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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 150 от 2009-03-06

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 150 от 2009-03-06
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Рекомендую для анализа NSD файлов. |#^#]>Lotus Notes Diagnostic|#^#]>

Может кто-нибудь знает еще другой софт для подобной задачи?

Скриптом или @формулой

формулой примерно
if(city="" & Form="Person"; FIELD city="Moccow";"")
+ SELECT Form="Person"
Открываем Дизайнер , открываем базу names.nsf -> Create -> Agent->
Спасибо за ответ, но я еще новичок в системе - недавно установил и овладеваю как администратор - не подскажете, пожалуйста, более детально как именно и какими средствами выпольнить данный скрипт ...
Имеем Domino 8.0.2 d в качестве почтовой системы. Задача для всех пользователей установить значение в поля адреса, скажем в поле city значение "Москва". Как это можно реализовать не прибегая к тупому прохождению всех пользователей в Domino Administrator...
Есть ли в Domino механизм блокировки одновременной работы двух и более одинаковых ID файлов с разных рабочих мест ?
ДОбрый день,

Используем Domino сервер версии 7.0.2, установлен на MS Windows server 2003 R2

Вопрос в следующем.

Я создал Resource Reservation базу, в ней создал сайт и три ресурса типа Rooms. Все они видны в адресной книге, и доступны для выбора при создании Встречи. Однако есть два НО.

НО первое - При поиске в календаре свободных ресурсов для выбора времени встречи, не находится ни одна из трех комнат, вне зависимости от времени и дня заданного в условия поиска. Это не работает как из рабочего календаря пользвателя, так и не работает если делать поиск свободных ресурсов напрямую из Resource Reservaction базы. Прилагаю скриншоты номер 1 и 2.

НО второе - Хотя я и могу создать встречу, выбрав ресурс в адресной книге (как я сказал выше, все три Rooms видны в адресной книге, и доступны для выбора), но потом можно снова и снова использовать данный resource при создании новых встреч в тоже самое время! То есть система не видит что резервирование уже было сделано.

Собственно, в чем же там дело?

Буду благодарен за совет -))

Имеем Domino 8.0.2 d в качестве почтовой системы. Задача для всех пользователей установить значение в поля адреса, скажем в поле city значение "Москва". Как это можно реализовать не прибегая к тупому прохождению всех пользователей в Domino Administrator...
Скриптом или @формулой

формулой примерно
if(city="" & Form="Person"; FIELD city="Moccow";"")
+ SELECT Form="Person"
Спасибо за ответ, но я еще новичок в системе - недавно установил и овладеваю как администратор - не подскажете, пожалуйста, более детально как именно и какими средствами выпольнить данный скрипт ...
Открываем Дизайнер , открываем базу names.nsf -> Create -> Agent->
Начал пробовать ..
Начал пробовать ..
1. Какую базу names.nsf нужно открывать: серверную или локальную (Domino,Notes и Designer установлены сейчас на одном компьютере). В случае серверной я так понимаю нужно останавливать сервер, поскольку иначе в доступе к файлу отказано, как...
1. Ок. Все получилось.
не city="Moscow", а city:="Moscow"
@if(city="" & Form="Person"; FIELD city:="Moscow";"");
SELECT Form="Person"
теперь :
An operator or semicon was expected but none was encountered: 'Form'
Переместили пользователей с сервера akme1 на сервер akme2 и теперь у пользователя в почтовой базе на акме2, в письмах которые были получены до переноса, не открываются вложения.
Как установить атрибут «Шифрование» у нескольких баз скопом?
Я говорю про Cвойства базы->Encryption Setting
На сколько сильно скажется на производительности сервера?
А сами письма открваются нормально? Такое ощущение, что письма пытаетесь открыть, которые шифрованные. Кроме вложения в письмах что-то еще есть? Или было ли до переноса?
Я тоже сначала подумал, что письма шифрованные, но все дело в том, что в письмах помимо вложений есть еще и текст - так он читается нормально. Не получается открыть вложение ни на просмотр ни на сохранение...
Виноват, не увидел точку с запятой в конце :)
Все практически получилось, только вот установилось поле City на закладке Home, а надо бы на Work. Где можно было бы узнать названия всех полей в базе?
Alt+Enter на документе/пользователе, либо через дезайнер, форма персон
ок, спасибо
через Дизайнер все узнал
протестировал - все работает!
остался последний штрих - запуск через run - выдает, что "The agent must be run from a view window"
ВСЕ ПОЛУЧИЛОСЬ - мой respect и уважуха!!!
мечтаю - когда вычистят весь индусский UI код
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Tips. Советы

