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LDAP crash in module DNToLDAPKeyword

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 193 от 2009-06-17
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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После того как УПС вырубился использовав батареи перестал запускаться сервер Домино, в логах пишет:
[root@claster linux]# cat /local/start

Lotus Domino ® Server, Release 8.0.1, February 07, 2008
Copyright © IBM Corporation 1987, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

Unexpected internal error returned to logger: 0x200B2010

Stack base=0xBFD10CBC, Stack size = 2972 bytes
PANIC: Unexpected internal error returned to logger: 0x200B2010

Stack base = 0xbfd10cbc, Stack size = 4476 bytes
Fatal Error signal = 0x0000000b PID/TID = 9601/1132528
6/15/2009 11:33:21 Running NSD
NSD is in progress .................

Please attach the following files to your bug report along with the server log:
Log file : /local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/nsd_Linux_CLST02_2009_06_15@11_33_22.log
6/15/2009 11:33:36 Fault cleanup is in progress
6/15/2009 11:33:36 Too many crashes, restart disabled
6/15/2009 11:33:36 Terminating tasks
6/15/2009 11:33:41 Freeing resources
6/15/2009 11:33:41 Termination completed

сам nsd_Linux_NIK02_2009_06_15@11_33_22.log в аттаче
Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожайлуста, если какой-то пользователь ошибочно отправил не тому человеку сообщение,другому пользователю оно еще не дошло. Можно ли данное сообщение удалить? Domino R5
Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожайлуста, если какой-то пользователь ошибочно отправил не тому человеку сообщение,другому пользователю оно еще не дошло. Можно ли данное сообщение удалить? Domino R5
Можно ли сделать так, чтобы когда вырубается один сервер из кластера, клиент переключился бы автоматом на другой сервер, без всяких вопросов "подключиться/не подключиться", т.е чтобы пользователь даже не заметил перехода? В кластере всего два сервера
День добрый!
нормальный размер картинок
Проблема такая, Есть домен Win-2003, все пользователи входят в Домен под своим login-pass, имеется тут же политика смены пароля каждые 42 дня.
Дальше имеется 2 сервера Domino 8.0.2, установлены 2 версии Notes 7.0.2 и 8.5, все пользователи при входе в Lotus Notes не вбивают пароль, а входят в Lotus сразу, а как в домене пароль поменялся также меняют пароль в Lotus Notes всё бы хорошо, но не которые пользователи приходят с отпуска и, например свой pass забыли соответственно он выбирает ПОПРОБОВАТЬ ВОССТАНОВИТЬ ПАРОЛЬ.
Дальше всем знакомая картина Админ проделывает такую работу в Админке Certificaton = >Extract Recovery Password дальше выбираем ID пользователя, появляется новый пароль, вот тут и начинается проблема, Админ диктует пользователю новый pass он его вбивает, а ему там НЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО ВВЕДЁН ПАРОЛЬ, тут происходит следующее я, думая, что он не правильно вбивает pass, записываю pass на бумажку и иду к нему, ввожу пароль так же ругается.
Я выхожу из ситуации так, захожу удалённо на его компьютер копирую его ID и в Админке проделываю тоже самое что описывал Выше, или так беру ID-ник пользователя с сервера, и копирую его на компьютер пользователя захожу под стандартным паролем который был назначен во время создания учётной записи, дальше вбиваю пароль и поехало.
И так вопрос, какие могут быть проблемы после такого туда-сюда копирования id-ков, и как это можно избежать, и вообще всё ли я правильно делаю .
Заранее спасибо!!!
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Tips. Советы

Chris Whisonant says there is some confusion about a bullet-point on Slide 18 of the DAOS presentation that says Domino 6 and 7 clients won't recognize DAOS. Apparently this is less a technology issue than one of wording.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

A FREE Integra for Notes evaluation is available from www.integra4notes.com/download.

Eric Mack is generously giving away, for free, licenses and subscriptions to some GTD productivity software. The free apps include Active Words, eProductivity for IBM Lotus Notes, and GyroQ.

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Bastian Wieczorek is offering a free tool to help you compare Notes.ini files from different machines, helping to ease migrations or trouble-shoot problems.

