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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 148 от 2009-03-02

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 148 от 2009-03-02
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

This code exports excel data to OpenOffice.org Calc (similar to exporting Notes Data to MS Excel). Paste the code below in a view button and make necessary changes to the fields and columns numbers as required. Hope you'll enjoy using it Sub Click(Source As Button) ''==''==''==''=='' Code For Creating Office Application Automation Object ''==''==''==''==''
Dim SM As Variant
Dim Desktop As Variant
Dim args() As Variant
Dim calApplication As Variant
Dim worksheet As Variant
Dim cell As Variant '' Creating Handle To OpenOffice Object
Set SM = CreateObject("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") '' Create The Front-End Reference
Set Desktop = SM.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop") '' Opening The Excel Application On Desktop Giving Focus
Set calApplication = Desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank" , 0 , args) '' Setting Sheet Name
Set worksheet = calApplication.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") ''Set cell = worksheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
''cell.setString("Testing Transport To OpenOffice")
''==''==''==''=='' Code For Creating Office Application Automation A Object ''==''==''==''=='' Dim uiws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uiview As NotesUIView
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim counter As Integer
Dim xlr,xlc,loops As Integer
Dim cell1,cell2,cell3 As Variant Set uiview = uiws.CurrentView
Set view = uiview.View loops = view.AllEntries.Count Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument Dim i As Integer
For i=0 To loops-1
'' '' Exporting Notes-Data Code To OpenOffice Calc Applicaiton
Set cell1 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(0,i)
Set cell2 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(1,i)
Set cell3 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(2,i) cell1.setString(Cstr(doc.EDForwardID(0)))
cell3.setString(Cstr(doc.EDEmpPh(0))) If(i<loops-1) Then
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
End If Next worksheet.Columns.Autofit End Sub
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

В ощем проблема в шаблоне. Заменила шаблон на другой - все стало нормально.
В общем проблема в шаблоне. Заменила шаблон на другой - все стало нормально.
В ощем проблема в шаблоне. Заменила шаблон на другой - все стало нормально.
Спасибо всем!
openSUSE 10.3, 11.1 - полет нормальный
openSUSE 10.3, 11.1 - полет нормальный
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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Gregory Engels
Tags: calendar calendaring C&S rrdb/c&s rooms resource reservation decline alarm
Sometimes it happens that an invited Room or resource declines the invitation (for example due to the fact that the capacity of the room would be exceeded otherwise). Since the room is moore important then other invitees (you could end up fighting with some other party who also think they have a legit reservation for the same room as your party), the fact that the room hase declined should be more emphasized. Best it to display an icon of some sort (like exclamation mark) as an overlay over the meeting in the chair's calendar view.

Author: Gregory Engels
Tags: calendar calendaring C&S rrdb/c&s rooms resource reservation decline alarm mail template
Sometimes it happens that an invited Room or resource declines the invitation (for example due to the fact that the capacity of the room would be exceeded otherwise). Since the room is moore important then other invitees (you could end up fighting with some other party who also think they have a legit reservation for the same room as your party), the fact that the room hase declined should be more emphasized. Best it to display an icon of some sort (like exclamation mark) as an overlay over the meeting in the chair's calendar view.

Author: Thomas Leriche
Tags: bookmarks
We need a Bookmarks option on the Notes main menu along with the basic stuff like File - Edit - View - Help. Users are used to finding bookmarks there for other applications such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc...  It would make it easier for new users unfamiliar with Notes to bookmark a database and find it in the future.  Right now there are essentially 4 different kinds of bookmarks (Favorite Bookmarks, Applications, More Bookmarks, Internet Exlporer Links) under the OPEN button and it confuses the heck out of the average user as they don't know where to look to find anything.

Author: Matt White
Tags: ideajam gui design homepage
We have taken on board some of your recent suggestions and are working on the scoping of the next version of IdeaJam. One of the things which has become obvious is that people want to see an overview of the site, so here is a very rough mockup of the sort of thing we are thinking about.
I'd be interested in
a) do you like where we are going with this (use your vote for that part)
b) what else you would like to see on the new homepage?

Author: Roland Reddekop
Tags: xpages decs datasource
Xpages will have arrived once that can talk to more than just just Domino data. At minimum being able to talk to all the external RDB systems that DECS/DCR and LCLSX can speak to would be great. Then Xpages will be a viable alternative for developing Internet/Intranet web apps vs PHP, ASP, .Net, etc.

Author: Greg Walrath
Tags: taskjam iphone
I would like to gauge the interest in an iPhone interface for TaskJam. I would like to see it myself, as I'm having a tough time with task managers on the iPhone. I've got one going that interfaces with my Outlook tasks and provides categorization for GTD, but it's a pretty ricket bridge.
I'd like to do more with this, but I figure an iPhone-enabled web interface is a great idea.

Author: Kendra Bowker
Tags: RSS
I'm monitoring all activity within the Lotus Technical Information ideaspace. Right now to monitor comments I have to open each idea and subscribe to it, which leaves me with a lot of subscriptions! I'd like to subscribe to one feed to catch comments for all ideas.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Search
Advance search is not working , seems database is not full text indexed ;-)

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