey, we want to create some reports of Notes data and we only know how to use SQL Server to do it. Do you mind exporting it to a delimited text file and saving it to this restricted folder on the file server? Here's the username and password of a special Windows account with rights to the folder. Oh, and we need it to run on a scheduled basis so everything is automated. Thanks!" The key here is the use of an alternate username and password to gain access to a restricted folder on a Windows file server. Note: This only works on Domino servers running on Windows. Read more: http://www.lotusguru.com/lotusguru/LGBlog.nsf/d6plinks/20080530-7F5HBT
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Доброго всем времени суток.
Имеется база в Lotus 7. В ней есть агент (на новые и измененные документы), одной из задач которого является копирование в обрабатываемые документы полей Authors и Readers из их родителей. Выглядит код примерно так:
Set doc = ...'вытаскиваю очередной обрабатываемый документ
Set parent = database.GetDocumentByUNID(doc.ParentDocumentUNID)
If Not parent Is Nothing Then
    SetAccess doc, parent
    doc.Save True, False
End If

При вызове процедуры SetAccess в вышеприведенном куске выскакивает ошибка Function requires a valid ADT argument. Код процедуры такой:
Sub SetAccess(document As NotesDocument, parent As NotesDocument)
    document.RemoveItem "Authors"
    document.RemoveItem "Readers"

    document.CopyItem parent.GetFirstItem("Authors"), "Authors"
    document.CopyItem parent.GetFirstItem("Readers"), "Readers"
End Sub

Ну а чтобы было совсем весело, ошибка эта появляется только у заказчика, на моей машине в "лабораторных" условиях агент отрабатывает нормально. Подписан он учеткой менеджера базы, имеющего полный доступ ко всем документам (проверено).
Читал в инете про вышеуказанную ошибку, однако все равно не понимаю, откуда она может возникать у меня в коде. Нуждаюсь в помощи, заранее спасибо.
Создавал вчера такую тему, но что-то теперь не могу ее найти.
Итак, есть база Lotus 7, в которой крутится агент, одной из задач которого является копирование полей доступа (Readers и Authors) в документ из его родителя. Выглядит это примерно так:
Set doc = ... 'берем очередной документ
Set parent = db.GetDocumentByUNID(doc.ParentDocumentUNID)
If Not parent Is Nothing Then
    SetAccess doc, parent
    doc.Save True, False
End If

В ходе выполнения этого кода при вызове процедуры SetAccess вылетает ошибка: Function Requires a Valid ADT Argument. Код процедуры такой:
Sub SetAccess(doc As NotesDocument, parent As NotesDocument)
    doc.RemoveItem "Authors"
    doc.RemoveItem "Readers"

    doc.CopyItem parent.GetFirstItem("Authors"), "Authors"
    doc.CopyItem parent.GetFirstItem("Readers"), "Readers"
End Sub

Что характерно, ошибка проявляется только на сервере у заказчика; в моих "лабораторных" условиях агент работает без проблем. Запускается он под учеткой, имеющей права менеджера и доступ на чтение/запись ко всем документам, так что в этой части проблем вроде быть не должно.
Про саму ошибку читал всякое, однако все равно не могу понять, откуда она может возникать в вышеприведенном коде. В общем, нуждаюсь в помощи, заранее спасибо.
Доброе время суток.
Возникла небольшая проблемка, никак не могу решить, прошу помощи знающих людей.

Есть форма, в форме есть изменяемое поле (текстовое) - fldColleagsLotusName, разрешен ввод нескольких значений. В данном поле содержаться lotus-имена пользователей (в формате [Abbreviate]).
Создаю представление(календарное) с отбором документов по формуле: SELECT @IsMember(@Text(@Name([Abbreviate]; @UserName));fldColleagsLotusName).

т.е. хочу чтоб в данном представлении отображались документы только для тех пользователей, которые перечислены в поле fldColleagsLotusName.

Проблема в том, что "как задумано" - не работает. Т.е. для определенных пользователей документы отображаются правильно, для других вообще не отображаются.

пример, пользователь Ivanov I Ivanovich/AA/BBB/CC есть в поле fldColleagsLotusName - для него документ не отображается, а для пользователя Petrov P Petrovich/AA/BBB/CC - отображается (он тоже есть в данном списке).
+ документ отображается для некоторых пользователей, которых нет в поле fldColleagsLotusName.
Всем привет!

