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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No6 (64) от 2009-02-14
Подписчиков: 1373 чел.


Проверим домашнее задание.

18. He addressed the clerk, "Are the prices reasonable here?"
b. He wondered if the prices were reasonable there.

19.  Dogs that are trained to lead  the  blind must be loyal, intelligent and calm.
The blind- слепые. Множественно число.
Вот правила.
THE + ADJECTIVE  We use the with some adjectives (without a noun). The meaning is always plural. The rich= rich people in general.( богатые).
Do you think the rich should pay more taxes?
the rich, the poor, the old, the young, the blind-слепые, the deaf -глухие, the sick- больные, the dead, the disabled-нетрудоспособные,
the unemployed, the injured-покалеченные.
That man over there is collecting money for the blind.
These expressions are always plural. You cannot say "a blind", you have to say: "a blind man"

Это правило очень важное. Такие задания есть в каждом тесте.

20.  London is a safe city today, but  the  London in the 18th century was pretty rough.
Здесь подразумевается именно Лондон 18 века.

 Подошли мы к переводу прямой речи в косвенную.
 Если вы правильно сделали номер 18, то вы что-то знаете о таком явлении, как косвенная речь. И все же… Возьмите школьный учебник, постарайтесь вспомнить все, что вы учили. А в следующем выпуске мы начнем с самого простого. А пока просто разные предложения на разные правила. Но не забудьте почитать в учебниках о косвенной речи.

21. Such … display of courage in the dangerous situation must be ad-
a. -
b. an
c. the
d. a
22.  Friendship, stability and trust are frequently mentioned as ... for a worthwhile relationship between two people.
a. criteriae                           c. criteria
b. criterion                           d. criterias
23. You couldn't have done it all by ... .
a. you                                  c. yours
b. your                                 d. yourself
24. Their names sound so much alike that people often confuse ....
a. their                                 c. them
b. they                                 d. theirs
25. This is my affair and ... else's.
a. nobody                             c. anybody
b. somebody                        d. none
26. The younger brother has an advantage over the ... : he's more intelligent.
a. old                                   c. oldest
b. older                                d. elder
27. The situation wasn't so ... as we expected.
a. badly                               c. worse
b. bad                                  d. worst
28. Could you fill... this form, please, and sign it at the bottom?
a. on                                    c. in
b. out                                   d. with
29. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ( министр финансов и казначейства) is the
minister responsible ... the
a. for                                   c. to
b. about                               d. on
30. If you don't know what the word means, look it ... in the dictionary.
a. out                                   c. up
b. over                                 d. through
31. She lives near me and I often speak to her on my ... to work.
a.  road                                 c. street
b. way                                 d. travel
32. She gave ... to a healthy baby.
a. born
b. birthday
С. bear . d. birth
33. Shakespeare wrote his ... play in 1613.
a.  latest                                e. latter
b. later                                 d. last
34. You have to be quite ... to stand up in front of an audience.
a. selfish                              c. self-satisfied
b. self-conscious                  d. self-confident

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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