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Нужен ли преподаватель для освоения языка?

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@ Английский для детей

Добрый день,
Irina, Dilik, Василий, Dmitry, Yuri, Екатерина, Наталья Витальевна, Галина, Judjin, Андрей Владимирович, Павел, Тимур Маратович, Alina, Григорий Яковлевич, София, Андрей Геннадьевич, Сидоров, Ира, Aleftina, Igor, Анна, Galina, Ксения, Natasha, Alexey, Oksana, ANNUSHKA, Лена, Artem, Н.В., Михаил, Temirlan, Анастасия, Галина, Eka, Татьяна, Maks, Ирина, Nickolai!

Записки в рассылке будут пока последний человек в приветствии не скажет "всё! я вЫРОС из этой рассылки" ;-) Но времени на рост у Вас не много - до середины декабря!

В, доступных в интернете, словарях русского языка слова 'педагог', 'учитель' и 'преподаватель' считаются синонимами. Замечали ли Вы, что многие педагоги, т.е. люди с педагогическим образованием, к вопросу об оттенках смысла этих слов относятся весьма болезненно, обрывая разговор фразой "учителя - в школе, преподаватели - в высшей школе". Однако любой "native" :-) русского чует различие в них. Препод может быть классным, но с большой буквы будет только Учитель.

Разногласий у учащихся/учеников/обучаемых относительно "препода" фактически нет. Препод - это тот, кто пере(over) ПОдает (give/serve/send) известные ей/ему *сведения*, и в силу своих способностей делая этот процесс передачи (upload<->download) эффективным. Но _превращение_, поданных Вам на вход, сведений в ЗНАНИЕ, это уже зона ответственности *ученика*.

Нужен ли преподаватель для освоения языка?


Самое распространенное применение препода НЕ ПО НАЗНАЧЕНИЮ в качестве палки-подгонялки. Каждый оплаченный урок как некий неотвратимый deadline. Эффективность ниже 40%. Другое НЕ ЦЕЛЕВОЕ применение - это мимолетно действующая анестезия неуверенности. Таким клиентам нужно постоянно смотреть в глаза сервера, угадывая по мимике правильно слово сказано или нет. Если клиент не принимает на себя _ответственность_ за всю сказанную _им_ фразу, если не умеет обрабатывать ошибки, то результата от работы с преподом нет. Эффективность такого применения препода меньше 10%.

Реально же, _препод_, как правило, МОЖЕТ ПОМОЧЬ (а может и не помочь) всего в ДВУХ направлениях:

  • протестировав, выявить пробелы в _знаниях_ и посоветовать соответствующие учебники, сборники упражнения и книги для чтения, особенно если имеет хорошую собственную библиотеку (фонотеку, видеотеку);
  • достаточно быстро ответить или найти ответ (или затушевать Ваш интерес в этом направлении) на Ваши специфичные языковые вопросы.

Т.е. Вы получаете некую экономию времени за счет не развития собственного умения искать.

Таким образом, ПРЕПОД - это даже не партнер, а всего лишь ПОМОЩНИК. Но найти препода, подходящего _лично_ Вам, не проще чем найти _хорошего_ секретаря ;)

Про _учителей_ продолжим завтра.

Best regards,
Anna Fargue


...fingers crossed... ...постучать по дереву...

Форум  " Howard-Tilton Memorial Library":

Just got back from an unsanctioned trip into New Orleans. Tulane looks to be in fairly good shape and crews had already cleaned up most of the campus, as well as Audubon Park (probably done by the army of volunteer crews in the city). I think the university could very well be open in January as Cowen says in his September 14 message. One very difficult thing for Tulane will be finding housing, schools, services, etc., for all of its employees that soon. But, as Cowen says, the university has a team at work on these very arrangements. Damage between, say, Freret Street and the river uptown is mostly wind damage. Many houses looked untouched while occasional others had roofs or sections blown away. Trees and powerlines took the worst damage in these neighborhoods. The residential areas that had flooding are something else altogether, and these are the most sad. It's hard to see how the structures there can be repaired. I helped some friends get started on their flooded home, be fore moving on to ours. They had lost pretty much everything. Our house on relatively dry Green Street not far from Tulane is unliveable at present. Two very big oak trees fell on the back, leaving it pretty much wide open and mashing several rooms. It will be a challenge to try to put it back together. At least we have the front part of a house, which I know is more than a lot of people can say. Lance has made a couple of trips to the library, and is an active member of the president's emergency management team overall. Eric Wedig has also made a trip to the H-TML to survey the damage to the basement, where emergency crews have pumped most of the water out. While the materials in the basement will be lost, there is some comfort in that much of the basement was empty space after removing the SEAA several years back. It could have been worse. We will just have to keep our fingers crossed that the moisture and mold can be contained within th e basement. Jones had basement water also, and my understanding is that crews are actively addressing this also. I contacted our book vendors to stop approval and standing order shipments. All responded by sending us their very sincere best wishes. For the time being we will not try to stop serials at the vendor/publisher level, which might do more harm than good. I'm going to see if someone from both the postal service and UPS can give us some advice on this, and we'll consult EBSCO too. Lance has visited the off site facility and his initial report, left on my voice mail while I was away, sounded very promising. Let's keep our fingers crossed on this as well. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " This mailing list revolves around the emerging science of nanotechnology.":

. Friday before last and his response was very rapid in approving our funding for the Gold Team Educational Project. I phoned Bill Spence immediately and requested that he meet with him to find out if Wayne was serious or just another blow hard. It seems like we may have a very viable situation here. As you will see in Bills message. They had lunch and evidently a Dr. Susan was present also. So keep your fingers crossed and put out your positive vibes and we may actually have the funds within 90 days!!!! Enjoy, ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " EVWorld General Discussion":

It seems to me that what FCEV developers have high hopes of -- fingers crossed -- is within ten years to increase cell power-to-mass ratio, lifetime, efficiency, and make them enough cheaper that they can be the foundation of a hydrogen car as desirable as the BMW 520h The 300-km range mentioned for it was, in my opinion, real. In FCEV terms it went 660 km. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " World Trade Organization Forum":

"EU Enlargement & GMOS : Exporters Of Agro-products Keeping Fingers Crossed" Indian exporters are very much concerned about the implications of the enlargement of the European Union (EU) by the inclusion of 10 new accession countries which comes into effect from May 1. The exporters of food and agro produces, in particular, are concerned as the EU known opposition to genetically modified (GM) food and norms on labelling and traceability and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures will be adopted by the new members. They have cautioned the government to adopt a rational policy on GM crops, keeping in view the trade prospects. The exporters also feel that ... ( дальше )

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4. А где перевод цитат?
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