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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 157 от 2009-03-23

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 157 от 2009-03-23
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

How to send advanced rich text mail? In one of my workflow application, I have to send mail with detail information. Application is use to change the group members from existing group of address book. I have created the sample template document for mail and I have added the computed text in that mail template with hard coded fields. I use hard coded fields to insert value into mail template, which will used to replace the body of mail document with mail template document. Note - This concept will work only in inter-notes mail. Not the ouside mails. I would appreciate your comments (+ve or -ve) on above concept. Thank you
Ajay B Mali
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Ответ нашел тут http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327812
Ответ нашел тут http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327812
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, как настроить почту в Лотусе 8.5 на mial.ru ? я вроде все делал правильно, но он не принимает почту с сервера mail.ru (((
Заранее благодарен.
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, как настроить почту в Лотусе 8.5 на mial.ru ? я вроде все делал правильно, но он не принимает почту с сервера mail.ru (((
Заранее благодарен.
Пропал доступ через веб, Domino 8.0.1, задача работает, порты слушаются:
HTTP Server Listen for connect requests on TCP Port:80, 443
сами порты открыты, но при обращении к серверу из браузера ошибка:
Во время загрузки страницы соединение с lotus было прервано.

В документе сервера:
R5 Basics
Allow HTTP clients to browse databases: Yes

где нужно ещё проверить?
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Tips. Советы

Julian Robichaux and Bruce Elgort discuss eProductivity for Lotus Notes with Eric Mack and Chris Blatnick in this 50-minute podcast.

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Technote 1298009 poses a simple question. The answer applies to any version of Domino prior to Domino 8. The technote includes an NSF download to add a view to the Admin4 database.

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Both Flex and XPages will help you produce web pages. In some instances one may work better than the other. Jerry Carter explains his view on which works better where.

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IBM has posted the performance benchmarks for Domino 8.5 running on AIX, IBM series i, Linux, Solaris, Win64, and zLinux. The results compare Domino 8.5 to Domino 8.0.

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Is Jake Howlett the same person as Howlett Jake or Jake R Howlett?

Without some unique key, such as social security or NI number, to compare there's no way of knowing. Is there a way to take an educated guess though?

This week I had a request to produce a view that listed the names of people who had requested a free voucher along-side the name of the person who actually redeemed the voucher.

The name of the redeemers came in the form of a CSV file from the voucher suppliers and contained two columns -- one for voucher code (the key which binds the two names) and one for redeemer.

smudgedMy task was simply to produce a "view" so that the company giving the vouchers out (my customer) could look for naughty people.

What they didn't ask for and what I decided to add is some way of highlighting the names that obviously don't match. I did this (see right) partly as a sweetener for the customer but also as a challenge to myself to make an otherwise dull task a little more interesting.

While what I did was in PHP and Flex I've put together a Notes version for you to play with and test the theory.

My PHP code uses the array_intersect() function to count the number of matching items from both names when split on " ". If there is more than 2 intersects then it's considered the same person. If no intersects it's in red. Only one intersect and it's a partial match (orange).

The Notes version (shown below) works in the opposite way in that it counts the number of items left when one array is replaces with the other. The more items left the less of a match it is.


The formula for the first column is:

a1:=@Explode(@LowerCase(Redeemer); " ");
a2:=@Explode(@LowerCase(Requestor); " ");
remaining:=@Elements(@Trim(@Replace(a1; a2; "")));
 If(remaining=0; 85; remaining=1; 86; 87)

While the formula for the second column is:

a1:=@Explode(@LowerCase(Redeemer); " ");
a2:=@Explode(@LowerCase(Requestor); " ");
remaining:=@Elements(@Trim(@Replace(a2; a1; "")));
 If(remaining=0; 85; remaining=1; 86; 87)

Notice the subtle difference? The accuracy of the result seems to depend on which way round your replace the lists. Exactly why that is, I can't remember. You guys?

So, the Friday Fun Challenge (should anybody accept it) is to come up with an @Formula for a column to accurately (as is reasonably possible) match two strings to see if they're the name of the same person or not.

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For those with IBM-centric skills either looking for work or workers there's a new job board. Paul Mooney has posted information and links to BlueSkills.net.

