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Is there a way to temporarily disable a Notes mail account?

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 194 от 2009-06-19
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Доброго времени суток.

Может кто то сталкивался с такой проблемой.
Пытаюсь открыть документ и тут я сразу получаю ошибку Server Error: Memory allocation request exceeded 65,000 bytes. пытаюсь открыть его в режиме отладчика но postOpen, не заходит. сразу выходит ошибка Server Error: Memory allocation request exceeded 65,000 bytes

может на этот документ наложены какие то ограничения? Есть ли глобальные ограничения на документы, или на базы Lotus Notes 7

Может кто сталкивался...

Есть Java агент, который слушает очередь mq и достает оттуда входяшие сообщения.
Когда агент запускался вручную на клиенте все работало, после запуска агента по расписанию на сервере агент выполняться перестал с ошибкой
Admin Process: Searching Administration Requests database
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') printing: Getting message ...
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.connect(PCFAgent.java:236)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFAgent.<init>(PCFAgent.java:174)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.pcf.PCFMessageAgent.<init>(PCFMessageAgent.java:146)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.jms.context.MQContext.<init>(MQContext.java:183)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.jms.context.WMQInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(WMQInitialContextFactory.java:29)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:675)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:257)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:233)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:209)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at JavaAgent.NotesMain(JavaAgent.java:141)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message: Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key access_property_not_allowed
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(ResourceBundle.java:329)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(ResourceBundle.java:289)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at lotus.notes.JavaString.getFormattedString(JavaString.java:101)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at lotus.notes.AgentSecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(AgentSecurityManager.java:679)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at java.lang.System.getProperty(System.java:643)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.MQEnvironment$1.run(MQEnvironment.java:493)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged1(Native Method)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:287)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     at com.ibm.mq.MQEnvironment.<clinit>(MQEnvironment.java:485)
AMgr: Agent ('FinalGetMessage' in 'inbox_SVR.nsf') error message:     ... 12 more

все падает при попытке в коде взять текущий контекст:
java.util.Hashtable env = new java.util.Hashtable();
env.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.ibm.mq.jms.context.WMQInitialContextFactory");
env.put(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, ip_port); //ip,port и канал
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);// exception here!

Проблема такая, Есть домен Win-2003, все пользователи входят в Домен под своим login-pass, имеется тут же политика смены пароля каждые 42 дня.
Дальше имеется 2 сервера Domino 8.0.2, установлены 2 версии Notes 7.0.2 и 8.5, все пользователи при входе в Lotus Notes не вбивают пароль, а входят в Lotus сразу, а как в домене пароль поменялся также меняют пароль в Lotus Notes всё бы хорошо, но не которые пользователи приходят с отпуска и, например свой pass забыли соответственно он выбирает ПОПРОБОВАТЬ ВОССТАНОВИТЬ ПАРОЛЬ.
Дальше всем знакомая картина Админ проделывает такую работу в Админке Certificaton = >Extract Recovery Password дальше выбираем ID пользователя, появляется новый пароль, вот тут и начинается проблема, Админ диктует пользователю новый pass он его вбивает, а ему там НЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО ВВЕДЁН ПАРОЛЬ, тут происходит следующее я, думая, что он не правильно вбивает pass, записываю pass на бумажку и иду к нему, ввожу пароль так же ругается.
Я выхожу из ситуации так, захожу удалённо на его компьютер копирую его ID и в Админке проделываю тоже самое что описывал Выше, или так беру ID-ник пользователя с сервера, и копирую его на компьютер пользователя захожу под стандартным паролем который был назначен во время создания учётной записи, дальше вбиваю пароль и поехало.
И так вопрос, какие могут быть проблемы после такого туда-сюда копирования id-ков, и как это можно избежать, и вообще всё ли я правильно делаю .
Заранее спасибо!!!
7.0.2 lotus domino
смотрю что файлы nsf пользователей занимают очень много места. Лотус используется чисто под почту.
на закладке Почта показывает несколько десятков писем за последние дни.. в других папках пусто.

