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Пресс-релизы. Иные события Chicago Tribune Available In Moscow On Day Of Publication

Информационный Канал Subscribe.Ru

Заголовок: Chicago Tribune Available In Moscow On Day Of Publication

Компания: PostNet

Moscow, August 18, 2003 – PostNet Publishing House (www.postnet.ru) a Moscow
distributor of digital newspaper editions from publishers around the world, today
announced that it has signed an  agreement  for distribution of Chicago Tribune
in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The latest edition of the Chicago Tribune is now
available to customers  of two Russian capitals through PostNet ,which currently
 prints on customer's demand the same-day editions of 177 newspapers from 55
"We're delighted to include another US top-10 circulation newspaper in our offering,"
states Ekaterina Kuzmina, Marketing Director of PostNet. Other market leading
US newspapers available through PostNet's distribution  system include amongst
others USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post. “Our new technology
enables us to deliver new titles to our international audience faster than ever
before and to expand our reach to new locations, where previously it would have
been impossible to provide timely copies," she said .

About PostNet  Publishing House
PostNet Publishing House, is a Moscow distributor of digital newspaper editions
from publishers around the world. PostNet changes the traditional newspaper "print
then distribute" business model to a "distribute then print" business mode which
making it easier for people to read the newspapers they want. Founded in 2001,
Postnet with proprietary printing technology, puts international out-of-market
newspapers into the hands of readers in Moscow . Totally there are more than
177 publications available from 55 countries on 37 languages.

Контактная информация:
Контактное лицо:   Ekaterina Kuzmina
Marketing Director
E-mail:         ekaterina@postnet.ru
Телефон:        +7 095 276 44 61 

E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru
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