Столкнулся недавно с очередной проблемой... На сервере Lotus Domino 6.5.4 крутится документооборот. И есть там одна очень большая база. Однако недавно она стала увеличиваться нереальными темпами. В день почти по гигабайту. Это явно не вяжется с увеличением количества документов в ней. Особенно насторожило это тогда, когда я сделал полную реплику на локальный компьютер. Исходная база весила 56 Гб, а реплика оказалась всего 28 Гб! При этом количество документов в базе совпадает, все вложения на месте. Попробовал сделать New Copy - тоже самое, вместо 56 Гб получил 28 Гб. Внутреннее содержание копии также в норме.

На рабочей базе каждую ночь отрабатывает compact и параметр used у нее всегда в районе 99,8%. Я попробовал снести индексы, запустил вручную compact с ключиком "-B", а потом заново создал индексы. Результата не последовало.

В чем может заключаться такой сильный рост базы? И как ее можно привести в нормальное состояние? Может кто сталкивался с подобными проблемами... Пока кроме индексов и компакта в голову ничего не приходит.
Жил-был код, который в обычной терминальной сессии нормально работал по связи 1С-лотус.
Пришла нужда работать народу под цитриксом и вот полезло - вызовы из 1С 7.7... (клиент лотуса под цитриксом настроен и запускается без вопросов отлично запускается ручками)

было по COM
session = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")

тут валит ошибку "Не могу открыть файл учетной записи"

было по OLE
session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")

тут при закрытом клиенте на создании объекта запускает setup wizard как для нового клиента,
при запущенном клиенте - отрабатывает нормально..

Кто знает что за штука может быть? Особенности цитрикса или криворукость тех, кто настраивал сессии юзеров?
Уважаемые коллеги.
Есть Домино версии 7, есть kspam 1.7b..
Стоит задача прикрутить это добро к друг другу.. Опыту мало..
Произвожу необходимые действия по инструкции прилагаемой в тузлой..
1. Билиотеку nspam.dll закидываю в корневой каталог Домино
2. Каталог с kapam помещаю в Data1
3. Открываю KSpamCon.ntf создаю Конфигурацию значения по дефолту
4. Создаю руле на запрещение с приоритетом 15 так же по инструкции..
5. Прописываю строку Extmgr_addins=spam в notes.ini

Собственно все..? Как отследить функционирует ли kspam?
Как управлять kspam, наблюдать за активностью работы kspam ?
У кого есть опыт в настройке kspam поделитесь..
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Tips. Советы

Michael Brown found a nice feature in Domino Designer 8.5.1, error trapping. When you code something, you can save it, even if it has errors, and DDE is kind enough to give you hints on where to find them.

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Marie L Scott found a new setting in Notes.ini that helps her figure out where users were when they had problems with a Notes connection (but waited several days to tell her about).

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Scott Hooks likes the idea of Smart Upgrade but, with a 458 MB client package, there are a couple of snags you might run into. He's written up his findings, in an effort to keep you out of trouble.

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Christopher Byrne has posted instructions, with lots of screen shots, on how to create hyperlinks and hotspots in Notes 8.5.1. While the items are different, creating and editing them uses some of the same menu boxes.

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By Mick Moignard

In among all the hoopla over the Notes and Domino 8.5.1 launch, you may well have noticed that Domino Designer is now available for download without apparent charge.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what this brings."

Those of you grey-haired enough to remember back to Notes 2 and 3 will recall that it always was, in that the Notes client of that time always included the ability to create and edit design elements. Notes 4.6, I think it was, introduced the separate Domino Designer program, and the extra charge for it.

So why have Lotus now made Designer more freely available, or at least, made it available at no initial cost?

Read Mick's full analysis by tapping here.

A new feature in Lotus Notes 8 is the inclusion of a Recent Contacts view. If you're not a fan of the feature, insert this LotusScript code in a button and email it to your users. Clicking the button will clear the view and prevent repopulation.