Ulrich Krause reminds us that Inbox Maintenance doesn't actually delete mail from the Inbox. He also says the process can be used on 7.x mailboxes if you make a change to the template.

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Many organizations have "mixed" environments. Thomas Duff is wondering if people supporting a Notes/SharePoint mix would be interested in sharing tips with one another.

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David Jones has posted his test results for DAOS (Domino Attachment and Object Service) on the iSeries.

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IBM has released an updated version of the DAOS estimator tool. Versions are available for AIX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

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Learn the new features in Notes/Domino 8 and pass the update exam with flying colors with TLCC's new update course. Become a Notes Domino 8 application development expert at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away.

For more information and to try a FREE course go to http://www.tlcc.com/dompowerdev.

So you want to write a sidebar app? Julian Robichaux offers some tips on how to get started and links to some useful documents and libraries.

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By Mick Moignard

Lotusphere isn't just about the announcements. There's so much more that goes on, and it's all these other things that really make Lotusphere what it is. Firstly, there are the breakout sessions. There are four different tracks and more than 170 different sessions, many with repeats. There are also the longer "Show 'n Tell" sessions, and the Sunday JumpStarts.

"People will collaborate too, beer optional."

All this means there is no way that you can get to all the sessions you'd like to, and there'll be few session slots where there aren't several sessions competing for your attention.

My favourite sessions
My favourite this year was Eric Mack and David Allen talking about personal productivity, and the use of Lotus Notes. David Allen is the originator of the Getting Things Done method. Close behind that was Matt White discussing how to use the wrong Notes design element in the right way to improve "traditional" Domino Web applications; simple but powerful techniques that were well explained and which a Domino Web developer could well put into use the week after Lotusphere.

I enjoyed Bob Balaban's JumpStart on Cloud Computing, looking at the advantages and the disadvantages of using Internet-based services as opposed to in-house systems. Then there was Nathan Freeman having to explain that a bug in Domino Designer ate his demo just before his session started and with not enough time for Maureen Leland's advice to help him get it back, but even so, between himself and Chris Blatnick they still managed a great UI design talk.

Tap here. It'll be a fun read.

Tap here to learn more about this set of 73 administrative utilities for Lotus Notes & Domino.

Declan Sciolla-Lynch offers Part 5 in a continuing series on using XPages with Domino.

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Mark Barton recently discovered Monpage.com, a free website monitoring tool to help you manage your website.

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Mikkel Heisterberg wrote about drag'n'drop support for Notes 8 and Notes 8.5 standard clients recently. But he forgot to mention what you need to do to link the Sametime libraries. Here is what he forgot to include.

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Marie L Scott had a set of requirements to meet in moving people from multiple IDs per user, to one. She also had less than a month in which to accomplish this. In this article she details what she did and how she did it.

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Patrick Kwinten has posted the code he uses to delete documents from a view using icons. This is an addition to an earlier post showing how the code works.

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Something I'm noticing while working with Flex more and more is that browsers (in particular Firefox) are quite aggressive when it comes to caching Flash (SWF) files. This can make testing more hassle than it need be at times.

To get round this I've been using a nifty little feature of HTTPWatch which lets you remove an object from the browser's cache - one or many at a time.


