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Выпуск № 16 (255) от 2014-08-28 www.english-moscow.ru
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Сегодня мы продолжаем читать рассказ Джерома К. Джерома «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки» (Jerome K. Jerome «Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)»). Сегодняшний выпуск – это финальный тест, поэтому не будет ничего, кроме цитаты из книжки и перевода к ней.
“ Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)”
by Jerome K. Jerome
Lunch came just as they were off Sheerness.
Второй завтрак подали, когда пароход проходил мимо Ширнесса.
He didn’t feel so hungry as he thought he should, and so contented himself with a bit of boiled beef, and some strawberries and cream.
Мой приятель не чувствовал особого голода и потому довольствовался куском вареной говядины и земляникой со сливками.
He pondered a good deal during the afternoon, and atone time it seemed to him that he had been eating nothing but boiled beef for weeks, and at other times it seemed that he must have been living on strawberries and cream for years.
Днем он много размышлял, и иногда ему казалось, что он несколько недель не ел ничего, кроме вареной говядины, а иногда - что он годами жил на одной землянике со сливками.
Neither the beef nor the strawberries and cream seemed happy, either—seemed discontented like. At six, they came and told him dinner was ready.
И говядина и земляника со сивками тоже чувствовали себя неважно. В шесть часов ему доложили, что обед подан.
The announcement aroused no enthusiasm within him, but he felt that there was some of that two-pound-five to be worked off, and he held on to ropes and things and went down.
Это сообщение не вызвало у моего приятеля никакого энтузиазма, но он решил, что надо же отработать часть этих двух фунтов и пяти шиллингов, и, хватаясь за канаты и другие предметы, спустился вниз.
A pleasant odour of onions and hot ham, mingled with fried fish and greens, greeted him at the bottom of the ladder; and then the steward came up with an oily smile, and said:
Приятный аромат лука и горячего окорока, смешанный с благоуханием жареной рыбы и овощей, встретил его у подножия лестницы.
Буфетчик, маслено улыбаясь, подошел к нему и спросил:
“What can I get you, sir?”
Man feeling ill“ Get me out of this,” was the feeble reply.
- Что прикажете принести, сэр?
- Унесите меня отсюда, - последовал еле слышный ответ.
And they ran him up quick, and propped him up, overto leeward, and left him.
И его быстро подняли наверх, уложили с подветренной стороны и оставили одного.
For the next four days he lived a simple and blameless life on thin captain’s biscuits (I mean that the biscuits were thin, not the captain) and soda-water; but,towards Saturday, he got uppish, and went in for weak tea and dry toast, and on Monday he was gorging himself on chicken broth.
Последующие четыре дня мой знакомый вел жизнь скромную и безупречную, питаясь только сухариками и содовой водой.
К субботе он, однако, возомнил о себе и отважился на слабый чай и поджаренный хлеб, а в понедельник уже наливался куриным бульоном.
He left the ship on Tuesday, and as it steamed awayfrom the landing-stage he gazed after it regretfully.
Он сошел на берег во вторник, и когда пароход отвалил от пристани, проводил его грустным взглядом.
Lunch came just as they were off Sheerness. He didn't feel so hungry as he thought he should, and so contented himself with a bit of boiled beef, and some strawberries and cream. He pondered a good deal during the afternoon, and at one time it seemed to him that he had been eating nothing but boiled beef for weeks, and at other times it seemed that he must have been living on strawberries and cream for years.
Neither the beef nor the strawberries and cream seemed happy, either - seemed discontented like.
At six, they came and told him dinner was ready. The announcement aroused no enthusiasm within him, but he felt that there was some of that two-pound-five to be worked off, and he held on to ropes and things and went down. A pleasant odour of onions and hot ham, mingled with fried fish and greens, greeted him at the bottom of the ladder; and then the steward came up with an oily smile, and said:
"What can I get you, sir?"
"Get me out of this," was the feeble reply.
And they ran him up quick, and propped him up, over to leeward, and left him.
For the next four days he lived a simple and blameless life on thin captain's biscuits (I mean that the biscuits were thin, not the captain) and soda-water; but, towards Saturday, he got uppish, and went in for weak tea and dry toast, and on Monday he was gorging himself on chicken broth. He left the ship on Tuesday, and as it steamed away from the landing-stage he gazed after it regretfully.