DLI.tools has released version 2.6 of Docova Document Manager. The new version has a number of enhancements including improved performance and compliance with Notes 8.5

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Mary Beth Raven highlights the changes to Widgets and the My Widgets sidebar panel for Notes 8.5.1. She has posted a number of screen shots to show you all the new options.

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Ben Langhinrichs is basking in the glow of a Zen-like error message that declares, "Unknown found, Unknown expected". He just isn't sure what triggered it.

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This developerWorks article introduces LotusLive, defining the basic service and providing descriptions of the various offerings like LotusLive Events and LotusLive Notes.

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This is just for testing a new feature. Nothing to learn here.

Last night I implemented an "experimental" feature on this site. This morning I woke up and the web server had died. I'm hoping it's just a coincidence, but have a funny feeling it isn't.

New Feature?

Take a look at the screen shot below:


It will no doubt appear very familiar to you all. If not from reading articles on this site over the years then from the Notes.net Forums. It's the "Domino way" of rendering a discussion-style hierarchy of documents.

I've never really liked it though. It has to be one of the worst ways of holding a conversation. For years now I've wanted to do something about it, so yesterday I did.

Look now at the grab below, which is of the same page but with the new commenting system implemented.


Notice how the body of all the comments are shown inline and slight indented to show the relation to the one above.

Better, no?

You can see it for yourself by opening the article I took the grab from and scrolling down the feedback section.

How It Works

In order to implement the above solution I had to do some fairly major house-keeping in the backend. This database is more than 10 years old and it shows. If I started over now the database structure wouldn't look much it does. Until yesterday there were two "reply" forms. One to hold replies to blogs and one to hold replies to articles. They were similar, but different. Different for no real reason, so I've now created one form (and view) to hold all replies. All old replies (~20,000 documents) have had their Form field updated and various other fields added/removed. It took about an hour just to replicate all the changes! What I have now is much easier to maintain and build on.

Another part of the update was converting the Rich Text held in the some replies (to articles) in to plain text. No idea why I ever used a Rich Text field, but there you go. I did my best at preserving the formatting but some replies will be a bit screwy.

Yeah, but how does it work? Well, where there was once an embedded view there is now an empty Rich Text field, called "Feedback". The Web Query Open Agent fills this field with the nested "view".

The form looks like this:


Note that the document doesn't store a field called Feedback. It's only there as a place-holder for what happens next.

The code to populate the field looks something like this, in principal at least:

'Treats it as plain text without this line
'Hence 64kb limit without this line!
Call web.document.Removeitem("Feedback")  Dim item as NotesRichTextItem 
Set item = web.document.CreateRichTextItem("Feedback") Dim richStyle As NotesRichTextStyle
Set richStyle = web.session.CreateRichTextStyle
richStyle.PassThruHTML = True Call item.AppendStyle(richStyle) While not entry is nothing Call item.Appendtext(entry.ColumnValues(1)) Set entry = nav.GetNextDocument(entry)

In reality the code is more complex, as it has to open and close all the nested LI elements as needed, but you get the idea.


As I said earlier, the HTTP task was dead this morning after adding this new feature last night. Whether it was because of this change I don't know and that's what I need to wait and find out.

There are articles with a lot of feedback and some with little. Not sure what the worst case is, but there's one with >100KB of feedback to render. Could this be bringing the HTTP task down? I don't see how or why.

Moving Forward

I know what you're thinking - aren't the Articles on this site just an archive? Well, kind of, although I do hope to start using them again at some point. What I wanted to do was improve the "archive" as well as test the approach.

I really hope I don't have to scrap this approach as my plan is to implement the same approach for the blog commenting. The code is in the template, I just need to refresh the design. Something's telling me to hold off though.

For now please treat this as just an idea. It will get improved with time if it turns out to be a viable solution. If not I'll look at alternatives though as I don't want to have to revert to the old approach and think it will be a great benefit to the blog commenting, which I've never like either.

Help Testing

To test this out I've created an article for you to add comments to. Let's see what happens.

Click here to post a response

Anybody who looks after a Domino server will know that the screengrab below from this site's log.nsf doesn't look good.


Any entry with a start time and no end time tends to indicate a crash. At least it does in each of the cases above!

As I feared yesterday it's starting to look a lot like my latest round of changes to this site are killing the server. I just can't work out why. Nothing I've done is really pushing any boundaries. Surely?

