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Battling a new infection, Chavez has breathing problems

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Battling a new infection, Chavez has breathing problems CNN March 4, 2013

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is fighting a new infection, and his breathing problems have worsened, Information Minister Ernesto Villegas said late Monday.

"There is a worsening of the respiratory function, related to the state of his depressed immune system," Villegas said, reading an official statement on state-run VTV.

He reported Chavez is battling a new and "severe" infection, stressing that his overall condition remains "very delicate." Chavez is undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments, he said.

"The president continues to hold fast to Christ and to life, aware of the difficulties he's facing," Villegas said.

Chavez, 58, first announced he had cancer in 2011. He spent more than two months in treatment in Cuba recently, returning to Venezuela two weeks ago.

The government has never specified what kind of cancer Chavez has.

Vice President Nicolas Maduro said Friday that Chavez is "fighting for his life." The president began chemotherapy after his fourth cancer surgery in Cuba in December, and he is continuing the "intense" treatment at a military hospital in Caracas, according to Maduro.

Since Chavez underwent surgery on December 11, government accounts about his health have been vague.

After previous procedures, Chavez called state television to offer upbeat, if vague, reports on his condition. There have been no such calls in recent weeks, and he has not been seen in public.

The last glimpse Venezuelans had of their leader was last month when the government released a series of photographs that showed a smiling Chavez -- his face bloated -- lying on a blue pillow, flanked by his two daughters.

The president's allies maintain he is continuing to run the country, while critics say Venezuela is in limbo without a leader, and are demanding more details on his health.


worsen / 'wɜːs(ə)n / - ухудшаться

battle / 'bætl / - бороться, сражаться, преодолевать

condition / kən'dɪʃ(ə)n / - состояние здоровья

remain / rɪ'meɪn / - оставаться в каком-либо состоянии

face / feɪs / - сталкиваться с проблемой

announce / ə'naun(t)s/- объявлять; сообщать; анонсировать; оповещать; извещать; заявлять

specify / 'spesɪfaɪ/ - точно определять, устанавливать, детально излагать

undergo / ʌndə'gəu / - подвергаться чему-либо, переносить

vague / veɪg / - неопределённый, неясный, смутный; неуловимый


Take you up on that offer

Daglish: Thanks so much for showing me Madrid. You were a great host.
- Большое спасибо за то, что показал мне Мадрид. Ты был очень гостеприимен.

Sergio: It was my pleasure.
- Не стоит благодарности.

Daglish: I hope I wasn't too much trouble with all the stuff I bought.
- Надеюсь, я не доставил тебе много хлопот со всеми этими покупками.

Sergio: No trouble at all. It was fun for me to see Spain through a foreigner's eyes.
- Совсем нет. Мне самому было интересно взглянуть на Испанию глазами иностранца.

Daglish: You're welcome to come visit me in the States. I'll show you around.
- Жду тебя в гости в Штатах. Устрою тебе экскурсию.

Sergio: We weren't sure, but I've since learned that our biggest competitor was there at the same time as we were.
- Мы не были точно уверены, но впоследствии я узнал, что наши главные конкуренты находились там в то же время, что и мы.

Daglish: Really? I might just take you up on that offer!
- Серьезно? Может, я и приму твое предложение!



consist in something - to be based on or depend on something: ( заключаться в чём-либо)

consist of something - to be formed from two or more things or people: ( состоять, быть составленным из (чего-либо / кого-либо))


GOP: the Grand Old Party another name for the Republican Party in US politics
"Великая старая партия" (неофициальное название Республиканской партии США)

WTO: the World Trade Organization
ВТО, Всемирная торговая организация

MBA: Master of Business Administration
магистр делового администрирования

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 235 от 2013-03-06  
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