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English Speaking Club

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English Speaking Club

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio

Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции.

Appearance – a short story

Meeting people for the first time we always make a judgment based on their appearances though the proverb tells us not to make such a mistake. Appearances are really deceptive; it's like a wrap of a sweet. I believe that everyone at least once in his/her life unwrapped a sweet in a bright paper but instead of a chocolate sweet found there just caramel. Or vice versa sometimes a really tasty candy is hidden under very unattractive wrapping paper. The same I can say about people. 

It's better to stay neutral until the moment when you can say for sure that you know this or that person pretty well to say he is a person who deserves (or doesn't deserve) faith, understanding or attention. It's my life motto since I've made such a mistake.

My best friend's name is Nina; we are friends for many ages; but I can never forget our first meeting. It was in summer when our families decided to rest in the south together. When we drove up to their house my attention was attracted by a little tidy girl in a rose dress, who was sitting to squat and playing with her long blond curl. It was Nina. My first impressions about her were far from my opinion about her now. At first she seemed to me so correct, obedient and shy that I didn't like her at all, but when we began to communicate closer I understood I was mistaken. I think it makes sense to say that when we returned home we were loyal friends.

So I know it for sure that appearances are deceptive. That's why now I never make any conclusions about a person when I meet him or her for the first time. It's not my rule to make hasty conclusions, I prefer to get to know more about a person, then to analyze this information and only then to draw my conclusion. It's very easy to form a negative opinion about a person just because you don't like the way he looks, and it becomes like a barrier for further communication between you and this person, though in fact he can be an interesting, well-educated and talented person with whom you have a lot of in common. So, never judge people by appearances, because appearances are deceptive!



What is the first thing you notice about a person?

What do the clothes someone wears say about that person?

Is there a part of your appearance that you are very proud of? (i.e. eyes, fashion sense, hair etc.)

What is the most interesting haircut you have seen?

Have you ever gone through the entire day without noticing something was wrong with your appearance? (i.e. missing button, food in your teeth)

What kinds of things do you do to improve/maintain your appearance?

Are there any fashion trends in the past you followed but think are silly looking now?

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Have you ever been intimidated by someone’s appearance?

Do people in your country talk a lot about other people’s appearance?

Is it rude to tell the person that they need to improve their appearance? 

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