Образовательные материалы и услуги,
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Выпуск № 19 (258) от 2014-09-18 www.english-moscow.ru
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“The Backward Fall”
by Jason Helmandollar
"Dad?" she says. "I swear, I can't remember the words to my own songs." She is sixty-two and sitting on the edge of the couch, her old acoustic guitar perched on her knee.
-Папуля? – сказала она, - я клянусь, что не помню слов своих же собственных песен.
Ей шестьдесят два. Она сидит на краю дивана. Ее старая акустическая гитара прислонена к ее колену.
Her husband of forty-seven years walks into the living room from the kitchen.
Ее муж, сорок семь лет, вошел в гостиную из кухни.
"What's that, Mom?" he says. For decades, ever since they had their third child together, he has called her Mom and she has called him Dad.
- Что такое, Мамуля? – спрашивает он. В течение многих десятилетий, примерно с того момента, как у них появился третий ребенок, он зовет ее Мамуля, а она зовет его Папуля.
"I can't remember how the second verse starts."
- Я не могу вспомнить, как начинается второй куплет.
"Well, what are you singing?"
- Хорошо. Что ты поешь?
"You must be ignoring me. I've been trying to sing the same song for the last twenty minutes."
- Ты совершенно меня не слушаешь. Я пытаюсь сыграть одну и ту же песню последние двадцать минут.
George, her husband, looks up at the ceiling. "Well, let's see," he says, rubbing the gray stubble of his beard. "Picking Flowers in the Rain?"
Джордж, ее муж, поднял взгляд к потолку.
- Что ж, давай посмотрим, - сказал он, потерев серую щетину на своем лице, - «Собираем цветы под дождем»?
She smiles and strums the guitar with a flourish. "Lucky guess."
Она улыбнулась и показательно ударила по струнам
- Удачная попытка.
"The second verse is when it starts to rain. Something about drops on the petals, I believe."
- Следующий куплет о том, что начинается дождь. Помню, что-то там о каплях на лепестках...
"Of course." She nods her head once. "How could I have forgotten that?"
- Ну конечно, - она качает головой, - как я могла забыть об этом?
She begins to play again, simple chords on a wooden guitar, and sings a song she wrote when she was much younger. It is the story of two lovers who walk in a field of wildflowers. A warm rain begins to fall, and instead of running for shelter, they pick flowers together and realize they are in love.
И она снова начинает играть. Простые аккорды, деревянная гитара, она поет песню, которую написала давно, когда она была много моложе. Это история о двух влюбленных, которые гуляли по цветущему полю. Когда начался теплый дождик, они не побежали прятаться, они собирали полевые цветы и чувствовали, что это любовь.
щетина, короткий ежик
бренчать, играть
рисоваться, хвастаться, показательные движения
прикрытие, защита
"Dad?" she says. "I swear, I can't remember the words to my own songs." She is sixty-two and sitting on the edge of the couch, her old acoustic guitar perched on her knee.
Her husband of forty-seven years walks into the living room from the kitchen. "What's that, Mom?" he says. For decades, ever since they had their third child together, he has called her Mom and she has called him Dad.
"I can't remember how the second verse starts."
"Well, what are you singing?"
"You must be ignoring me. I've been trying to sing the same song for the last twenty minutes."
George, her husband, looks up at the ceiling. "Well, let's see," he says, rubbing the gray stubble of his beard. "Picking Flowers in the Rain?"
She smiles and strums the guitar with a flourish. "Lucky guess."
"The second verse is when it starts to rain. Something about drops on the petals, I believe."
"Of course." She nods her head once. "How could I have forgotten that?"
She begins to play again, simple chords on a wooden guitar, and sings a song she wrote when she was much younger. It is the story of two lovers who walk in a field of wildflowers. A warm rain begins to fall, and instead of running for shelter, they pick flowers together and realize they are in love.