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Привожу наглядный пример из переписки с подписчиком. Одна из тем: "Биографии замечательных людей". Ехидно спрашиваю: "На английском биографию Льва Толстого читать будем?" И получаю великолепный ответ: "Я был бы в восторге прочесть по-английски, как Чарльз Гудийр изобрел резину". ВОСТОРГ - вот КРИТЕРИЙ правильной формулировки темы! Теперь тема очень конкретная и легко находится!

Просим Гугль ( http://www.GOOGLE.ru ) найти "Чарльз Гудийр". Именно так - в двойных кавычках и по-русски. Найдено всего 380 ссылок, но в описании третьей ссылки есть английское написание имени - Charles Goodyear. Копируем в поле поиска, и опять ставим двойные кавычки. И 41 тыс. ссылок, а и на первой же странице какие вкусные ссылки:

Правильная формулировка, и Вы с первой же попытки оседлали волну! Причем не только про резину, смотрите на имена доменов - замечательные биографии изобретателей у Вас уже в кармане - читайте пока не надоест.

Итак, достаем из кармана наш листочек с темами
формулировки тем

Выбрасываем ТИНУ из тем!
по личным именам и названиям

Если что-то не получаетcя -> пишите, Анна Фарг.


Форум  " rss-dev":

Or, it's the whole problem with CDATA. Either one is fine, it's only not knowing which it is that's a problem. If you know that you either have plain text or entity encoded HTML, then you just decode entities and you're set either way. If you know that you either have plain text or CDATA wrapped HTML, then you don't decode entities, and you're set. If you know that you have either entity encoded HTML or CDATA wrapped HTML then unless your parser supports the equivalent of expat's set_cdata_section_handler() or clues you in some other way that you're getting the contents of a CDATA section, then you're screwed. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Bioelectromagnetics Discussion Group":

A one penney a month tax on my cell phone bill would not be noticed. If the money supports health related research this would be a nice benefit for the world's population. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " This is a list for the discussion of Thought Field Therapy (TFT)":

Instead of doing his homework and providing some data to support his claims, Callahan doesn't appear to feel he has any responsibility to do this, saying that he wants to spend his time making further discoveries. But if the process by which he makes these so-called discoveries is not based on the scientific method, but instead on his own anecdotes, testimonials, and radio and TV show demonstrations, how can we know how valid they are? ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " SoundDiver Users Group":

What dose this following message mean and how can i correct the problem. While trying to open midi port "TTS Virtual Piano in" in function "inmidiAddBuffer" the error "This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine which functions and messages this driver supports" occurred. Make sure the midi interface is switched on and connected. Can anyone help please ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Han Fei write the Han":

inconsistent work a collection of early Han Legalist position papers, of varying provenance? Did the united Chinese states engage the Syungnu in epic battles, before the Chin unification, or are those accounts merely constructed legends, which are not supported by parallel accounts elsewhere in the Shr Ji? Did Lw Buwei brag of the completeness of his cosmological compendium, or was most of it actually put together under the Imperial Chin, 20 years later and with a quite different sense of the intersection of the human and natural orders? Was the Ji-Sya establishment in Chi a modest affair of only six stipendiaries, or a glorious thinktank in which every philosopher of note guest lectured? Was Li Ling screwed? Did the youthful Han Wu-di decree canonical status for Confucian, as against Legalist or Dauist, learning, thus transforming the culture at a stroke? ... ( дальше )

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
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3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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