The obvious culprit would be the major change, which is that I now build the entire comment thread using a Rich Text item and a Web Query Open agent each time a blog or article document is opened. There's nothing fancy going on there though and I'm thinking that's a red herring.

Right now I'm suspecting it's more to do with creating new replies. The crashes seem to be happening at random when you press the "Post It" button. When it does crash the reply you posted doesn't save but something must happen as the browser receives the redirect back from the server, which happens in the WQS agent (Print "Location: /bla"). Very odd.

While I look in to it (and beg Prominic.NET for an 8.5.1 upgrade) it might be worth copying the text of the reply before you press the post button!

I should know not to try and push boundaries with Domino. If the only solution to this is a design rollback I'm going to be pretty peeved about it after I've put in so much effort to try and show that Domino can do anything others servers can. It feels a bit like one step forward and two steps back.

If it comes to it I might even ask Prominic to revert the server to 7.0.2 and/or move it to a Windows machine (it's on Linux now and Domino version is 8.5HF224).

Any ideas folks?

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Nikolay Vlasov
Tags: notes mail primary dictionary mail editing spellcheck spell check
I'm sure notes users from the countries who have to write letters in different languages will support my idea. I sugest to make possible to use more than one primary directory for spell cheking and to make spell checker switch between languages automaticaly. Here is an example I'm facing almost every day: I have Russian dictionary as my default for spell checker, but when I need to write a new mail in English, doesn't metter do I use english text in the body of russian letter or I'm creating a new one, I have to write the text forst, then select all letters and manualy switch spell checker to english. I need to do it all the time, because I can't add english as my second dictionary, so spell checker think all english words are mistyped russian. Not very user feandly, yes?
So I want to have two (or even more) dictionaries for spell cheker so I don't have to do this silly mokey's manual work all the time I need to write something in english or any language other then russian.
Thank you and I really need your support! This feature is really usefull for us, non US and UK users! :)

Author: Charles Robinson
Tags: comment notification
I received a comment notification with the following headers (from GMail):
to me@youknow.net
date Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:30 AM
subject IdeaJam Comment Notification
mailed-by ideajam.net
It was in my spam folder, and I'm assuming that is at least partly because the from is blank. Comment notifications should have a valid FROM.

Author: Charles Robinson
Tags: comment notification
Idea: I received a comment notification with the following headers (from GMail):

to: me@youknow.net
date: Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:30 AM
subject: IdeaJam Comment Notification
mailed-by: ideajam.net

It was in my spam folder, and I'm assuming that is at least partly because the from is blank. Comment notifications should have a valid FROM.
Author: Phil Randolph
Tags: rich text background color LotusScript table
I want there to be a way of setting an individual table cell's background color via LotusScript, similar to how the text color is set using the NotesColor object in NotesRichTextStyle.
I know that there was an idea from a couple of years ago fairly similar to this, so I linked it to this idea.
You can find out more background on this idea at my blog post from today - Idea: Set table cell background color via LotusScript

Author: Chris Farrell
Tags: % used 8.5.1 domino administrator administrator administration client
If you have installed the 8.5.1 administrator client, you may have noticed that the Space Used column is missing from the Files view.  I, for one, find this information very useful.  I opened a PMR with Lotus support concerning this and was told "it was decided that "Space Used" will be completely removed from the admin client as it was deemed no longer necessary."
Is that true?  Does everyone except me find it unnecessary?
I would like to see it added back, anyone else?
I'd like to mention that back in May '09 I attended an 8.5.1 info session.  There was a workshop that included DAOS.  I noticed that when DAOS was enabled the Space Used column no longer reported on free space, but reflected the difference between the logical and physical size of a DAOS enabled database.  Not really a useful number.  I brought this to the presenters attention.  He got back to me a few weeks later & told me that it was "fixed in 8.5.1".  Little did I know that the "fix" was to remove the column altogether.

