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Dear Friends of Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov:

You are cordially invited to our Fourth Annual Melave Malka on Motsei Shabbos, Parshas Mishpatim, February 21, 2004 - 30 Shevat 5764.

Come in out of the winter cold and warm up at the Kehilas Moreshes Yaakovs new home!   Join your old friends, make new ones, and celebrate the evening with scrumptious European buffet, musical entertainment, and good cheer.

Be inspired by our guest speaker, the esteemed scholar and inimitable orator, Rabbi Aaron Kahn, Mora D'Asra of Kehilas Bais HaKnesses, shlita.

Please mark your calendars and let your friends know!

Fourth Annual Melave Malka
February 21, 2004, 8:30 pm
at our new location
1751 Ocean Avenue (between Ave L and Ave M),
Brooklyn, NY 11230

For information call 718-253-6890
or e-mail   ashtraykher@hotmail.com

Your continuous support has made it possible for us to welcome you in our new building.   Let us use this occasion to take stock of how much has been accomplished, to celebrate the present and make plans for the future.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our party.

With Warmest Regards,

Rabbi Avraham Binsky             Alexander Shtraykher
Mora D'Asra                                     Melave Malka Chairman

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