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@ Английский для детей

  Маленькие дети очень часто бояться воды, бояться зайти ногами на мелкоту в реке, поплескаться...К счастью они еще не умеют оправдывать свой страх неспособностью стать чемпионами по плаванью, прыжкам воду, гребле и прочим водным видам спорта. Для вас, взрослых людей, этот страх перед неизвестной мокрой субстанцией смешон, ребёнок берется за "шкирятник" и при полном игнорировании его воплей запихивается со смехом в воду. Раз, другой, третий, десятый.... вот только на Вам нет такого великана, который выбил бы из вас дурь - страх перед незнакомым языком... Смешной страх-то - на одном-то языке вы же худо-бедно, но общаетесь....  

...it is just... ...просто...

Форум  " One Big Huntingtons Family - Support from those who have been there.":

IT IS POSSIBLE, however, to say for example, an HD pos person have 5 children.........it may be that 3 out of those 5 children HAVE THE GENE........and 2 DO NOT. That is not skipping....it is just that 2 of those 5 children did not inherit the gene and they will not inherit the HD disease. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " This mailing list revolves around the emerging science of nanotechnology.":

Who in the 1970s was unaware of the Arab embargo in 1973 and subsequent OPEC production quotas? But it was true then, and it is true now, that the world's petroleum supply is finite and consumption cannot continue to grow exponentially as it had from the early 20th century until 1973. It was true then and it is true now that we need to develop alternatives for sustainability, independence, and pollution control. It is just a whole lot more true now, and we'd be much better off if the energy efficiency and renewable energy investments that were begun then had been kept up instead of slacking off when prices came down again in the 1980s. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " K-Logs (Knowledge Management Weblogs)":

I have no experience in implementing real life KM but I have been studying KM for quite sometime and no, I do not get paid for this :) It is just a query from someone who is implementing KM to their worldwide offices and he was telling me of this idea. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Linux Newbies":

When I go to a site and I see a big ad for VIAGRA, I assume it is just another spam and I drop it fast. Maybe I dropped it too fast but I see so many spams regarding VIAGRA I just assume. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " ASCOM Initiative Discussion List":

I still believe that having focus offset information that the FW interface returned is useful information even if it is just a regurgitation of what was entered in the setup dialog, ... ( дальше )

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