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=Common Errors In English=

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=Common Errors In English= #2

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru

Issue #2

 = ISSUE #2 =



Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики.

Сегодня в рассылке два слова часто вызывающие затруднения у изучающих язык: health и grateful.

Буду рад услышать ваши отзывы, замечания и предложения. Мой адрес: ez-english@mail.ru

Сайт рассылки находится по адресу: www.ez-english.narod.ru





X   A good health is much more important than money.

V   Good health is much more important than money.

X   She attributed his bad temper to an ill health.

V   She attributed his bad temper to ill health.

Health is a non-count noun. "Good eating habits are conducive to good health."


X   I am very thankful for all your help.

V   I am very grateful for all your help.

Grateful is the normal word used to talk about people's reactions to kindness, favors etc. "She wasn't a bit grateful to me for repairing her car".

Thankful is used to talk about people's feeling of relief at having avoided a danger of some kind, or at having come through an unpleasant experience. "We should all be thankful that nobody was hurt."

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