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At the moment I am buried deep in Google Gears. As part of this exercise I am having to find the best way of going offline with a large amount of data and then putting any changes back online.

Because I'm dealing with handheld devices the ideal option is to simply download everything in one go, so as to avoid the overhead of numerous connections. GPRS is sloooooow.

The trouble I've found with downloading large amounts of JSON data is that the eval() call you need to work with it can run in to issues as the amount of data approaches and/or passes about the 64kb mark.

The way round this I've found is to use the Dynamic Script Tag technique. Although I've heard of it in the past, this was the first time I'd used it and was impressed with how much easier it is than Ajax and thought you guys might like to hear about it.

Dynamic Script Tags?

As the name suggests this technique simply adds a <script> tag to your document's <head> element dynamically. When you add the Script element the browser fetches the JavaScript and, once downloaded, it executes directly in the browser.

As a simple example, imagine you add a <script> tag which points to an agent. In the agent you use a couple of print statements, like so:

Print "content-type: text/javascript"
Print "alert('Hello, world!');"

It doesn't take a genius to work out what happens. As soon as the agent is done the content of the <script> tag runs and the user sees an alert dialog saying hello.

Already you should be seeing how this is different to Ajax. No?

Taking it one step further you can have the JavaScript returned run your own functions. Imagine an agent that printed lines like this:

Print "content-type: text/javascript"
Print "myFunction({"
Print " documents: [{id:'doc1'},{id:'doc2'}]" 
Print "});"

In this case the browser would call the "myFunction" function when it loaded the script file. You would have to define this function on your page and tell it what to do with the JSON object you're passing to it.

Adding the Script Tag

To get the browser to dynamically add the <script> tag we simply use some code like the following JavaScript:

var script=document.createElement('script');

It should be fairly obvious what that does.


Here's an example of the technique in use. Press the "fetch view" button and it should load a set of documents.

Using something like Firebug you should be able to inspect the DOM before and after pressing the "fetch view" button to see how it added an extra script element to the head. The rest of the code used is inline in the page source if you're interested.


As always it's horses for courses and whether you use this technique over Ajax is down to your requirements.

One obvious benefit to this technique is that you can fetch data from another domain, whereas Ajax won't allow this and you usually need to build a proxy to do so.

Drawbacks to this technique include not being able to POST data and not being able to monitor for timeouts and 404 errors etc. You just insert the Script tag and hope...

Click here to post a response

By David Gewirtz

My first programming language was FORTRAN -- and we entered and tested our programs by typing up punch cards, individual paper cards for each line of code. It was the dark ages for programmers back in the 70s. The first time I encountered a symbolic debugger was when I was programming C in 64K on CP/M systems.

Strangely enough, last week, I installed Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 and instead of it running in 64K, the compressed ISO alone was almost 4 gigabytes. Talk about bloat. But like the C compiler of old, Visual Studio has a symbolic debugger -- and as a programmer, I love debuggers.

Notes, of course, also has a debugger. And while I love debuggers, there's one thing I don't like: when debuggers have bugs. If you've been attempting to debug LotusScript, particularly a piece of LotusScript with shared fields, you may have noticed that the Notes debugger itself needs a little debugging.

In my experience, the code stepper doesn't always step through the code. I've found that sometimes it'll skip form events, sometimes it'll skip subform events and it also might skip events with shared fields.

This is not a new problem. Although I no longer have a Notes 5 installation on anything, I do have some VM images of Notes 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, and 8.0. The problem occurs on all of them. I was hoping 8.5 would fix the problem, but no such joy.

There is one way to diagnose the problem. If you're trying to single-step your way through code, check to see if you have any shared fields. If you do, then you might want to consider using a standard field -- which the debugger will actually debug.

It's actually not that frustrating -- once you know what to look for.

For more than 20 years, David Gewirtz, the author of Where Have All The Emails Gone? and The Flexible Enterprise, has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

Dave Winer used to work on dedicated, locked down, platforms. Then in 1994 he moved to the internet and, while some protocols will be around for a long time, he thinks the idea that someone will succeed in locking down the internet is far from likely.