All you do is keep an eye on the HTTP requests for the page you loaded and look for the SWF. In the shot above it's the highlighted line. Notice the HTTP status for it is 304, whereby the server has told the browser nothing has changed. I know it has so I select Clear Cache for Selected URLs from the Tools menu and next time I load the page I get the newer version.

It's simpler than emptying the whole of the browsers cache by some other means, which can have undesirable side effects.

I know I go on about HTTPWatch quite a bit, which might look a bit suspicious to some, but it's one of the handful of tools I've come to rely on day-to-day.

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This two-part workshop will be held at the IBM PSC Stuttgart, located at the IBM headquarters in Vahingen on March 12th, 2009. The workshop will start with an overview of composite applications and finish with a hands-on demonstration.

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John Roling is celebrating. After experiencing 70 server crashes in one night, IBM has sent him the fix. The problems is related to messages with MIME corruption being accessed via IMAP.

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Take advantage of savings of up to $300 when you register today at www.lotusdeveloper2009.com or www.viewadmin2009.com.

A new type of computer worm killed Mark Taylor's laptop. Just how the machine was "infected" is unclear.

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So, over the past week or so I've mentioned the idea of a Domino "search builder" a couple of times. That's all very well, but never as good as a real demo. So, I added the builder logic to the Flex demo that lives in dext.nsf. You can now interrogate the contents of that database using your own "view builder".


Since I last mentioned the builder logic I've fixed a couple of bugettes that you guys highlighted. Mainly that it was too easy to have a mismatch between the number of open and closed brackets. The code now adds enough brackets to the start/end of the query in order to balance it out. As a bonus this means you can also build queries of any complexity by only opening brackets and then allowing the builder to add the closing one at the end, thus addressing an issue Rob raised.

I also added "wildcard" searching with the "Is Like" option for string-type fields. If you select "Is Like" you can type in things like "j*ke" (or more correctly "j%ke").

Have a play and see what you think. There are some obvious limitations but I think it works quite well for the most part.

Here are a few example of sample search filters which return results:






If any of you want to see the Flex code behind it, just say.

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Learn more about the message recall feature in Lotus Notes Domino 8.x, how to turn it off and how to hide the button completely.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

As shown by Duffbert, it is easy to convert a Google Gadget into a Notes sidebar widget.Since I already developed several OpenNTF Gadgets last year, I updated them so they would be available for the Notes ...
Author: Thomas Leriche
Tags: Address Outlook Search First Name
When creating a new email and you click on TO: field to address the message this dialogue box only allows searches by last name.  It would be nice to have a toggle to switch between last name and first name searches.
So if you don't recall the last name of person you can still find their name to send them an email. This would definitely help silence some of the Microsoft Outlook supporters.  Microsoft Outlook searches via first name.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Notes API
What about having a new tab "New Notes API" in script library like "New Javascript Library" or "Java Library"? That could provide basic skeleton to start your API and using dot notation all functions and methods can be accessed. I assume same is in build with Visual Studio.

Author: Rishi Sahi
Tags: Voting
It would be really great if I can see voting without opening the document. For a quick view, I could move my mouse on Voting box and one small box will appear which shows all the voting for the specific idea. At least I could save one click when I don't need to open the document in edit mode.Please see the mock up.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: workspace navigation client ctrl+tab alt+Arrow
Alt-Left Arrow and Alt-Right Arrow currently navigate backward and forward through the history of items opened.  sort of.  A more logical response to these commands is to cycle left and right through the tabs currently opened.
The current response to Alt-Left Arrow doesn't always go back to the last item viewed if you closed it, but sometimes it does.  The navigation is unpredictable and unintuitive. 
For those of us who prefer the faster operations of a keyboard than a mouse, this is a big deal.
Oh yeah, and make it work in all three clients, not just the Notes client.
A related issue is Ctrl-tab:

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