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Mystery masterpiece revealed as Rembrandt self-portrait

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Mystery masterpiece revealed as Rembrandt self-portrait CNN March 18, 2013

A mystery portrait donated to a British heritage charity as part of a mixed lot of paintings has been identified as a work by Dutch master Rembrandt van Rijn -- worth more than $30 million.

The picture, dated 1635, shows the then 29-year-old artist in a black velvet cape and hat decorated with outsized ostrich feathers. It was given to the National Trust in 2010, along with four other artworks.

At the time it was thought to have been painted by one of Rembrandt's pupils, but new tests and research by leading Rembrandt scholar Ernst van de Wetering have shown it is more likely to be by the teacher himself.

"Over the years, it has gone back and forward," David Taylor, the National Trust's curator of paintings and sculpture, told CNN. "Decades ago it was thought to be a Rembrandt, and then the experts said no, that it was by someone in his studio instead."

Van de Wetering, chairman of the Rembrandt Research Project, said the painting was last examined in 1968, and that in the intervening years "we have gathered far more knowledge about Rembrandt's self-portraits and the fluctuations in his style."

He said that X-ray analysis, along with "newly found circumstantial evidence remarkably increased the likelihood that the painting was by Rembrandt himself," and that a recent close look at the picture had confirmed those suspicions.

The painting was given to the Trust by the estate of Edna, Lady Samuel of Wych Cross, whose late husband Harold, Lord Samuel of Wych Cross was a keen art collector and philanthropist.

"It was part of a very generous gift, of five top-notch paintings," Taylor explained. As well as the Rembrandt portrait, the donation also included two peasant scenes and two maritime scenes.

But while the Trust recognized that the portrait was a high-quality work, it was not put on display at Buckland Abbey, in Devon, southwest England, immediately.

"It was in storage at first," explained Taylor. "Though not because it was unloved, more because we were waiting for the right place for it -- we wanted to get the display right."

"It's amazing to think we might have had an actual Rembrandt hanging here on the walls at Buckland Abbey for the past couple of years," Jez McDermott, property manager at Buckland Abbey, said in a statement.


donate / dəu'neɪt / - дарить, жаловать, жертвовать

heritage / 'herɪtɪʤ / - наследство; наследие

charity / 'ʧærɪtɪ / - благотворительность

ostrich / 'ɔstrɪʧ / - страус

feather / 'feðə / - перо

chairman / 'ʧeəmən /- председатель

gather / 'gæðə/ - накоплять, приобретать

suspicion / sə'spɪʃ(ə)n/ - подозрение

likelihood / 'laɪklɪhud / - вероятность

maritime / 'mærɪtaɪm / - морской

storage / 'stɔːrɪʤ / - склад, хранилище

property / 'prɔpətɪ / - имущество; собственность


How long does it take on foot

Tina: Excuse me, officer. I'm lost. How do I get to the new shopping mall?
- Извините, офицер. Я заблудилась. Как попасть в новый торговый центр?

Police officer: You're pretty far from there. I hope you are not in a hurry.
- Это довольно далеко отсюда. Надеюсь, вы не спешите.

Tina: No, I 'm just going to do some shopping. Which way should I go?
- Нет, я просто собираюсь сделать некоторые покупки. Куда мне идти?

Police officer: To get there, go straight for five blocks. Then turn left and walk about two blocks. It's on the right.
- Чтобы добраться туда, идите прямо пять кварталов, затем поверните налево и пройдите еще примерно два квартала. Он находится с правой стороны.

Tina: OK. How long does it take on foot?
- Хорошо. Сколько времени туда идти пешком?

Police officer: Around 20 minutes.
- Около 20 минут.

Tina: Thank you, sir.
- Благодарю вас, сэр.



get off - to leave a place, or to help someone to leave a place: ( покидать место или помогать кому-то покинуть место)

get through - to come successfully to the end of an unpleasant experience or period of time, or to help someone do this: ( успешно дойти до конца неприятного случая или помочь кому-то сделать это)


IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet
международный фонетический алфавит

TUC: Trades Union Congress
Британский конгресс тред-юнионов

LLD: Doctor of Laws
доктор права

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 237 от 2013-03-19  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 19223

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