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English Speaking Club Latino/Hispanic culture in U.S.

English Speaking Club

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio

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Latino/Hispanic culture in U.S.

The terms Hispanic and Latino refer to an ethnicity sharing a common history, culture, and language. Hispanics are often defined as people from Spain or any country that is Spanish speaking in Latin America. The term Latino has more varied definitions that generally include people from Latin American. Hispanic Americans and Latino Americans make up more than 17% of the U.S. population with over 53 million Hispanics and Latinos living in the U.S.

Cultural Influence

Hispanic and Latin Americans come from diverse social, economic, and geographic backgrounds making them all very different depending on their family heritage and national origin. However, there some cultural similarities that tend to bring these diverse backgrounds together.


One of the most common cultural characteristics of Hispanic American culture is the Spanish language. In 1980, there were roughly 11 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. representing 5% of the population. By 2012 the number of Spanish speakers increased to over 38 million, representing 13% of the U.S. population. Hispanic families often teach their children Spanish as a way of passing down their heritage and culture. This emphasis on bilingualism has helped revive the Spanish language in the U.S.

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