Author: Andy Donaldson
Tags: Space Used
In the Domino Administration client starting in version 8.5.1, the option to show a database's "Space Used" in the Files area has been removed by IBM. As Administrators, we enjoy having that option to give a quick overview of  the health of the messaging and application environment.  There has been many times in the past were seeing a user with 13% used has saved them from finding out too late that they've deleted all their mail.  The options IS still available in the webadmin.nsf database.  Please, at least put the option back in as an available one and allow the Administrator the option to turn it on.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpage events
Presently Xpages seem to only support Server-Sided events for the Xpage itself.  I would like to see the addition of client sided events such as onLoad so that I can simplify the task of adding code to these events.

Author: Oliver Regelmann
Tags: support terminalservices
Not every company wants or can afford Citrix and would like to use standard Microsoft Windows Server Terminal Services instead.

Author: Einar Ellingsen
Tags: splash screen mini game
Give people something to play with while waiting for Notes/Eclipse to load and initialize.
In the PS3 game FIFA 2008 (and probably later versions also) players can practice their football skills in front of a goal keeper while waiting for the game to load.
The game must be extremly inituitive, it must load fast, and the time to complete a game must be short.
My suggestions are:
- Ski jumping
- Snowboard tricks
- Skatebard tricks
The game should be able to save high scores, and maybe also be able to update high scores on the net.
The screen shot in my idea screen shot is taken from the iPhone game "Ski jump":

Author: Paul Harrison
Tags: design inheritance servertask template

Many Notes houses do not automatically run the Design task on their servers, because of uncertainties and fears over what might change when it runs. As a result, manual effort is required to perform database upgrades from templates whenever they themselves are updated.


To allow the Design task to be configured to automatically run on existing servers where the template versions actually in use are unclear, it would be beneficial if it had an 'audit' command line switch. This switch could be used to safely perform a dry-run of all changes it would make, the results of which could then be used to evaluate and fix potential issues, before then allowing Design to be permanently loaded.

Author: Hynek Kobelka
Tags: view sorting
Many views allow the user to resort them by some column. Such a resort-setting is "remembered" even when the user leaves and reopens the database or even restart his notes-client. Even that this functionality is nice for mail-views in many other applications it causes many support-calls by inexperient users.
The reason is that sometimes a user accidentely resorts a view without knowing it . Later when they open the view again it is still resorted. And the only indicator is a tiny trinagle in the header of a column. Many users don't manage to find it and they post a support call.
To remove such problems it would be nice to have a  database property "Clear user view resorts after opening". Or maybe a LotusScript function to clear the resorts ?

Author: Sean Burgess
Tags: ideajam plain text
There is a bug in the plain text subform of the Ideas.  If you Post an idea while viewing an idea, the current Idea Description is the default text for the new idea.  This can be very confusing to the end user.

Author: Sean Burgess
Tags: IdeaJam welcome page
I would like to see the ability to have a Welcome page in addition to the Help page for explaining what the IdeaJam site is all about.  It needs to have a configurable title and a body of text and can be managed in the same way that the Help is managed.

Author: Charles Robinson
Tags: recent ideas
After going through several ideas and voting, I ended up at the last one I wanted to vote on so I clicked the "Back to All Ideas" button from the idea. This took me to http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/ProductMostRecent?openview&Start=1&Count=20 , and it said "There are no ideas in this space. Please check the In Progress, Completed, Rejected and Withdrawn views." I thought it was odd, so I clicked the Popular view, and got the same message. I clicked every view and none of them had any data.
Thinking this was odd (!) I right-clicked the IdeaJam logo and opened it in a new tab. This showed the Recent view by default, which had documents. I opened an idea, clicked the "Back To All Ideas" button, and it took me to the same URL I pasted above, and this time it had documents. I clicked through all the views, and they all had documents.
I'm not sure what's going on, but it's really, really weird and intermittent. The best kind of weird!  :-)

Author: Hynek Kobelka
Tags: view atta
In a view we can display icons and image ressources.
However we cannot display a picture which is stored directly inside of the document.
It would be nice to have this option for displaying thumbnails of attachments, photos of users , ....
PS: And it should be easily possible, because it is already in the "Business Card"-view in the "Contacts" (Personal Addressbook) database. There you can see the photo of your contact. It is done through comuting a url which looks like this "docattach:notes:///C1257638002C9D96/DB71FB46F903224CC125764E005A6F20?OpenElement=ContactPhoto&timestamp=13.10.2009%2018%3A53%3A34"

