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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 174 от 2009-05-04

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 174 от 2009-05-04
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Проверили: mail system в карточке пользователя стоит POP or IMAP. Ввели пароль на почту интернета и протестировали заново. Результат тот же. Если один пользователь забирает почту с сервера с ящика MailBox1, у другого появляется окошко авторизации до тех...
Как из внешнего приложения используя OLE развернуть/свернуть окно Lotus`а, передать ему фокус,
Lotus Domino 8.0.2 FP1 (32 bit) os Windows 2003

RmFlush: Failed locking DbWriteSem for 'dbname' [span = 27038K recLSN = 9C00000057D51FF71C000-52F0002BD4C5C3A447375746F] : Server error: Invalid ID table - unexpected opcode
Lock(Mode=S    LockID(DB DB=dbname)) countNonIntentLocks = 1 countIntentLocks = 0, queuLength = 0
   Req(Status=Granted Mode=S Class=Manual Nest=0 Cnt=1
       Tran=0 Func=N/A  [135C:016C-0980])
Поставил второй сервер (SRV2), на (SRV1) прописал коннекшн ко второму и создал документ сервера. Кроме этого внес второй сервер в группу локальных серверов. Запускаю SRV2 он ругается на недоступность одного шаблона:
04/29/2009 01:20:13 PM ATTEMPT TO ACCESS DATABASE mtstore.ntf by SRV1/DOM/ORG was denied
04/29/2009 01:20:13 PM ATTEMPT TO ACCESS DATABASE mtstore.ntf by SRV1/DOM/ORG was denied

на первом вообще куча ошибок:
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG busytime.ntf to not allow replication from busytime.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG activity.ntf to not allow replication from activity.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG dominoblog.ntf to not allow replication from dominoblog.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Unable to replicate mailbox.ntf: You are not authorized to replicate or copy data from this database.
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Unable to replicate SRV2/DOM/ORG mailbox.ntf: You are not authorized to replicate or copy data from this database.
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG certlog.ntf to not allow replication from certlog.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG dba4.ntf to not allow replication from dba4.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG pubnames.ntf to not allow replication from pubnames.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG pernames.ntf to not allow replication from pernames.ntf
29.04.2009 13:20:10 Access control is set in SRV2/DOM/ORG pernames.ntf to not allow replication from pernamesrus8.ntf

в закладке Security документа сервера SRV2 и SRV1:
Create databases & templates: LocalDomainAdmins
Create new replicas: LocalDomainAdmins
Create master templates: LocalDomainAdmins

где прав не хватает?
P.S. При попытке вручную создать новый коннекшн от SRV2 к SRV1 (админский id используется) - ругается что я не имею достаточно прав на выполнение этой операции blink.gif
Здрасте всем!!!
Проблема в следующем: стояла задача завети на сервер всех пользователей. Зарегистрировал всех, стандартный пароль у всех пользователей одинаковый, начал устанавливать пользователям и выяснилось что у некоторых пользователей пароль по умолчанию не тот какой я вбивал (толи букву пропустил то ли не правильно ввел) одним словом первоначальный пароль не знаю, пользователей примерно 200 человек у которых такой косяк, народ подсткажите как можно решить проблему, может на сервер гдето можно его увидеть или ну кароче помогите!!!
Заранее спасибо!!!
У кого есть дистрибутив ЛотусНотес для мобильника? Или скажите как он называется, я на ПА поищу.
Всем доброго времени суток.
С лотусом начал работать недавно, а потому возник такой вопрос:
существует ли возможность отправки сообщений с сервера Domino (например из агента) определенному клиенту и получения от него ответа? Если да, то как ее можно реализовать средствами Java.

На всякий случай, краткое описание прикладной задачи:

Аген на сервере должен вывести на клиенте форму для запроса данных, после чего получить и обработать ответ пользователя. Желательно все сделать на Java. В крайнем случае Lotus Script.

