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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No8 (66) от 2009-02-28
Подписчиков: 1392 чел.

Проверим два предложения с косвенной речью.

 Father ( to his son): Pass me the sugar, please.
Father asks his son to pass him the sugar.
Vera Ivanovna  says:  “ Look after your sister , Natasha.”
Vera  Ivanovna  tells Natasha to look after her sister.
Обратите внимание, что все предложения у нас в настоящем времени.

Теперь проверим остальные предложения.

35. The flight was delayed ... for 2 hours because of fog.
36. Many people can't.  afford to live in luxury.

37. It is pretty difficult to speak to her.
Все 3 предложения требуют работы со словарем.

38. He dislikes being disturbed. - . Neither do they... .
Почему neither? Да потому что глагол dislikes по смыслу отрицательный.

39.I have never known an old man  who talked less of the past.
40. They get on well with each other because  they have so much in common.

Продолжим работу с косвенную речью.

 Vera says, “Sveta , please, don’t open the window”.
 Обращаем внимание на please и don’t.
 Есть please,  значит, надо asks.
А для don’t надо: not to open.
И получится: Vera asks Sveta not to open the window.
 Все помнят фразу из «Гамлета» to be or not to be. Это not to be поможет вам запомнить форму для отрицания.
Richard ( to his younger brother): Please, don’t leave the door open.
The woman says to her little daughter, “ Don’t cross the street when the light is red”.
Попытайтесь сделать.
Новые задания.

41. What is the City?
a. a shopping area                c. an entertainment centre
b. a business centre               d. an industrial district
42. The prominent people of England are buried in ...
a. Westminster Abbey           c. the Tower of London
b. St. Paul's Cathedral          d. Buckingham Palace
43. What is the capital and the national emblem of Scotland?
a. London - the red rose        c. Edinburgh - the thistle
b. Cardiff - the daffodil         d. Edinburgh - the daffodil
44. What is Thomas Gainsborough?
a. a statesman                       c. an architect
b. a poet                              d. a painter
45. What is the longest river in the USA?
a. the Missouri                     c. the Ohio
b. the Colombia                    d. the Mississippi
46. - Let's buy that camera.
a. - So do I.                          c. - Not at all.
b. - Which one do you mean?           d. - Thanks a lot.
47. - Can I have a cheeseburger and an orange juice?
a. - Here you are. c. -Here you can.
d. - Here are these.

b. - Here there are.
48. -I'd like to help you.
a. - Me too. c. - It's very kind of you.
d. - With pleasure.

b. - Never mind.
49. - Sorry to keep you waiting.
a. - Not at all. b.-That's all right.
c. - You are welcome.
d. - No, you must not.
50. -I want to ask you some questions.
a. - Don't bother.                 c. - Go ahead.
b. - Do it again.                    d. - It's great.
 Если вы зайдете по  ссылке http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ladytodayru/~3/cIkzQ1IXTGQ/, вы сможет узнать о том, как надо поздравлять женщин 8 марта.
А по ссылке http://alexvk.ru/sub/woman.asp вы найдете много овощных и фруктовых рецептов.


Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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