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Не молчи!
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Английский для детей

  Не подписывайте свой почтовый адрес сразу на много форумов. Участники некоторых гипер-активны. И ваш ящик за один день может быть завален сотнями писем. Не забывайте, что послав письмо на специальный адрес для отписки от форума, Вы еще должны будете подтвердить своё желание, ответив на сообщение от "Yahoo!Groups Notification" с темой "Please reply to unsubscribe from имя листа". Вы будете получать все сообщения с форума, пока сервер не получит от Вас этого подтверждения и не обработает его, о чём вам будет сообщено еще одним письмо от "Yahoo!Groups Notification" с темой "You have been unsubscribed from имя листа"

Приятного общения!


(know how)
...могу... ...можем...
...можешь... ...можете...
...может... ...могут...

Форум  " Libertarian Nation ":

I propose a gradual shift away from money (Federal Reserve notes) towards shares. There are several ways that can be achieved, but the Fed Res can be a good instrument to achieve this, so it shouldn't be privatized as this would isolate it from political control. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Gravitational Propulsion Stevenson":

You have come with with not just the idea of a space station (which anyone can do) but a plan on how to make it work and even carried through all the way with much thought on how to finance something like that. I read your "going to mars" page and I must say just based on what you said and how you planned out all the major things among some minor issues too, was indeed excellent. I, personally, hope such a thing can occer in our life time and you have the chance to work on it. I would definitly like to read more about these ideas and plans of yours for a system of many space stations and colonization of Mars if you have any more further written information in detail on the matter (which you can email to me if you want). I, also of course, ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " SquishDot Discussion":

I'm afraid I've been particularly busy recently :-( I would be ecstatic if people would volunteer to do this moderation for me, understood yahoo groups well enough to tell me how to make them a moderator, and then convince me that I can trust them to moderate sensibly... ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Astrology 101 - Learn about Astrology Charts & Interpretations!":

No protracted problems such as the one above can be solved within the span of an hour-long tv show ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " MARRIED PEOPLE'S PENPAL CLUB - A place for married people":

I do believe that kids CAN learn to do "chores" that need to be done again and again. I believe that they only do the things that they WANT to do. Heck, even some adults do that. Laundry piles up, bills go unpaid, appointments are late ... they just don't ever learn responsibility. By 14, one of my kids has learned a set of jobs, because he has been doing them for years. The 10 y.o. will follow soon. ... ( дальше )

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Рассылку ведет Анна Фарг

FAQ of the newsletter.

1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
у кого только почта
3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?


на самом деле
где есть
по моему мнению
Заранее спасибо за помощь


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