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Косвенная речь в настоящем времени.

_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No7 (65) от 2009-02-21
Подписчиков: 1391 чел.

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 Рассылка построена по принципу перехода от простого к сложному. Если эти задания кажутся вам трудными, начните с архива рассылки  http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.lang.engltesteasy/. Скопируйте первые 20 выпусков, проработайте их основательно. Потом можно двигаться дальше.

Проверяем задание.

21. Such  а display of courage in the dangerous situation must be admired.

We use SUCH with an adjective WITH A NOUN: SUCH a stupid STORY. You can also use  SO with an adverb.

22.  Friendship, stability and trust are frequently mentioned as criteria for a worthwhile relationship between two people.
Возьмите словарь и посмотрите слово criteria в единственном и множественном числе.
23. You couldn't have done it all by  yourself
24. Their names sound so much alike that people often confuse them.

25. This is my affair and nobody   else's.
26. The younger brother has an advantage over the elder : he's more intelligent.
We use elder when we  are talking about members of a family.

27. The situation wasn't so  bad as we expected.

28. Could you fill in  this form, please, and sign it at the bottom?
Fill in- заполнить ( бланк, документ).

29. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ( министр финансов и казначейства) is the
minister responsible for  the economy.
30. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary.
Еще раз вспомните: look at, look for, look through, look up.

31. She lives near me and I often speak to her on my way to work.
32. She gave birth to a healthy baby.

33. Shakespeare wrote his last  play in 1613.
34. You have to be quite self-confident to stand up in front of an audience.

А теперь приступим к косвенной речи. Надеюсь, что повторили все, что знали.

1.    Mike says to his little sister Olga ,  “ Olga, give me my book back.”
 А теперь в косвенной речи: Mike tells Olga to give him his book back.
Says меняем на  tells, так как есть  Olga, которой Mike что-то говорит.
Обратите внимание на инфинитив с частицей to.

А теперь:
 Vera says , “Sveta, please, open the window.”
 Vera asks Sveta to open the window.

Сделайте самостоятельно.
 Father ( to his son): Pass me the sugar, please.
Vera Ivanovna  says:  “ Look after your sister , Natasha.”

Ответы в следующем выпуске, а потом  продолжим   смотреть следующие примеры перевода прямой речи в косвенную..

А теперь новые задания.

35. The flight was ... for 2 hours because of fog.
a. put off                             c. delayed
b. cancelled                         d. postponed
36. Many people can't... to live in luxury.
a.  admit                               c. offer
b. afford                              d. allow
37. It is ... difficult to speak to her.
a. such                                 c. pretty
b. as                                    d. prettily
 38. He dislikes being disturbed. - ... .
a. Neither do they.                c. So do they.
b. Neither they do.                d. They don't.
39.1 have never known an old man ... talked less of the past.
a. who                                 c. which
b. whose                              d. whom
40. They get on well with each other ... they have so much in common.
a. that's why                        c. because
b. though                             d. but

Ladies! Only for you!
 Еще есть время купить подарки для мужчин.  Какие? Ответ найдете  по ссылке.

Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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