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Exalead has partnered with IBM to create a search feature for Notes and Domino. On June 25, 2009 at 11AM PST they're hosting a free webinar, "Next Gen Information Access for Lotus Notes: The 360 View"

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Mary Beth Raven invites you to attend the IamLUG Conference, followed by GSX days, in St.Louis August 3-5.

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Discover how one Notes/Domino developer at a small company set up his mail database to send him a text message when an agent terminates abruptly. You'll also get the code that you can text back to the database to run or restart the agent.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Alberto Ernestini
Tags: quickr portal backup
The actual Lotus Quickr services for Websphere portal allows backup of places following this IBM Technote.
I am not satisfied by this solution also because the "Administrator" has to do manual stuff for do backup and archive of user places. The Quickr services for Lotus Domino could be fully backuped by a TSM server ( by example) every day withouth any user action.
The goal could be to provide a more efficient backup system  something like export >> backup and restore even the user make a mistake and by example deletes a single file inside a library.
Versioning for sure helps, but i am sure that i am not the only one that is searching for something like this.

Author: Alberto Ernestini
Tags: quickr domino folders
This is a always missing thing on the Lotus Quickr. There is still a "pending" enanchement request  that seems wasn't applied to the latest 8.2 version :
Lotus Quickr Enhancement Request #THES76TJ2Y
It is not possible to set granular access rights on folder level. ->
Much more possibilities in J2EE Version
It is only possible to grant access to managers or to anyone with
editor/author rights. Customer wants to define access rights for single
users or groups.
The only way to handle granular access is to create another subroom
This means that if you want this you have to install the J2EE version.
So after one year i hope that it will be more than a idea :-)

Author: Alberto Ernestini
Tags: Lotus domino websphereportal
I know that this could be the not much easier tool to build but.. this could happen!
A customer wants to move from a Quickr version to the other one moving also all the places/etc...
Domino also support the NSFDB2 structure.. so let's move on :-)

Author: Alberto Ernestini
Tags: Lotus Domino PDF Lotusscript
It's since some years that i build PDF files "Server Side" from Lotus Domino applications both on Notes Client and Web without using any extra commercial application.The actual Lotus Symphony hasn't the full support of OpenOffice API so i am sure that on the future it will be in that way :-) The goal could be a perfect integration also on the designer side of the OpenOffice/LotusSymphony PDF engine that will allow the native export of any Notes data on PDF format.
The COM support of OpenOffice API allows you make lots of things but i wish that there will be a real support with special Java/Lotusscript native funcion one day.

Author: Keith Taylor
Tags: lotus notes clients email address book
When addressing a message and using type-ahead I frequently encounter the ambiguous name dialog box.  There are many address resources: my local address book, the domino directory, condensed directory catalog, extended directory catalog, and now recent contacts.  Usually there's a few entries that come up in the dialog box that I recognize as bogus that I'd like to delete (especially those that create a ambiguous name dialog box with only two entries, the right one and the wrong one).
I propose an additional column in the dialog box that shows where the addresses are sourced.  At least then, one wouldn't have to search them all.

Author: Johan Friedrichsen
Tags: DWA inotes
When creating a group using the Notes client the user has an option to sort the entries alphabetically. This functionality would also be very useful when using DWA (iNotes).

Author: Rob Hayden
Tags: calendar meetings
Booking meetings for >2 people is painful in all mainstream calendar applications. How about this; instead of requiring a single date & time for a meeting, allow the chair to specify a series of options for invitees. Each invitee then gets to choose their preferred 1st/2nd/3rd option and the results are collated for the chairperson to decide which time is most suitable for all mandatory attendees, or as many as possible.
Rooms and resources would need special consideration - perhaps allow them to be selected after a time is chosen?

Author: Rob Hayden
Tags: globalisation timezone
There's no such timezone as GDT, it's called BST (British Summer Time) and I expect similar anomalies may apply elsewhere.
Merely an irritation but would be good to have it fixed.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: wiki
I have lost track of how many Lotus Wiki solutions are now out there, but it seems like there are quite a few.  I can appreciate that we need to have separate wiki implimentations for Lotus Connections, Lotus Notes etc, but why do we need to have completely different markup languages for each?  One of the frustrations I am constantly encountering is that content created in one implementation of a wiki cannot be simply copied and pasted as text to a different wiki implementation.  I would like to see IBM define a single wiki markup language that is then implemented for all Lotus and OpenNTF wikis.  Following the OpenSource model,it would clearly be an advantage if this standard followed wider standards as they emerge (e.g. mediawiki).

