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Добрый день,
B.N., Irina, Dilik, Василий, Dmitry, Yuri, Екатерина, Наталья Витальевна, Галина, Judjin, Андрей Владимирович, Павел, Тимур Маратович, Alina, Григорий Яковлевич, София, Андрей Геннадьевич, Сидоров, Ира, Aleftina, Igor, Анна, Galina, Ксения, Natasha, Alexey, Oksana, ANNUSHKA, Лена, Artem, Н.В., Михаил, Temirlan, Анастасия, Галина, Eka, Татьяна, Maks, Ирина, Nickolai!

Записки в рассылке будут пока последний человек в приветствии не скажет "всё! я вЫРОС из этой рассылки" ;-) Но времени на рост у Вас не много - до середины декабря!

Возвращаясь к толку. Ожидалось, что моя болтовня в 107 и 108 выпусках должна была подвести Вас к выводу, что при любом 'раскладе' Вам придётся учить самого себя САМОМУ и САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО.

Но не значит ли это, что Вам придётся сначала получить педагогическое образование? Вовсе нет.

Для того чтобы учить СЕБЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО САМОМУ, Вам необходимо сменить ученический подход к обучению на подход учителя.

Ученик у Вас ОДИН. Причем этот ТОТ самый, кого Вы знаете досконально, чьи увёртки распознаете заранее, и чьи все способы увиливания знаете на зубок - это ВЫ САМИ.

Сверх того, у Вас есть эталон поведения Учителя для этого ученика. Вам остаётся только следовать нему ;-)

Best regards,
Anna Fargue


...according to... ...согласно...

Форум  " Aleksandr Pushkin Fan Club - "He's the mailman of human civilization" (Pushkin)":

The famous Russian poet and writer Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), fatally wounded in a duel by his brother-in-law and rival, left a secret, ciphered journal, which was discovered and smuggled out of the USSR in 1976 by Russian author Mikhail Armalinsky. There has been a lot of speculation and mystery surrounding this journal. According to legend, Pushkin's will stipulated that the journal not be published until 100 years after his death. Some people claimed that the Journal never existed at all. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " httpd":

I like the suggestion as well because I think that would be the right way to implement complex LDAP expressions. But it would probably take adding at least a new util_ldap_filter_search() API to Util_ldap() in order to accomodate this functionality. The advantage of also having an ldap-attribute directive is because if simplicity as well as performance. According to the LDAP docs, doing an ldap_compare_s() is faster than an ldap_search_s(). I will go ahead an commit the patch as-is and also propose a backport for it. But I think that we should look at adding a "require ldap-filter" directive as well for Apache 2.1/2.2. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " JUnit, the Java unit testing framework written by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.":

I usually like your approach, however according to this article, C# creators propose that methods should not be made automatically overridable. I suppose we can do the same in java with the 'final' modifier. Do you think there is any merit to this strategy for large, long-lived systems? Any other opinions? ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " New Kind of Christian":

Sin is a sin is a sin, according to Jesus. We are broken humanity. Confession and Repentence are how we turn our back on our stupid broken humanness and take up the life of God: to love our neighbor as ourself. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The eBook Community":

There was no conflict between morality and legality in the early Common Law, because that which was immoral was also illegal. The application of "natural law", however, depends on a religiously homogeneous society, and even then it was recognized that some regulation was necessary for the efficient operation of society. According to the Justinian Code, "The laws of nature, which all nations observe alike, being established by a divine providence, remain ever fixed and immutable. But the laws which every state has enacted, undergo frequent changes, either by the tacit consent of the people, or by a new law being subsequently passed." ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The Christian Faith: Discussed, Defended":

Yes, God does want us to interpert the Bible. But there is a right interpretation and a wrong interpretation of it. The problem is that denominational doctrines, creeds and confessions of faith are causing a great deal of division, and false interpretation of God's Word. This is what it boils down to with the agnostic part. An agnostic is one who claims that truth really can't be known; therefore, we just "do the best we can," if you will. Many today claim that we can't see the Bible alike, which is nothing but agnosticism among those who profess to be belivers. In contrast to this, the Bible teaches that Jesus wants us to be one, like He and His Father are one (John 17:20-21). That oneness is attained by walking according to the same rule of faith, the Bible (Philippians 3:16-17), not the commandments of men which turn people from the truth (Titus 1:14). Commentaries are fine, as long as they don't replace the Bible. God's Word constantly warns against the danger of being destroyed for lack of knowledge of His Word (Hosea 4:6, for example). Hope this helps bring some understanding, and I hope we can continue to talk together of God's Word. ... ( дальше )

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3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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