Спасибо всем, кто откликнется
Здравствуйте, почему Не приходит отчет исполнителя на E-mail? Раньше приходил проблемы не возникали, а тут вдруг раз и нет. Может какие настройки надо сделать?
Вы сейчас о каком отчете говорите? Есть два вида почтовых отчета. Отчет о доставке и об открытии. Вы о каком из них говорите?
Вы сейчас о каком отчете говорите? Есть два вида почтовых отчета. Отчет о доставке и об открытии. Вы о каком из них говорите?
Можно ли сказать серверу, чтобы он хранил архивы на отдельном сервере в отдельной партиции, которая не лежит в Дата? Например выделить отдельную директорию - /var/arch. В политиках архивации указано только имя директории, и она формируется в ../Data/

Домино 8.0.2. Внутренний пользователь отправил письмо с вложением. В получателях несколько внешних адресатов, в копии несколько внутренних. Стоит галка уведомления о прочтении.
Суть глюка следующая - при прочтении письма внутренним получателем, уведомление о прочтении не отправляется. Вместо этого по всему списку адресатов пересылается
исходное письмо с вырезанным вложением. Флаг ReturnReceipt сбрасывается в 0 после этого.

Есть ли какие-нибудь идеи, почему это может происходить? Случай пока единичный, но крайне напрягает.
В Lotus Domino Web Access не выделяются папки в которые пришли письма. Нашел на сайте IBM вот |#^#]>эту статью|#^#]>, как сделать чтобы папки выделяли жирным шрифтом и в скобках показывалось количество писем. Но в клиенте это работает и там видно пиьсма и прочее, но в браузере такого нету, когда пришло письмо - папка не выделается.
Что нужно сделать чтобы это работало в Web Access, т.е. в браузере...???
В Lotus Domino Web Access не выделяются папки в которые пришли письма. Нашел на сайте IBM вот эту статью, как сделать чтобы папки выделялись жирным шрифтом и в скобках показывалось количество писем. В клиенте это работает и там видно письма и прочее, но в браузере такого нету, когда пришло письмо - папка не выделается.
Как сделать, чтобы это работало в браузере...???
Шаблон одинаковый я думаю, что конкретно там менять? там значений и формул целая куча, без литра не разберешся.
В Lotus Domino Web Access не выделяются папки в которые пришли письма.
Шаблон одинаковый я думаю, что конкретно там менять? там значений и формул целая куча, без литра не разберешся.
В Lotus Domino Web Access не выделяются папки в которые пришли письма.
7.0.3 web
Постараюсь максимально понятно...
Есть агент, регистрирующий юзеров для web. После подтверждения регистрации по емайл - работает моментальный автологин через ребилд
Set view = dbreg.GetView("($LDAPCN)")
Call view.Refresh()
Set view = dbreg.GetView("($ServerAccess)")
Call view.Refresh()
тут расписывать не буду, потому как с основной names.nsf проблем нет.

Решил подключить доп книгу для юзеров. тут начались траблы sad.gif
Основной - пользователь логинится (автором по группе), но не получает права на редактирование доков. (вылезает требование логина)
Перекопал кучу материала. Вот тут |#^#]>http://www.11tmr.com/11tmr.nsf/D6Plinks/MWHE-6X2H3J|#^#]>
и вот тут |#^#]>http://extranet.unctad.org/QuickPlace/help...4d?OpenDocument|#^#]>
по делу, но не помогает...
Замечено следующее. Вырезаем ручками юзера из names - вставляем в другую книгу - все работает. Наоборот - вырезаем юзера из доп. книги и вставляем в names - также все работает.
Что за тараканы? Может не отрефрешил вьюху какую?