Author: Brett van Gelder
Tags: ideajam upgrade automation
Elguji carefully documents the upgrade process for existing IdeaJam instances to a new release of the template. However, in an enterprise environment it is extremely time-consuming to upgrade existing instances to a new template by manually copying the relevant CSS and Language sections into the existing configuration etc. This results in exising instances just not being updated when they could benefit from new features.
I would like to see an automation script that will do the necessary steps automatically. I realize that this could get a little tricky for highly customised sites but if it asked what CSS and Language documents to update it should be fairly simple to append the necessary text.

The IP Working Group will be having a conference call to present our initial thoughts on the following topics: 1. Copyright Education 2. Company Alliance Membership 3. Employee Copyright Waivers 4. Repository Workflow Call information and web ...
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Статьи и Документация

Intermittently, the LDAP task on a Lotus® Domino® server crashes when under a load.
What command line syntax can be implemented when using InstallShield files with SURunAs? SURunAs does not run the Notes client upgrade as expected.
RSS feeds do not update correctly in Notes. The date format is incorrect.
Why does the Notes Client upgrade fail for some users?
If you attempt to initiate a chat using a Notes 6.5 or 6.5.1 client and the user you are attempting start a chat with has a long name which wraps to the second line in the memo header, and error occurs.
Users may lose awareness functionality in Lotus Notes 6.5 or 6.5.1 when displaying groups in the Recent Messages view.
IBM® Lotus® Forms and IBM Lotus Domino® servers complement each other. Integrating these two products can yield a varied list of features for better application architecture. This article explains the various ways that you can integrate Lotus Forms with Lotus Domino and details the benefits that this integration brings.
In IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ versions earlier than 8.1.1, the public APIs supported only document-related services. Lotus Quickr 8.1.1 now has REST-based services for wiki and blog content, to enable creating, viewing, updating, and deleting wiki and blog content inside Lotus Quickr. This article focuses on the REST-style wiki and blog content service APIs, their usage, and how they can be leveraged to build custom solutions.
Watch this demonstration to see how to add a set up out-of-office notifications for Lotus iNotes mail.
This demonstration shows the differences in the Attachments area in Lotus iNotes mail, depending on which browser you are using.
Lotus Notes 8.5 Standard crashes when selecting multiple documents from search results view and "Show check marks in margin for selected documents" is not enabled in Preferences.
The following code for creating a LTPA cookie can be implemented on the F5 BIG-IP platform using the F5 iRules Control Language (which builds upon the Tcl scripting language). The code was created by
Lotus Notes users receive the following error when setting up widgets after installing Cumulative Client Hotfix 3 (CCH) or Fix Pack 1 (FP1) for Notes release 8.0.2: "ERROR: Widget Catalog Update Failed: There were errors getting the replica id of [Server]/toolbox.nsf".
Type-ahead email address feature does not work for certain names stored in the local names.nsf database. This document describes a potential cause for this issue as well as the solution.
On a Lotus Domino server, a change to a Program document is not reflected on the server immediately. This issue occurs in an environment where Debug_enable_update_fix is set.
Encryption options set by a message's originator are not preserved when a recipient forwards the message to someone else.
You have a server replica of your local Contacts database (names.nsf), but find that whatever method you try to open the server replica using Notes 8 Standard client, the local replica will always be opened.
The computer running the SUSetRunAsWizard requires two times the size of the largest file being packaged available RAM at runtime. Otherwise an "Error 8 - Not enough storage is available to process this command" message appears and the resource is not added to the output file.
You try to send a message from your local mail file when you have no Internet connection, and you still receive the error "Remote system no longer responding" or "The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host".
With the preview pane opened in Notes 8.0.x Standard client (this does not happen in Notes 8.0.x Basic client), going from message to message in any view of the mail file results in the following message "Object variable not set".
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