с лотуса клиенты в локалке забирают почту с помеченным "хранить 2 дня на сервере".

почта на локальном клиенте была удалена поэтому надеялся вернуть ее из файла nsf пользователя лотуса...

как вообще посмотреть что внутри nsf файла? у меня файл конкретный у пользователя - аж 2.6 гб ... что в нем храниться не пойму...

почитал мануал - про "мягкое удаление"

подскажите программку которая открывает nsf или экспортирует в pst ( все что находил отказывается работать при инсталяции на серваке лотуса- говорит что лотус не установлен и закрывается)... может удасться упросить кого, ссылку киньте плиз на какую нибудь прогу которая поможет приоткрыть завесу тайны огромного размера файла... буду очень признателен..

спасибо что потратили время smile.gif
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We've all had occasion to wish we hadn't hit the Send button. With ND8 you can call some of those messages back using the Recall Message button. This article from Susan Bulloch explains how to configure, control, and deploy the feature.

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Jan Schulz started thinking about making some nice-looking buttons for Notes, something that might be more Web 2.0 friendly. After trying different things, Jan has a few sample buttons and more questions.

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Adam Osborne has been trying to get Lotus ADSync to work on Windows 2008 but keeps getting an error message. He's wondering if you've gotten it to work and, if so, how.

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If you're thinking of upgrading, you may want to register for this free webcast hosted by the IBM Lotus Quickr team.

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Tap here to learn more about this set of 73 administrative utilities for Lotus Notes & Domino.

This is a new article on developerWorks from Brian O'Donavan. The title is pretty descriptive.

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Ed Brill has posted information on the future plans for Notes/Domino. There will be no 8.0.3. If you want to beta test 8.5.1, contact Ed.

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Ted Hardenburgh has found that, sometimes, a correctly addressed message will be rejected with an "SMTP Permanent Error" message because the MX record isn't correct. He gives more information on the problem and a way to fix it.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Any of you guys SQL experts and willing to help me out on an as-needed basis? Pay would be on performance/by the hour/beer tokens/in kind/whatever you liked.

I'm confident enough with SQL to get most things done but get a bit stuck when it gets advanced (for me at least).

There's an application I've been working on that has about five inter-dependent tables - joined by an ID from one that matches another. It all works as expected, just not as fast as expected as the amount of data grows. This is where my knowledge falls down.

At the moment I'm struggling with working out how to create an index to make a query run faster. Specifically a query that has an ORDER BY clause on it. With no ordering it takes about 0.0001s. With the ordering it takes 0.3s. Still not long but that's on a smallish dataset. As it grows so will this time.

I kind of get the principle of the index and why I need one in this case (the column sorted on isn't in any index) but I'm struggling implementing it and think I either need to go back to first principles or get/pay somebody else to sort it.


If you need to see a schema I can post that here.

Update: I just asked the question more specifically over on stackoverflow.com, which seems like an increasingly useful resource, so I'll see how that goes.

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Ensuring that a mail server's load isn't higher than it should be is important to every Notes/Domino security administrator. If you're using Notes/Domino 8.x, find out how to set a SMTP configuration to reject ambiguous email addresses from end users and groups.

Yesterday I got stuck working with a Gears Manifest file. I found out why in the end and wanted to share what I learnt here so Google can find it for other users, as I'm finding there's a little bit of a lack of help out there for Gears. It being the new frontier n'all.

My problem started when I wanted to create a local cache* of a file at a URL like:


* Although I use the term cache, Gears isn't actually adding the files to the browser's cache. Instead it keeps them in it's own folder for serving up from its own "LocalServer" when offline.

I created a manifest file which looked a bit like this:

{ "betaManifestVersion": 1, "version": "v1", "entries":  { "url": "MyForm?ReadForm", "src":"MyForm?ReadForm&offline=true", "ignoreQuery":true  }, { "url": "gears_init.js" } 

It didn't work and neither file were "cached" and, subsequently, going offline failed. After what seemed like hours of hair-pulling agony I worked out why.