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Marie L Scott is rolling out Notes 8.5 to users. She's written up some of the changes being implemented for this SmartUpgrade process.

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I was in the local pub on Friday night with some of the men off the street. One of the many topics we covered was Google Street, which, I didn't realise, had been released and discussed in the UK by the media during the week.

This morning I took a look at our road as I was expecting myself to be on it. How could I be sure I'd be on it? Because I had a face-off with the car Google used to photo it about a year ago.

It was when I had just finished rebuilding the garage/office at the bottom of our drive. I was at the front of the garage, on top of some step ladders attaching a light when I heard a car pull up at the end of the drive, which is also the end of the road (a cul-de-sac), where cars are forced to turn round. So I turned round to see who it was (living on a cul-de-sac makes you notice every car that comes down). To my surprise it was the Google street car, with its big menacing eye(s) pointing straight down the drive at me.

The car spent quite a bit of time parked at the end of the drive. For all the time it was there I just stared back. Part of me was thinking if I stare for long enough I'll get on the web. Another part of me was just giving it and the driver a "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" glare. Same as I would if anybody stood at the end of my drive with a camera and took photos of me. The fact it was Google didn't change anything. I'm no big Google fan by any means. I wasn't about to give them a friendly wave and invite them in for a look round.


As it turns out the filming must have ended before it got to the end of the road as what you see above is as far as you get. Although I have managed to elbow my way in. You can just make out my arm and the drill I am using to make a hole in the top of the garage.

During the conversation in the pub the focus was on privacy concerns. As always I like to play Devil's advocate to the opinions of my Daily Mail-reading neighbours. All they are doing, I argued, is taking pictures from public property, just as any of us can do. There's nothing illegal in what they're doing.

As a service I know I'm going to use and love the street view of an area. That said, it's never nice to see your own house on it. I've got mixed opinions on it. You?

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Rainer Brandl
Tags: inbox
Maybe it would be helpful to display mails from other accounts in the inbox ( like the display from calendar entries in the notes calendar )
Now it´s solved with a sidebar plugin...

Author: Martin Schaefer
Tags: inotes webmail mail
Most of us really like the ability to have certain emails display with different colours, so you can easilly identify mail from customers, co-workers etc.
You can configure this in your mailbox by going to: More > Preferences > Mail > Attention Indicators (see attached screenshot).
It would be great though if these colours were also visible when using iNotes (full, lite & ultralite modes).

Author: Martin Schaefer
Tags: lotus notes clients notes
It would be great when we can configure the default servername in the open database dialog. Adding this option in policies seems to be the most logical place.
Of course this option has to check whether the client is connected to the network, when it's not the default "On My Computer" appears.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Database Icon
It would be good to have an import option in "Design icon" dialog box to import custom images and customize further as per need. It's hard to design company logo pixel by pixel.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Database Icon
It would be good to have an import option in "Design icon" dialog box to import custom images and customize further as per need. It's hard to design complex logo pixel by pixel.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Vote count
It seems vote count in square box is wrong . In one of the idea , There are 12 promotions and 1 demotions and total shows 11. I assume it should be 13 ( It seems formula is ( Promotes-Demotes=Total). Don't you think it should be say  ( Promotes+Demotes+No Suggestions=Total ).I guess no suggestions also counts as voting .

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Статьи и Документация

When you attempt to start Lotus Domino you receive an error that this server is already configured.
A clustered server's name is changed and now whenever a user logs unto their notes client they receive the error: "Unable to load frame content." Furthermore when the the user attempts to open their mail file, they receive the error: "Cannot find server."
Symphony crashes with the following error when you attempt to launch it from within Notes 8 Standard. "IBM Lotus Symphony cannot be started due to an error in accessing the Lotus Symphony configuration data. Please contact your system administrator. The following internal error has occurred: GetStorage, name: "No Content!""
HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize=256M value cannot be changed. After restarting the Domino server, the parameter reverts to 256M.
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The DAOS output file fails to create when the RUNDOMCMD utility runs in batch mode.
Your Domino server crashes on clrepl during replication.
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as in SPR
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