Author: Amanda Bauman
Tags: Redbooks
I'm working on a plan to pilot putting an existing, traditional Redbooks project in one of our Lotus product wikis for the community to update, in response to this idea:
Now I'd like to get your feedback on which book you would like to see in this pilot.
If you'd like to see the following book used as this pilot, please vote on this idea: 

Author: Amanda Bauman
Tags: Redbooks
I'm working on a plan to pilot putting an existing, traditional Redbooks project in one of our Lotus product wikis for the community to update, in response to this idea:
Now I'd like to get your feedback on which book you would like to see in this pilot.
If you'd like to see the following book used as this pilot, please vote on this idea:

Author: Yellow Dog
Tags: DDE
Outside of editing Xpages, many of the panels provided by DDE are of no value.  Even when editing Xpages their are often periods when I do not need to see all the panels.  I can use perspective or close panels.  What I would often find more useful is the ability to temporarily collapse the left and/ir right panels in much the same way I can the toolbar on the Notes client.  This would be often much faster.

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: unvoted view
When I clicked on "Unvoted" and selected an IdeaSpace, with the exception of the "All ideas" view, it says that I have voted on everything.  I know that I have not voted on everything. 
I don't believe that the "All ideas" view displayed all the unvoted ideas either because it displayed less than a page of ideas for me.  
It would be nice if when you clicked on "Unvoted"  it would then be replaced with "Back to all ideas"...

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: unvoted view
When I clicked on "Unvoted" and selected an IdeaSpace, with the exception of the "All ideas" view, it says that I have voted on everything.  I know that I have not voted on everything. 
I don't believe that the "All ideas" view displayed all the unvoted ideas either because it displayed less than a page of ideas for me.  
It would be nice if when you clicked on "Unvoted"  it would then be replaced with "Back to all ideas"...

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpage controls
Almost all XPage controls have the ability to indicate if the control should be "Visible".  In reality this really means is the control rendered into the resulting HTML.  There are times in which I want the control to be rendered but just not visible on the screen.  e.g. If I wish to control via Client JavaScript when the control should appear base upon field having certain values.  I would like to see a way provided that I can specifiy (1) if the control should be rendered, AND (2) if the control should be visible.
Note: There are ways to get around this, but I think Designer would be much easier to use if we did not force people to writes lots of JavaScript to do simple things.  That was the problem with traditional Domino Web development.

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In this article, we give an overview of IBM® LotusLive Meetings and describe its unique features. In other articles in this series, we examine each offering in more detail.
In Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino 8 releases, you notice that the mail files display unread documents in black. The default color in Notes 6 or 7 mail templates was red. You want to change the color of read and unread documents in your mail file design. How can this be done?
In Domino 8.5.x, Router delivers and transfers messages but fails to act on a message that is deposited into MAIL.BOX by an on-server process that is shutting down.
The Notes 8.5.1 client does not support SPNEGO / Kerboros domain single sign-on.
Lotus Symphony does not print complete spreadsheet.
In this article, we give an overview of the IBM® LotusLive offerings and describe their unique features. In subsequent articles in this series, we examine each offering in more detail.
When viewing the inbox you see "Unable to load frame's content: Formula Error", or when running fixup you see "Error fixing view XYZ in mailfile.nsf : Formula Error"
This document describes how to download IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 using the Passport Advantage Online Web Site.
When doing a restore to point in time with Netbackup, backup logs are reporting the error "The database is being taken off-line and cannot be opened".
Fix Pack for Lotus Notes Traveler
Linux packages required prior to Lotus Notes® 8.5.1 installation.
IBM's recommendations for maintenance to be installed for the Lotus Notes® Traveler product.
The IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.1 standard client has a new spell check engine and new spelling language dictionaries that are in a different format from the ones that were used in version 8.5 and earlier. H
The purpose of this collection is to provide links to a select group of documents and resources that educate readers on the items and issues to take into consideration when upgrading to Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1.
The IBM Lotus Domino team will host an Open Mic Question and Answer session regarding the "Lotus Domino ID Vault" on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 10 AM Eastern Time (2:00 GMT).
A previously posted Daylight Saving Time (DST) agent for Western Australia was found to have a defect. This document contains an updated agent.
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