ps. доп книга подключалась по букварю через da.nsf. В ней установлены все yes и трастед. Для пущей уверенности прописана также в ini NAMES=names.nsf, shop\webnames.nsf результат нулевой...
еще в логах есть такое
02.05.2009 22:04:08 Opened session for Evgeny As/Home (Release 7.0.3)
02.05.2009 22:11:37 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Adminp)')
02.05.2009 22:11:37 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Certifiers)')
02.05.2009 22:11:38 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Clusters)')
02.05.2009 22:11:38 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Connections)')
02.05.2009 22:11:38 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($CrossCertByName)')
02.05.2009 22:11:38 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($CrossCertByRoot)')
02.05.2009 22:11:38 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Holidays)')
02.05.2009 22:11:39 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Locations)')
02.05.2009 22:11:39 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($MailGroups)')
02.05.2009 22:11:39 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Networks)')
02.05.2009 22:11:39 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($PeopleGroupsFlat)')
02.05.2009 22:11:39 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Profiles)')
02.05.2009 22:11:40 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Programs)')
02.05.2009 22:11:40 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($Servers)')
02.05.2009 22:11:40 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($ServersLookup)')
02.05.2009 22:11:40 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading C:\Lotus\Domino\data\shop\webnames.nsf view note Title:'($vwServersByMajVer) $vwServers')
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Доброе утро всем!. У меня возник такой же вопрос.
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Tips. Советы

Tony Austin has found himself in a bind. He's trying to add some user-editable fields to a document that would be visible in both the Notes client and a web browser, but it isn't working as he wants.

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Chad Scott was asked for the "theoretical" limitation on the number of databases on a Domino cluster. He provides numbers, and Notes.ini parameters, for a couple of versions.

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If you enjoyed those old support calls, the ones where everyone got confused about the "red unread messages", then you might like the new "classic mail" theme available through OpenNTF.

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Paul Mooney was asked this question at Admin 2009. Since he didn't know the answer, he went home and tested it.

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Mainsoft is previewing support for Lotus Notes 8.5 and SharePoint calendar integration. The new release, expected to be released later this quarter, will also support Microsoft SharePoint Online and business mashups integrating SharePoint document libraries with custom IBM Lotus Domino and Java applications and run on the Lotus Notes 8.5 desktop.

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PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.

  • Full support available for NTLM authentication protocol in non-Active Directory environments
  • Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication protocol
  • Leverage Active Directory password policies to unify Lotus applications

Download white paper to learn more: "Leverage Active Directory with Kerberos to Eliminate HTTP Password"

Tommy Valand has posted two string method workarounds for the missing regular expression functionality he found in XPages.

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Andrew Pollack needed an SFTP server that could use Domino Directory for authentication & configuration for a client. In researching the issue he found one that was inexpensive and did everything he needed.

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Save time from costly errors on your important projects. Get your FREE articles today.

After noticing he wasn't getting any Tweets through TwitNotes, Mikkel Heisterberg traced the error back to an API. He's now resolved the problem and posted a widget and instructions to fix it.

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Our own Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz will be talking about China (friend or foe?) today on WDEL 1150am at 5:35pm EST (it'll be a short interview).

Also, if you haven't caught David's latest articles for CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, here's a list of his three most recent contributions: Thespies who wear sweatpants, Infrastructure or chotchkes?, and Is Chinafriend or foe?.

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MessageSolution, Inc. announced the release of Enterprise Email Archive Professional Edition, an on-site email archiving solution for Microsoft Exchange Server and IBM Lotus Notes Domino Server.

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John Head has posted a list of plug-ins for Lotus Symphony on this page. His chart provides descriptions, screen-shots, and download links.

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Devin Olson is asking for your input. There are currently two polls out there: Sonia Malik is asking what form of training are you 'most apt to use' while Devin is asking which you would 'prefer to use'. Devin provides links to both polls from this page.

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Learn the new features in Notes/Domino 8.5 and pass the update exam with flying colors with TLCC's new update courses for developers and administrators. Learn at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Try a FREE demo course!

Click here for more information and to try a free demo course!

Computers can provide so much information on a problem, or not. Kevin Kanarski has posted a picture of an error message from one of his BES Domino servers.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Stuart McIntyre
Tags: notes client switch users
Whenever a user changes to a new location in Notes that includes a different Notes ID, the client throws up this dialog
"This Notes Client supports multiple users.  To use your own private data, log into the operating system using your personal logon and relaunch Notes.  Do you wish to continue with 'Switch ID'?   No/Yes'
I see this message at least 5 times a day as I switch between IDs to support my customers and for test environments.
Given that the majority of users that are likely to wish to Switch IDs are advanced users or consultants, I would imagine that they know that there are alternative ways to achieve this functionality.  Therefore, please could we have a means to suppress this dialog - either via the Notes client preferences or using a checkbox on the dialog (Do not show this message again?).

