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Форум  " Archivists Talk":

Please note that that email address is archivists-talk-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com, NOT NOT ***NOT*** archivists-talk@yahoogroups.com. So, if you send "REMOVE ME" messages to the list, we will ignore them. We cannot remove you. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Gold and Currency Warfare":

What should be very evident is the fact that this prosperity has been created by debt. What the world refuses to see is that in the "real" world, debt has to be repaid. You cannot [add] debt on debt forever. Eventually the economy gets debt saturated usually with very low interest rates. At that point the expansion stops and then reverses. That is where we are today. The expansion has stopped and is now beginning to reverse. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " XSL Formatting Objects":

The real-world example that one of my customers had was to change the page geometry for landscape tables, but the author had the control of specifying whether a given table was landscape or not through an attribute of the table. One cannot use a rotated block container in the flow for a landscape table in a portrait page geometry because the containers do not trigger pagination. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Heathen history":

What evidence can we use to form an idea of the beginnings of Germanic kingship? There is a proto-Germanic history into which archaeology and shreds of tradition allow us some insights. They could scarcely be expected to allow us more. We cannot define it in terms of, say, the Germans of the first century B.C.; we do not know what word or words they used to describe their kings; we do not know what those kings were for. We may assume their existence, and that is as far as we should go. For facts we must wait till the Romans speak. When we turn to Tacitus we can assume that he had a clear idea of what kingship had meant and ought to mean to Romans. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Tenor Guitar Registry":

I have seen a picture of Lawrence Marrero playing a National Plectrum guitar, but cannot find out when the picture was taken, who the band members were - except George Lewis - can anyone help? ... ( дальше )

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
у кого только почта
3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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