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Форум  " RPG":

First of all, a primary source of cohesion among Vampire groups tends to be friendship with the GM/Storyteller... ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " US Coast Guard Wives ":

First of all I'm glad to know you see what he did as a bad thing and not that someone is just trying to screw him (I've talked to people who have thought it was not their falt) Second this can effect his career in many ways. I will tell you what I have seen happen but in the end it is all up to his command. As long as he has no other alchool offensive he may get off with having to go to a alchool treatment class, some times its just AA some times it maybe a class trough the military, depends on where he is stationed. He may also lose privlages, such as if he's on a bost he may be restricted to the boat. He may lose rank but if this is the first problem I dought he will, I have yet to see that happen for an alchool offense. Now again these are just things I've seen. He will most likely have to face what ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Ottawa Valley Astronomy Observers Group":

Greetings to all and Brian, Francois...without prejudice. First of all being a pure "newtonian" as Brian would say, it requires very good manufacturing procedure. Now, at F/4.5 and up, you get away with minimal spherical aberration. But look out!! Add a Schmidt corrector plate, and "voila!" your optical problem are solved. First you will be able to have a lower F ratio on a pure newtonian, and second, you will remove all spherical aberration. For those who do not know what spherical aberration is, then look in a cheap newtonian, at a star field, and if you see all pin point light, in the middle of the field, and if you see like coma or elongated stars near the edges, THAT's spherical aberration. It's typical in newtonian design but, can be corrected by adding a ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Esker ActiveX Plug-in mailing list":

Hi, first of all thanks for your help. I'm following your suggestion, so I packaged my ActiveX with the Package and deployment wizard. I marked my project as safe for scripting and initializing. Therefore, I have a cab file now, so I modified my page in order to make reference to the cab file. This is my EMBED and OBJECT tags now: ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The Official Engrish Club":

First of all, a pixel means picture element. They are using one-pixel gifs (images that are one dot in size) on their pages and with their ad banners. How do you consider this different than cookies that companies have always used? They can not do much with this information. If, for example, you didn't want Yahoo to know you visit www.sitex.com they WOULDN'T know unless sitex.com uses banner ads from Yahoo. ... ( дальше )

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4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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