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: server title
You can show server names on icons, but typically these days, server names are pretty unreadable and confusing to end users.
It would be more beneficial to display the server title instead e.g. John Smith on London UK Server 1 rather than John Smith on LONLDMAIL01
This should also apply anywhere that an end user may need to view server names, e.g. Database Open dialog etc.
The users are perfecly used to Database titles rather than their filenames. Why not for servers.

Author: Garrett Wolthuis
Tags: search google search connections
When searching for a term in Connections it would be nice if the search term was highlighted in the resulting documents, dogears, communities, and profiles. Much the way a Google search works.  This would help with finding the correct instance and context of the search term.

Author: Jerh O'Connor
Tags: import population profiles
I'd have a lot more info. and save a lot of time if there were a set of import tools to suck data from external sites like linkedIn and Naymz and pre-populate my profile. Give me a preview option before I publish just in case and voila - a much more complete profile, a much happier user, and a much more useful resource as a whole

Author: Richard Moy
Tags: Clouding Computing Notes Client
If you every try accessing a Domino application from your Notes client through the Web you will find that the access is much slower then accessing the application from within your office where the server is located  regardless of how fast your boardband is.  The fact is that the NRPCs required for communication between the Domino server and the Notes client needs to hop between routers and there is latency that grows exponentially causing the experience to be very unpleasant.  IBM should provide the option for the Notes client to switch to the HTTPS protocol to communicate with the Domino server.  This would reduce the packet traffic and improve the response.  With the world and IBM looking at Cloud Computing, this would greatly improve the experience.

Author: Chad Alshouse
Tags: User Details
Database Activity User Detail default sort order is by Date/Time column
1) If you click the column header to sort via the User column, the results have no secondary sort order.  It would be great if we could select a secondary sort, or if Date/Time would default as the secondary sort order.
2) The User Detail - Copy to the clipboard button seems to be limited by the Windows clipboard memory buffer, so not all of the 64kb worth of data is copied.  Could we get more of the data that is displayed in the dialog, if we had an option to Export the data, like to a .CSV
ref IBM technote 1214163