If you are using the ignoreQuery option for a URL entry then you should not add a query to the URL part of the entry. The correct manifest would look like this:

{ "betaManifestVersion": 1, "version": "v1", "entries":  { "url": "MyForm", "src":"MyForm?ReadForm&offline=true", "ignoreQuery":true  }, { "url": "gears_init.js" } 

I guess it makes sense really. If you're telling Gears to ignore bits like ?ReadForm why add it to the URL stored in the cache in the first place!? Just doesn't seem obvious to me. Hope that helps somebody else out.

Note that ignoreQuery only applies to the URL specified in the manifest entry and not to the SRC URL that is actually fetched and stored!

By specifying ignoreQuery the following URLs will all open the same page when in offline mode:





If we hadn't specified ignoreQuery only the first of the above URLs would work.

Case Sensitivity

Another problem I wanted to find a solution to was that of case-sensitivity. Gears' LocalServer is very sensitive about the URL you use to get back in to an app in offline mode, should you have closed your browser since going offline.

With the above manifest in mind the following URLs won't get you back to the app in offline mode:


This URL would fail for three reasons.

  1. The use of HTTPS
  2. Lack of WWW from domain part
  3. Lower case "myform"

The URL must be exactly the same. You can see why if you look at how Gears stores the files in the OS:


See how the folder structure is strictly dictated by the URL used to go offline. Even down to the port number used!

You can however cater for any known cases where casing of the URL might matter. For example, let's say you know there are users out there alternating between the following URLs:



If they went offline at the first then they might expect to get back on if they typed in the second, no?

To cater for this you can use the following manifest file:

{ "betaManifestVersion": 1, "version": "v1", "entries":  { "url": "MyForm", "src":"MyForm?ReadForm&offline=true", "ignoreQuery":true  }, { "url": "myform", "redirect":"MyForm" }, { "url": "gears_init.js" } 

Notice this second entry added. If the user typed the page name in in lower-case the Gears LocalServer would send the browser a 302 redirect message to open the proper-cased URL and all would be well.

You could keep adding entries to cater for other options like "myForm" but where you stop is down to you.

When Things Go Wrong

While testing offline mode I had lots of failed attempts at creating local versions of the required URLs. If for any reason a version failed then the easiest way to get back online is to remove the files stored. To do this you need to find the files and then remove the localserver.db file from the Gears folder and then the folder called "managed" inside the folder it keeps for your site/app.

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In Lotus Domino, you would like the ability to temporarily disable a mail account for a user that is on an extended absence. Is there a way to temporarily disable a mail account?
The option to install Notes 8.0.2 Basic in Brazilian Portuguese does not work as expected on the MAC.
When adding names to the To, CC, or BCC field in Lotus Notes 8.5 Basic Configuration, a comma is not added automatically after every name added using the type-ahead or name lookup feature.
An initial installation of the Notes 8.5 client fails with an NSD being generated. You are unable to start the client and log into Notes.
The IBM Lotus Notes and Domino team will host an Open Mic call titled "Customizing the Lotus Notes install kit" on Wednesday, June 24th at 10:00 am eastern US time (2:00 pm GMT).
When a user receives email, the time stamp is showing an hour later during DST.
You install a Lotus Domino Administrator 8 release but when you open it, an error is returned that refers to "administration preferences" and the application closes. There is no entry for administration preferences in the Lotus Notes client. How do you address this problem?
This document describes how to download IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 using the Passport Advantage Online Web Site.
As system administrator, you create and apply a Desktop policy and notice that the option "Replication is enabled for this location" remains unchecked after the policy settings get pushed down to the Notes 8 client. This behavior prevents all settings relevant to replication from taking effect.
You create a registration policy settings document, which specifies that a custom mail template be used when registering new users. You find that, however, the template specified in the policy is not used. Instead, the default mail template is applied to new mail files.
For valuable information on Server.Load commands, see these two whitepapers on developerWorks: Using Server.Load to evaluate and enhance IBM Lotus Domino server performance Quick start guide to I
Administrator's can use Domino policy to control visibility of the user's Open list -- as either an Open button or a visible left pane Open list. Notes users can toggle display between the Open button
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