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Статьи и Документация

IBM® Lotus® iNotes™ 8.5 includes many new features. This third article in the series covers the new Lotus iNotes ultra-light mode and some improvements to the Lotus iNotes redirector application.
Changes in edited attachment are not being retained and no warning is appearing as would be expected.
Domino server has multiple network adapters bound to the same subnet and share the same default route. Where two physical network adapters share the same default route, the Operating System (OS) will load balance network traffic across both adapters. Some switches, such as the Cisco 6509 series, can cause problems by purging entries for both adapters from it's internal table. The switch will Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) broadcast to generate new table entries, and causes performance problems.
In Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino, an UnsatisfiedLinkError usually occurs when Java is trying to make a JNI (Java Native Interface) call to native code and the native code cannot be found.
Is there a way to remove the Lotus Notes Single Logon service without running the Notes installer manually?
When I synchronize Lotus NotesTraveler with a mobile device to retrieve my mail from the server, messages in Japanese appear garbled.
In Lotus Notes, when trying to change the action name of the mail database by exceeding 64 characters, an error message displays.
In Lotus Notes, how do you copy addresses from the To and CC fields in an e-mail to your personal address book?
Starting in Domino 8 for UNIX, you can run the install program in either the traditional Console mode or a new graphical mode. The attached presentation shows the install program menus for both of these modes.
When you attempt to replicate a Lotus Notes® database you receive the error "Replication cannot proceed because it cannot maintain uniform access control list".
In Lotus Notes, a section with a border style displays differently in 7x and 8x versions.
If you disable cookies from a browser and access the servlet again, every time you click the link, the session ID is generated again. The Lotus Domino Servlet Manager doesn't use the existing session ID even though the SessionID is available in the URL request.
In Lotus Notes Standard Configuration, you find that switching between Location documents causes the Homepage to load in the Administrator client.
This technote links to a multimedia demonstration which will show you how to use Fix Central to download and apply a cumulative and some group PTF packages. You will also see how to download apply fixes from .bin files.
How do you collect the Platform Statistics for a Windows 2000 server?
With the debut of My developerWorks, two little characters ("My") make a big difference: They take developerWorks from "just" the place where you find award-winning how-to content for developers and IT professionals to the place where you and your peers congregate to connect, share, and collaborate. Great content is just the beginning, and now it's time for you to take the next step: Create your professional profile and your custom home page on My developerWorks. Then find and connect with like-minded peers, and invite them into your My developerWorks network to share expertise and build groups for further interaction and collaboration.
Form processing is one of the major daily tasks in many public and private businesses. Processes based on paper forms are resource intensive, time consuming, and often result in inaccurate or incomplete data. This article describes how you can build an efficient electronic solution for form data capture, submission, and management. The article guides you through three steps to build an efficient XML electronic forms data collection solution with Lotus Forms for data capture, DB2 pureXML for data storage and query, and a connection between the two via a simple Web service that you can create with Data Studio Developer. In three steps you can have an operational electronic forms application that can be the basis for efficient, quick, and accurate data collection and management.
Learn about the “skinnable” table (STable) control widget, in which the color and font of the table, table body, and header match the style of an application, if the application is using a custom theme. It is one of the core components of IBM Lotus Notes 8 Java views. This article is for developers who want to understand what an STable can do and how they can build applications using STable widgets.
Você está interessado em aprender mais sobre o Cliente Notes 8? Se a sua resposta é sim, por favor participe da nossa próxima apresentação: Novidades no Cliente Notes 8 (apresentação em português). Are you interested in learning more about Lotus Notes 8 Client? If so, please participate in the upcoming presentation: What's New in the Notes 8 Client (presented in Portuguese)
In Lotus Domino Designer, if you create a private folder with the property, "Private, Shared on first use", the following design property is lost, "Evaluate actions for every document change", when the folder is reopened.
How to change the web server's homepage after installing Lotus® Notes® Traveler.
Your Domino server installation fails without error after the server partition information is entered.
Install Instructions for a Domino Web Access Hotfix.
Agent Manager PANIC on PortDriver_ShutdownSession after issuing the "tell amgr quit" command.
1. Launch Notes 2. Select 'File' - 'Preferences' - 'User Preferences.'
Is it possible to show Return-Receipts as Response-Documents to the original message? This would be helpful for the sender of the mail to check which recipients have read the message.
Have you recently moved your Domino servers to a system running IBM i? Is the i operating system new to you? Do you find the "green screen" intimidating because the commands are foreign to you? If so, these demonstrations are for you. This technote contains links to demonstrations that introduce you to the CL commands used when administering Domino servers running on IBM i.
Lotus Domino Web Access 8.0.1 Inbox does not refresh automatically when the option to check mail every xxx minutes is checked.
The HTTP task for a Lotus Domino server running on AIX fails to load, and the error log records "Dependent module libnotes_r.a could not be loaded".
Шестая часть нашей серии статей посвящена интеграции IBM Lotus Connections с другими системами с помощью Atom API. Статья предназначена ИТ-специалистам и разработчикам и будет полезной при изучении возможностей интеграции Lotus Connections в ваши приложения.
Узнайте, каким образом пользователи и разработчики IBM Lotus Notes могут получить выгоду от использования Web-сервиса Free Time из IBM Lotus Domino V7. Настройте ваш сервер Lotus Domino на выполнение межсерверных запросов о доступности по календарю и создание агентов, программным образом доставляющих информацию о наличии свободного времени с удалённого сервера Domino.
В данной статье приводятся инструкции по пошаговому подключению к базам данных сайта, а также предлагаются советы по разрешению проблем при подключении.
Учимся определять и оптимизировать шаблоны проектирования при разработке составных приложений.
В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые базовые подходы к проектированию многократно используемых компонентов для составных приложений. Для создания оптимальных компонентов можно придерживаться различных стратегий.
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